My accounts are on the Hive blacklist

in steemworld •  5 years ago  (edited)

Will there be a SteemWorld on Hive?

I'm on your beloved witnesses blacklist, guys.
Do I need to say more?

Why are you blacklisted?

Maybe because I took part in de-escalating the situation and therefore voted for both sides (4 of Justin's witnesses). Freezing accounts in a "decentralized" blockchain is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. They are responsible for what is happening now and they obviously cannot handle the truth.

There is a reason why Steem, despite the clearly superior technology, was not in the top lists by market cap. It's not just a random occurrence. It looks like they don't want to lose control and by keeping the community small it is much easier to accomplish that.

"Divide and conquer the world" is their mission. Many who are taking part are not even aware of this fact. I have seen enough.

I love Steem and will continue to work on SteemWorld. Putting a developer like me on a blacklist shows that they won't give people a chance who share different opinions. The existing dictatorship in the core has now become clearly visible to the world.

As they lost control over Steem, they needed to start an own blockchain. Many worker bees blindly followed and continued to work for the same old self-chosen kings as before. Bring us only the honey we love or die.

I stay true to myself and will do my best to bring Steem to where it belongs. It's time.

Much love,

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Das kann doch nicht wahr sein! Ich will es nicht glauben!!
Ich hoffe sehr, dass es sich um einen Irrtum handelt.
Einem der treuesten und besten Entwickler den Stuhl vor die Tür zu stellen, ist nicht nur dumm, sondern kriminell.

Ich protestiere!

Auf jeden Fall werde ich dich mit meinen Assets auf steem weiter unterstützen und hoffe, dass dieser Fehler korrigiert wird.


P.S. @seo-boss steht auch in der Blacklist! Das muss auch korrigiert werden.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-20 um 10.00.23.png
Ich bin auch auf der Blacklist. Keine Ahnung warum.

Hi lichtblick. I believe there was a mistake in the code to exclude accounts, or rather a forgetful step of foreseeing proxies and ignoring what the accounts were voting on before proxying their vote. Thankfully accounts will still be able to claim their airdrop through the dao later on for those who didn't on purpose vote for sockpuppets. That's what I've heard at least, hope that info helps. :)

Dictatorship without democracy - Where is now free speech?

No that was not mistake. This was hostile Fork.
That was your plan to undermine many members who are steem investors and steem supporters. HIVE fork froze fork coins and took free coins to many steem members.

Many thanks for the clarification @acidyo.
My proxy witness choice with @pharesim was the right choice and I will get HP delegated by him until my Airdrop is realized.
Phew I am glad that this has been clarified relatively quickly.

(wo sieht man denn die Blacklist?)
Hab's gefunden :)

Link oben klicken

Double-u ist mir neben deinem Namen auch noch ins Auge gefallen. Müsst ja zwei ganz böse Schlingel sein.

das wäre mal doof - wird sich klären lassen hoffe ich

Ja hat sich schon geklärt. Danke.

Super!!! Das freut mich!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Wenn auf Hive ein sogenannter @Smooth dabei ist, will ich sowieso nicht dorthin. Da schreibe ich lieber auf der Blockchain eines schlecht informierten Investors, als auf der Blockchain von kleinen Diktatoren und Betrügern. Das Pack ist tatsächlich krank im Kopf!

If there is a so-called @Smooth on Hive, I don't want to go there anyway. I'd rather write on the block chain of a badly informed investor than on the block chain of small dictators and swindlers. That bunch is actually sick in the head!

Wie findest du diese Downvote Bazooka von Justin Sun von heute (21.3.2020) Nachmittag? Cool, gell? Der Junge lernt schnell, wie man so was macht!

bildschirmdruck 20200321 003.jpg

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
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  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Wenn die Entscheidung so einfach wäre. Über kurz oder lang geht eine der beiden Plattformen in den Orkus. Fragt sich nur, welche.

Ich arbeite erst einmal parallel und unterstütze weiterhin meine Buddies auf beiden Seiten des Grand Canyons.


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Das ist natürlch schlau. Ich starte auf keinen Fall auf einer Fork, die mit einer Blacklist reüssiert. Das zeigt ja wohl schon deutlich, wie es weitergehen soll. Wie gehabt, nehme ich an. Na ja, vieleicht kommt ja Voice noch irgendwann in die Puschen. In Domainkauf und Ankündigen sind sie ja schon Weltmeister.

Hallo @afrog wenn die Investoren mal verstehen würden das sie mehr verdienen wenn sie die Finger vom Lenkrad der Blockchain nehmen würden !
Viel Machtgehabe

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Das Pack widert mich an. Der Chinese ist zu blöd zu analysieren was er da eigentlich kauft. Die Circle-Jerk- und Selbstvoterclique will selbstherrlich weiter bestimmen. Ich glaub, isch gebb uff! Da sind zu viele Idioten mit Eigeninteressen am Drücker. Die denken, weil sie mal Geld gemacht haben sind sie jetzt auch geeignet, eine dezentrale Blockchain zu leiten. Viel zu wenige Demokraten haben tatsächlichen Einfluss auf dieses selbstgerechte Pack.

Meine einzige Hoffnung ruht noch darauf, dass wenigstens @dan seinen Prinzipien treu geblieben ist und Voice bald die Türen aufsperrt. Das dürfte dann was mit Hand und Fuß sein, sowie einem verlässlichen Führungsteam. Was der Steem bisher abgeliefert hat, war ganz extrem unter den Möglichkeiten. Da wird weder die eine, noch die andere Fork Erfolg haben und die Scheiß-Airdrops kann bei Hive lutschen, wer will. Ich stehe dafür nicht mehr zur Verfügung- Einmal 4 Jahre Verarschung reicht mir eigentlich.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Schade ich durfte @dan leider nicht kennen lernen bin Januar 18 hier aufgeschlagen ich weis aber das viele meinten der Falsche wäre gegangen er hat eine gute Reputation bei den Usern die ihn kennen.
Du lass mal den Rauch vergehen schauen wir in ein paar Wochen mal wie es aussieht
Hive ist am ersten Tag schon am bevormunden und
Blacklist und was für User da drauf stehen normal sollte ein Aufschrei da sein von #deutsch User
Ich hab bei hive einen kleinen Post gemacht über meinen Eindruck Blacklist ,Egoismus und Gier.
Ich mag ja Investoren aber die Sorte die den Profi erkennt Investiert und sich dann ein bisschen zurück niemand oder man muss selbst den Plan von den Dingen haben .
Ich glaubte ja sicher auf der Blacklist zu sein aber nein

Steem on

Das Fröschen spricht mir schon aus der Seele. Du solltest standup comedien machen. Ich würde es feiern. Wie den Rether....

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Danke, liebes Blümchen. Das war aber gar keine Comedy, sondern nur eine emotionale Betrachtung dessen, was passiert. Tatsächlich bin ich bei Standup eher ein Breakdown. Schlagfertigkeit ist nicht mein Ding.

Übrigens – ich gebe nicht auf. Sie haben meinen Stake verdoppelt. Danke dafür!

I'd rather write on the block chain of a badly informed investor than on the block chain of small dictators and swindlers.

Justin Sun ist leider beides: badly informed und ein Schwindler und Diktator.
Im Moment hat man die Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera. Kleine und große Schwindler wird es aber auf beiden Seiten immer geben. Und dezentral gibt es weder hier noch dort.

@freiheit50 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?
@freiheit50 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !----> Who is investinthefutur ?

@freiheit50 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?
@freiheit50 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !----> Who is investinthefutur ?

Schöne neue Hive-Welt, mit einigen Imkern die schon Chiller's Propostal ein DVote verpasst haben.

Ich protestiere mit Dir! ;-)

Ich habe gerade die Liste durchgesehen. Da stehen mehrere von unserer deutschen Gemeinschaft drauf.

Ja, ich habe es auch gesehen. Was machen die da nur.... , ich verstehe es nicht. Am freien Markt setzt sich das bessere Produkt durch. Mit Zwang und Blacklist zu agieren ist echt nicht gut.

// Accounts excluded who voted a minimum of two sockpuppets or proxied someone who voted a minimum of two and who didn't unvote before the hive announcement with more than 1k sp

The Rules of the blacklist is too harsh, it's ridiculous. 1000SP before the announcement is $130. That's nothing. @blocktrades and whoever is behind the hardfork need to revise this ASAP

I think removing the ninja minded stake, is only the first step

Moving to the new Blockchain, we expect a safe place for free speech and free opinion. We can take sides, we can vote for whoever we want even for Justin Sun if he decides to onboard hive.

I expect Hive will be a completely better version of Steem not just a hardfork. We don't want Steem Blockchain code, we had millions of problems with it. We want the community, its values and its experiences; @steemchiller is part of that.

If Hive will be another centralised Blockchain under different names, I will be leaving it

I think it's too late for them to fix that matter... They should've seen the problems right away and fixed them before putting that list into the code.

It isn't too late. By design it can be corrected in a later HF or even directly via an SPS proposal. Make your case and if Hive stakeholders agree then it will be done.

But that is not really a smart way of approaching such matters. In dubio pro reo. You should take the list to a usable content before applying it. What you are doing is equivalent to putting innocent people into jail because you slightly suspect they might maybe be criminal.

You're approaching that matter in a shoot first talk later fashion which I don't like.

I don't think there is anything wrong with the list, except for one technical error I'm aware of.

People should take responsibility for their actions. If you support centralizing a chain in any way then don't expect a new chain built for the entire purpose of decentralization to give you free coins.

Everyone on that list or not still has their Steem. Nothing has been taken away.

I'm sorry @smooth, but I'm calling bullshit on that one. Go back to the article I wrote 3 years ago when I told you this place was centralised.

You said it wasn't and I was wrong, you even flagged me for daring to suggest that Steemit was centralised.

Now I see why, because you and a bunch of the other whales were made so because you were allowed to mine Steem, thus giving you and the other members of the cabal a ninja mine.

But the fact is, you sat quietly and enjoyed the fruits of your ninjamine. Now when Ned sells his share of the spoils, suddenly you and the others jump on your soapbox and bang the decentralisation drum.


Now and your buddies can have all the power on the new chain, whilst claiming decentralisation, and the lost sheep who want you to vote for them will agree with you.

Well, not me, I'll always call it like it is, flag me, vote me, ignore me, at least I'll be able to look at myself in the mirror for not ignoring this hypocrisy.


except for one technical error I'm aware of

Are you going to fix that prior to taking that list live? Because that's a thing fixed in 3 Minutes if you know what you are doing.

Otherwise I think we can peacefully disagree on that. I don't have the stake to change such things, so I'll have to live with what you are doing...

No, it isn't feasible to change the code so soon before a hardfork. There are already exchanges running the release, and they already complained that getting it only a day or two before was way too late. (Ideally hard fork code is frozen and release a month before, but this was considered an emergency situation.)

This will need to be addressed on the Hive side.

That's very bad for all the users which are affected despite not applying to your criteria. I expect a quick solution for those accounts from the top 20 hive witnesses. ASAP after the hardfork. Those users shouldn't have to do anything more than others to get what they deserve.

Nothing wrong with it? I didn't vote anybody anymore and I am on the blacklist honey....

The same thing they did with STINC's stake, which started all of this drama.


haha cool my words for more than 2 weeks now, happy to see you using them too ;)

Does this mean that accounts less than 1000 will not receive Airdrop?

It means if someone proxied with more than 1000sp and did not unvote the puppets they don't get the airdrop. anyone with less than 1000sp does not get counted as a traitor.

Ok thanks

This whole thing is so hypocritical. A large amount of those witnesses received a chance to mine Steem and that is why they are whales.

So they are fine with a ninjamined stake if they own it, but not if anyone else does.


Never heard that before. Can you share a link or something where this story is written down?





  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I'm pretty sure no person put you on a blacklist... the IF THEN mechanism of the decision simply had you on that side of the code and they couldn't pick favorites so save or otherwise. Sounds like they wanted to make sure there was no picking and choosing.

I really want to see you and your project on Hive... I know there are a lot of people who'd love to support you and what you do. Your site is wonderful.

I've seen people talk about how they'd be more than willing to support the recourse for you to get hive tokens equal to what they could have been.

However it does sound like you're not interested and that makes me sad... but I suppose that's your decision.

I'm pretty sure no person put you on a blacklist... the IF THEN mechanism

Does it mean that nobody had the time to review the list? Lame excuse. Blame it on the IF THEN mechanism and the world keeps spinning. How about to make contact with the accounts on the list and ask what where going on? No?

There was very little time to review it. I saw the list yesterday afternoon and explained why I think it was the wrong approach. Unfortunately there was not enough time for larger discussion as the code had to be finalized, tested, and distributed to exchanges so they can support the airdrop.

It's an unfortunate situation we have to work through as best we can. I'm hopeful the proposal system will work to include members of the community in the Hive airdrop who token holders agree should be included and do not have an intent to centralize the chain.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

The list was not made by a person. It was made by deciding on criteria (supporting centralizing the chain) and then running a script. No one went through the resulting list and decided to add or remove subjectively.

There will be an opportunity for appeal on the Hive blockchain using its equivalent of SPS. Corresponding tokens have been reserved in the DAO account for this.

Don't you think that's how it should be with no favorites being played? If he had been tipped off prior to infraction instead of someone else it would have been way more problematic don't you think?

I'm included to the list, I didn't receive any notice or warning about it. Nobody reach out.

And I didn't expect to be included since I condemn "centralization", I happened to follow a proxy.

It seems that they don't bother to review what the code decides for this "Hive blacklist", the Hive team are group of devs and it's their job to put up the codes for Hive, but it looks like they didn't appoint anyone to review the blacklist.

I feel bad for myself but I feel worse for @steemchiller considering his effort for the community.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

yeah somebody set the rules for the if then mechanism...

and this dude put him on the blacklist...

The if then mechanism is about picking lel. Same as select from where and every other mechanism where you set parameters which filters data.

This was dumb decision.

He is totally right with every word he is saying.

Maybe because I took part in de-escalating the situation and therefore voted for both sides

This is how a "real witness" should have handled.

I respectfully disagree in that voting for accounts actively sybil attacking the chain dramatically decreases the security of the chain as far as DPoS is designed. Witnesses who understand this should not support sock puppets.

That said, I don't agree with how this was decided. I tried to change minds and said it would be a black spot on the beginning of this chain. Unfortunately I was unable to convince those involved to take a different approach and just focus on the Steemit ninja-mined stake.

This is how a "real witness" should have handled

I disagree. It was part of an attack. I think @steemchiller is the model of what a Steemian should be, but actively supporting such an attack goes a step beyond saying that he was in the right to do so. What he should have done (if he didn't support centralization) is to vote for witnesses whom he believed in, even if it excluded all of the top witnesses who supported the softfork. I could even see voting for a single sock, but not 4.

That being said, mistakes are made and if anyone deserves latitude, I think Steemchiller does. He is upstanding and moral.

A witness should do the best for the community and this is NOT working against justinsun.

A compromise and more good communication would have been the right way.

The Problem with the ninja mine stack should have been resolved through discussions.

Sun is a big investor with a valuable network and this is something steem needs, a witness should have tried everything to generate added value out of this partnership instead of doing aggressive forks without communication.

this wasnt done.

PS: with 4 witnesses in the top positions you can not decide by your one, so their was a chance of kickstarting communication between sun and community witnesses.

Of course i understand your points, but the goal of a witness should be to give us steemians (their voters) the best results in form of steem as a product for users and steem as an investor. This goes by partnerships and onboarding new users due to marketing and an technological outstanding product, which needs money which for example sun has.

I agree, but I do feel they made a lot of attempts to contact them before the soft fork. And even after. They didn't without any connection. They announced it was temporary and expressed the desire to communicate. Before the softfork, the only communications coming from the tron side were that a token swap was going to happen on a timeline, and if the swap wasn't done, that your Steem would "turn into nothing". There was also the deal with Justin using tron Genesis tokens in voting which he wasn't supposed to do.

So with all that going in and the combination of no other communication, I can understand why they took that action. I may feel they went a little too far by implementing a total freeze, but that was also mitigated somewhat by the public declaration of it being temporary.

From that point, it went downhill.

But there was someone who wrote that IF THEN mechanism who is responsible for that. Seeing that @steemchiller and others are one the list proves that this IF THEN mechanism is not good. I deem it obvious that a @steemchiller doesn't have his place in that list. The author of the mechanism should've seen that and fixed that mechanism.
Edit: I don't want to write redundant comments so I'll do that in an edit. I believe that the rules are not adequately set. If you don't believe that, that's fine. But I also believe that in general you are no better that justin sun if you choose to exclude certain accounts because of their opinion.
Another thing about that list that bugs me is that this only applies to accounts bigger than 1k SP. For one because that is a completely random number. And because this is completely unfair. Should I split up my stake to a few accounts in preparation for the next blacklisting of accounts because then they won't be blacklisted?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

The criteria were widely supported by those creating the Hive blockchain. THE ENTIRE PURPOSE of the effort was to escape the centralization that destroyed Steem. Including people who actively supported that centralization does not make sense.

That being said, there is an appeal mechanism and if anyone believes that they were unfairly excluded they are free to appeal to the Hive stakeholders to reverse the decision. This could even be done to reverse the entire list for that matter.

I deem it obvious that a @steemchiller doesn't have his place in that list.

I don't think it is obvious at all. He voted for the sock puppets and never removed that vote until after the Hive announcement. You may not have strong views on centralization vs. decentralization but the people who volunteered their effort (an enormous effort at that) to make Hive happen most certainly do have strong views on that. If they didn't Hive would not exist.

Strange. I don't understand your criteria. I voted for 4 witnesses and only one is running 0.22.5.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

It's not my criteria, I was reporting what is in the code and I also think it is quite reasonable.

If you feel your account was wrongly included in the list you can appeal to the Hive community for a correction.

That your hiding behind a community it's a little pathetic. Don't you think. I only have 4 votes. Maybe only one does not meet your criteria. That's not a clean start for you guys.
Shady start once again.

What do you mean by one again?

He has as much of a place as any on the list.

Same rhetoric. Same voting.

The fact that he provides valuable service doesn't give him a pass.

Same rhetoric. Same voting, it's all the same from the hive folks.

Bist Du nicht für mich, so bin ich gegen Dich. Krank ist das.


Mir fehlt etwas der Durchblick bei diesem Thema.
Aber generell finde ich es schade, wenn sich die Fronten so verhärten und alle unversöhnlich miteinander umgehen.
Ich kann beim besten Willen nicht beurteilen, wer da nun Recht oder Unrecht hat. Womöglich geht es anderen auch so.
Allerdings tendiere ich ganz klar zu dezentralisierten Strukturen. Ich fühle mich dort am besten aufgehoben, wo das am besten gesichert ist. Aber wo wird das sein?

Aber wo wird das sein?

Bei einer "freien Blockchain" gleich mal zu demonstrieren, wer das Sagen hat - damit ist doch alles gesagt!

Guck dir die Liste mal ganz genau an - du wirst viele Bekannte wieder finden!!!

Wie in Russland: Putin gegen die Oligarchen und umgekehrt. Saublöd.

Das Leben lehrt: Freiheit ist eine Illusion, wenn man in einer Gesellschaft lebt. Etwas freier ist man nur, wenn man Macht/Geld hat. Oder man zieht sich komplett aus der Gesellschaft zurück, wenn sie es denn überhaupt zulässt. Dann kriegt man Zahnweh und es ist vorbei mit der schönen Freiheit... Echte Freiheit gibt es nur im Kopf, und selbst die hat noch ihren Preis.

Genug Küchenphilosophie. Hier geht es nur um binäres Geld und was das "draußen" noch wert ist, wird man vielleicht schon in den nächsten 6-8 Wochen zu spüren bekommen.

Mir wäre es auch lieber, man würde mit dem besseren Produkt überzeugen. Machtspielchen, Unterdrückung und Herrschaftsavancen wirken auf mich gelinde gesagt nicht gerade vertrauenserweckend.

Allerdings bin ich auf dem Gebiet echt ein Noob. Ich habe echt keine Ahnung davon und kann hier nur meine ersten "Emotionen" wiedergeben. Mal gucken, wie sich das ganze entwickeln wird. Ich kann da echt momentan nur abwarten.

Lieber Andy,
in so einem Fall gibt es nichts mehr zu gucken. Die Volltrottel haben sich tatsächlich schon bein Start disqualifiziert. Ich wünsche denen einsame Tage bei Cirkle-Jerk und Selbstvoting.

Ich halte mich mit Urteilen auf Grund meiner Unwissenheit lieber mal zurück. Erst müsste ich mir mal eine Überblick verschaffen. Mal sehen, ob sich die Fehler noch ausbügeln lassen. Allerdings wurde echt von beiden Seiten Porzellan zerlegt, soweit ich das beurteilen kann.

This time I was very sad, the community was busy fighting and seizing power, and ignored SMT is the future of Steem.

I agree

Maybe because I took part in de-escalating the situation and therefore voted for both sides (4 of Justin's witnesses).

No, you used your stake to prolong an attack on Steem which necessitated the creation of a fork that excluded the balances of the accounts that voted in support of the attack.

Your account is still there and usable. The balance that you irresponsibly used on Steem has been excluded from the fork's airdrop. Don't blame anyone but yourself.

Maybe because I took part in de-escalating the situation and therefore voted for both sides

Participating in a sybil attack orchestrated by a single party is an interesting method of de-escalation. As they say, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It's a shame despite creating a very useful tool for steemians to use, that you chose to play both sides. Rather than help solidify the final stand of the community, you chose to hedge your bets.

I hope you get nothing, but that's the opinion of one person. I know you have a lot of fans, so most likely we'll get to experience your whining on Hive at some point in the near future.

If you drew your line in the sand by supporting witnesses that were trying to undermine our community it makes sense why you wouldn't be 100% welcomed with open arms into the new community after showing your colours.

You can't be rooting for Sun and simultaneously expecting a hand out from the people whose community Sun tried to destroy.. It doesn't work like that and it's absolutely fucking asinine to expect to be treated well and given a token handout when you don't deserve it.

Tampoco te mereces nada, blessings :)

Ich hoffe das lässt sich noch schnell ändern 🤬

Vermutlich nicht, einige Witnesses laufen schon mit 0.23.

You're perfectly welcome to join us on Hive, the "no free airdrop" list was using consistent rules for everyone. Directly supporting the bad actors performing a hostile takeover is not de-escalation. Despite that, you're perfectly welcome to join everyone on Hive, and we have an appeals process for those unfairly affected by the air-drop.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I would like to appeal. I will only be getting 1:1 tokens, this is obviously an oversight and should be 1:10...

call your manager.

Lulzzzzzzzzz, idiot!!!

I am on the blacklist too. Here you can see my proxy which has been set after I voted the old witnesses by hand. Please help.
Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-20 um 10.00.23.png

If you set the proxy before the Hive announcement then you have been affected by an error in the script. Please make your case on the Hive blockchain and I'm reasonably confident it will be corrected (but I can't speak for all Hive stakeholders).

I have tried to write a post on hive but it does not show up.
Seems that I am not able to post anything there.

Hive does not exist yet. The new chain launches in about 3 hours. There is a countdown timer on the web site, but I would wait for a while even after that in case there are some early glitches. With a brand new chain there is always that risk.

Thank you again. I am a little in panic mode :-)
So I will try my post later.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I gave you a little delegation to make sure you can still post on Hive (once it becomes active)

Much appreciated. Thank you.

I guess that happened exactly to me. I will write an post on hive.
Thank you ver much @smooth.

I guess there is a mistake also with adding to that list @soufiani . I know this guy. He wasn't voting for those witnesses. He supported steem all the time. What he needs to do to get the airdrop ?

After reviewing my witnesses vote I found that I unaware voted for some witnesses (bad witnesses) I thought all witnesses are against justin and he wanted to concur the steem blockchain for him alone lol

Yeah, never mind @smooth , he was doing a mistake by voting the wrong witnesses. I didn't know about that. I hope @soufiani you will learn from this to read about more details when you do something on the blockchain.

Yeah of course I should've asked you more details! Thank you so much for standing by my side and so sorry for getting you defending me while I'm wrong!

I was setting @berniesanders as proxy but removed him amd voted manually for witnesses from the top 100 (I thought all witnesses are good guys and fighting justin back) but know I found that I have unaware voted for some witnesses that support justin.
How can I appeal for the Airdrop, if possible!

You keep telling that you voted top 100. Did you know that we can vote only on 30 ?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Yes where's the problem? I voted 30 person randomly from the top 100, means I didn't search for specific witnesses s by typing their names. (as I mentioned I voted for witnesses from the top 100 not all of the top 100)

I'm just letting the world know that you did that by mistake. I trust that you voted just randomly. I'm even looking for how to create a proposal to help those who were there by mistake. I keep asking people how to create a proposal. That's the omly way to get the airdrop now. A lot are talking about that proposal but no one told me how to do that. Let me know if you find out.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Yes one of those mods on the hive discord told me that they will post soon explaining how to appeal for this inconvenience. I hope my case get well understood. And again I truly appreciate the effort you've doing man!

Also I made a video explaining what happened with me and how I get to vote for those witnesses.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You need no help. You need a better blockchain-team. HIVE IS DEAD BEFORE IT IS BORN!

@pharesim hat mir bereits geholfen ;-)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Du willst doch nicht wirkich auf die Fork von solchen Idioten folgen?! Decentralized starten mit einer Blacklist! Die haben sich von vornherein disqualifiziert.

Völlig unabhängig von was auch vorher passiert war.
Es wäre auf jeden Fall Schade um die Hive Token gewesen ;-)

Thank you for your comment, @ausbitbank.
But as someone pointed in this comments earlier, isn't this kinda like putting people in prison because you suspect they rolled with the wrong crowd and then expecting them to appeal afterwards?

It's not particularly clear to me why a lot of people think that not supporting the 22.2 SF automatically means one's rooting for Sun. Some people have more votes for the old witnesses than they did for Sun.

putting people in prison because you suspect they rolled with the wrong crowd

There is no suspicion involved in the list creation. There is 100% definitive proof of the actions taken to assist the attackers. Some will have been done out of ignorance or by accident, and that's why have a fair appeals process - it will be up to stakeholders to decide.

not supporting the 22.2 SF automatically means one's rooting for Sun

The list creation process only cares about votes for the attackers. Nothing else. Being for or against the soft-fork isn't relevant to this at all.

Thank you for replying, Ausbitbank.

What about the person/s who delegated to JSUN?
They had their accounts airdropped on Hive, how does that seem fair?

While they're certainly free to include/exclude whomever from the airdrop, that list did seem excessive to me.

Many weren't so much 'supporting centralization' but rather were voting in a way to prevent HFing away certain accounts, or voting both sides to encourage mediation, or were inactive and had proxied their votes beforehand ignorant of the drama, or just didn't entirely subscribe to the prevailing narrative of a hostile takeover.

Of course it's within their right, but I don't know if uprooting and leaving behind people who voted slightly in a way contrary to their views, many of whom were long term investors and supporters of the chain, is in the spirit of decentralization and respect for property rights.

I believe you'll get enough support to get your HIVE, I'll definitely vote any such SPS to that effect. I just hope other less recognized people affected, especially in the Chinese and Korean community will also be able to make successful claims.

Hi @steemchiller,

All emotions set apart, and I don't want to give any opinion, just want to say that a lot of average users like me (you know them, the silent majority) will really really really miss you and steemworld on hive.
I always see discussions between extremes here... but not a lot from the average users who just enjoy posting on steemit/Hive/steempeak/... and others.

I can only hope you will reconsider and try hive too... I'm 100% sure that a lot of people will support you! I know I will personally do whatever I can to support you if you decide to join hive...and a lot of others will follow.

You made a wonderful piece of software that is used by many... many of wich don't even know or understand they will not have access to their favorite UI on hive...

So please, reconsider my friend!

Its cool, it will still be useful for them when they continue using Steem.

It is refreshing that we can see some posts showing the other side of the coin in the feed. Until yesterday only posts bashing Justin and Hyping Hyves were visible. I don't condone the censorship Justin is doing now in the main feed as I think it is contrary to the set up of an open content sharing Platform like Steemit should be.

But I am happy with the side effect of this censorship, meaning that finally some other voices are shown.

Let's hope the censorship is just a temporary thing and will see some improved Steemit, with good content in the feed and maybe a continuous improvement in user interface. Onboarding Steemit should be made much more easy for new users.

There is no onboarding on steemit. Last I saw, they shut down the faucet (the system which allocates stake to new users so they can post). Most of the Steemit, inc quit after Justin took over the chain.

That said, I do agree with you it's nice to see other perspectives and to have an open discussion about what is going on.

It would constantly be nice to see new people in the trends section.
It's boring and absurd to always see the same people on trend, and they already had a lot of publicity. But I think they don't get tired and they always want more, of course, they are one of those wasps that sting you and you die.

As already seen in SoftFork 22.2, the forkchain called HIVE is a very centralized chain with no respect for token holders.

Some questions:

With steem I have seen it is possible to freeze accounts (could be basically the account of anyone) and with hive I do see a blacklist. So, there are witnesses which can decide who is good and evil, without any further discussion.

  • How this should continue?
  • How do I know the power will not be abused in the future?

That Justin Sun gets forked out with all his accounts, ok, I do understand that.

  • Just, how do I know after that it might do not could hit the wrong people?

And it does look like there are accounts on the list that should not be there.

  • Why this list is only short before the HF aviable?

There is no blacklist on Hive. There is a list of accounts that are not being airdropped with free coins on the new chain.

Why this list is only short before the HF aviable?

Inherent time pressure. It was literally just finished hours ago. Some people (not me and I won't take credit where it is not deserved) have been working >16 hours a day to pull this off.

There is a mechanism to adjust the list or correct errors (apparently there is one) after the fact, with the consent of Hive stakeholders.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

The thing I can't understand is why @binance-hot is not in the blacklist while they supported Justin even more than everyone else. I don't see the other exchange huobi there as well.

Centralization is happening, buddy.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

@tipu curate

... und viele, viele Kopfschüttler!
Das ist nicht zu glauben und zeigt exakt, worum es geht! Und immer gegangen ist... 😔

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/3 - need recharge?)

Keep on doing what you are good at and stay strong💜

Thank you! I will do ;)

If someone keeps a blacklist to keep certain miners away from a block chain, that block chain is neither decentralized nor managed in an inviting sense. The Hive disqualified itself before it even got off the ground. It's a shame that there are always crazy idiots who can't let go. Why would I switch when it's just as wacky there as it is here? I see no more reason to do it.

Same self-chosen kings as before, same mess as before.
Pure logic.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The steem has taught us to hope. Hive shows us what the end of hope feels like. Yeah, those same assholes are getting ready to fake decentralized.

Well, I always enjoyed using your Steemworld @steemchiller; it is one of the apps that helped make Steemit/Steem easier to use and manage. Regardless of whether you end up also making a version for Hive or not, you made a really great app!

Bright Blessings!

Good evening (here) @steemchiller. With the precious little time I had this morning, after seeing this heading in my feed, my heart sank. With a bit of time later on, I read it and thought I would need some time to properly compose some sort of reply.

We live in seemingly ever more insane times, my dear friend. And my commitments in the "real world" have kept me to pretty much a part-time role "in here." Lately, I have been almost "out on my feet" in weariness, so didn't think I could write anything worth reading until morning. Maybe even then, the words will not come ...

Here at the end of a very long day, however, that did not seem right to me. I can only say, for now, how very sorry I am that this has happened. You and I had a brief exchange over this whole mess awhile back and I've written a couple of posts about it, but ...

To what end? In the face of the "oligarchy" we all struggle with inside this "social experiment" and the "herd mentality" that is far too common with far too many others, nothing ...

Perhaps I will think of something better to write in the morning. I just want you to know how much I admire all of your dedication and commitment. And how much I have enjoyed our exchanges in the past, during my "journey" here on the Steem blockchain.

I hope this will not be the end of those exchanges ...

Up before 🌄 (here) @steemchiller. Upon rereading what I was inspired to write to you last night, I am not sure what else to say. Particularly after finding this a short time ago ...

Source: SteemIt Account on SteemWorld
Transaction on SteemD, 21 March 2020 @ 12:02:03 (UTC)

This is the "future" of Steem? 😧 For one of the great teams "in here?" The old saying is "a picture is worth a thousand words ..." and this picture is not a bright one ...

Very, very sad to me. As you and I exchanged thoughts some time back, where I said "I hope to be proven wrong!" here we are ...

What a mess ...

🔥 💰 🔥 ⏰ 🔥

P.S. I will likely not have more to say, particularly "immutably enshrined" on this blockchain ... However, if you care to provide me your username in Discord, I would very much welcome the opportunity to "talk" with you there. I believe you are a man of integrity (rare these days ...) and I trust you.

P.P.S. For others, I wish you well in these troubling times!

Hi @roleerob! I don't have much time currently and I want to focus mainly on developments for Steem. So many things on my list... I'm also in the process of preparing a few pull requests for condenser (the Steemit front-end), because I want to fix some bugs that annoyed me and many other users for a long time already.

A few for years known spammers with "steemcleaners-immunity" will soon finally be removed. They can go to their new home and spam the people there. Witnesses there won't do anything against such spammers, because they are still the same as they were on Steem.

This is the "future" of Steem? 😧 For one of the great teams "in here?" The old saying is "a picture is worth a thousand words ..." and this picture is not a bright one ...

A picture does not always tell the whole story. I saw many people advertising on Steem for their Steem-Fork and at the same time talking bad about Steem. They say Steem is dead but are still using it. It cannot be as dead/bad as they say when they are still using it, I guess... ^^

I'm pretty sure that Steem will still be here in a year and the price will go back to the ~ $1 region. I don't know one blockchain where a community fork has been more successful than the original.

Don't mess with the best or die like the rest.

See you later ;)

Certainly @steemchiller ...

"I don't have much time currently and I want to focus mainly on developments for Steem. So many things on my list ..."

... understandable. You have invested far, far more than most (anyone?) into the Steem blockchain.

That said, I will honestly tell you I am more than a little surprised that the illustrated downvote does not concern you. Perhaps you are just being prudent and keeping your head down ...

As well, I have some idea and vaguely understand your references to some of what you are likely much more familiar with. What goes on "behind the curtain" ...

Neither side passes any sort of "purity" test, in my judgment. It sadly reminds me (although perhaps a poor analogy for some ...) of my lifelong voting for the President of the United States. Never one time, since 1972, have I voted for someone. I have always been resigned with my only option being to vote against someone ...

Until "next time," take care my friend!

hi @steemchiller du hast schon so viele positive und negative Rückmeldungen erhalten und wahrscheinlich genug davon. Ich wollte dir nur sagen, dass wir immer noch in Steem posten und so lange aktiv bleiben, bis die Lichter hier ausgehen. Dein Programm ist absolut erstaunlich und mit Abstand das beste “tool“ hier in steem, es hat uns regelrecht süchtig gemacht, alles auf einen Blick zu haben. Wenn du hier aktiv bleibst, dann erhältst du auf jeden Fall unsere Unterstützung. Jetzt kannst du sehen wie die “guten Wale“ versuchen Steemiens zu zwingen sich Hive anzuschließen ( spamming ). Dies ist kein guter Schritt der Hive-Gemeinde und macht mich krank. Ich bin ein freier Mensch, und wenn ich mich entscheide einer Gemeinschaft beizutreten, werde ich es tun und möchte nicht dazu gezwungen werden. Wir wünschen dir viel Glück und hoffen das "Steemworld" noch ein langes Leben vor sich hat :-)

Hi @stef1! Vielen Dank für deine netten Worte. Ja, die vielen Rückmeldungen können ganz schön überwältigend sein. Ich muss gestehen, dass ich nicht mal dazu komme alle Kommentare zu lesen... ^^

Ich bleibe natürlich auch auf Steem und SteemWorld wird weiterhin für alle Steemians verfügbar sein. Da jetzt weniger Entwickler an Condenser (dem Steemit-Frontend) arbeiten, werde ich in dem Bereich bald etwas aktiver werden. Ich werde jetzt alles tun, was für die Community wichtig ist. Eine eigene Full-Node für SteemWorld ist auch schon geplant. Vielleicht kann ich die und weitere Dienste bald über das SPS finanzieren.

Jetzt gilt es erstmal sich wieder mehr auf die positiven Dinge zu konzentrieren und vielleicht auch mehr Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Ich denke, sobald der ganze 'Zorn' von dieser Blockchain verschwunden ist, kann hier eine richtig gemütliche Gemeinschaft entstehen ;)

Wir alle können und sollten unseren Teil dazu beitragen.
LG, Chiller

nun, das dient ja doch als entscheidungshilfe WO man weitermacht (wenn denn überhaupt)




giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)



I stay on Steem and look what will come.

It's not a blacklist.

A new Blockchain started and some accounts didn't get an airdrop.

Everyone still has their steem, but HF22.5 is through on Steem..

I support the sock witnesses and some steem witnesses for the sake of the Steem community and I'm not on the list, I really want to be there.

Why wasn't I blacklisted @team-mexico? I guess I'm not important or they are naive hahaha.
Everything will be fine friend, do not fight for something that is not worth it.
In the hive they will be pure wasps that sting and do not produce honey.

I love Steem and as a community I will work hard to bear the fruit it deserves. I am committed to @team-mexico.

This has been answered many times elsewhere in the thread. The same answers apply to you.

Exactly... Stay on steem... You did the right thing.

I think it’s up to you bud. If you want to develop steemworld even further on the HIVE side then I am sure you’ll be removed from the blacklist. Keep throwing accusations one to another makes no sense atm.

What’s done is done. Personally I’d love to use your tool on...the other side. And I know many feel the same. Through discussion we can sort things out. If however you choose to stay one Steem, I totally respect that.

There is no blacklist... it's a list IF THEN generated list of those not getting an airdrop for a new chain.

However you are correct in the feeling that many people would support him in getting hive equal to what he could have gotten in an airdrop

As someone who is staying committed to Steem, what are your thoughts on the changes to the Terms of Service?

14.1. When accessing or using the Services, you agree that you will not commit any unlawful act, and that you are solely responsible for your conduct while using our Services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you agree that you will not:

14.1.7. Use our services to promote third-party platforms or to promote each other without our written permission.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Very sad to know that you are blacklisted in hive, but true love & respect for you from whole steemians.

Posted using Partiko Android

another day of divide and conquer.

And everyone is going along with it...

Be divided one more time, then another. and keep doing so until we have nothing left to unite about...

While the Hive completely failed due to that list, I would argue that the Steem isn't any better seeing that company developing the blockchain is censoring certain posts because they don't agree with their opinions. To be honest they both degraded to bullshit in the last days.

@meins0815 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?
@meins0815 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !----> Who is investinthefutur ?

As a wise man once said:

"play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

... Or in this game win no prizes at all.

It's very unfortunate that you will be left out but you made your bed and now you have to lay in it.

I loved your service and would love for you to join us. There will be a dev fund and I'm sure you will be able to take advantage of it.
I'm sure you will have community support like you had here.

People sometimes make stupid mistakes and have to deal with consequences unfortunately.

You mean like how our witnesses did by taking Ned's word for it, and chose to select who's right and who's wrong on a new chain because they couldn't live with the consequences?

This will probably cause me to sell all my hive tokens. I don't need to be a part of Steem1.1. Seems like this new place will be the same as the old....
Follow the leader....or off with your head.

I guess it makes a lot of sense why they pickked the name hive....

coffeea Lucky you @steemchiller here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

HIVE Could Face a Massive Class Action Lawsuit for Intellectual Property Theft


A group of rogue members of the Steem blockchain community have unilaterally copied the intellectual property of millions of content creators without even the slightest decency to even attempt to seek their consent...

This is unfairly and stupid.


This post has been just added as new item to timeline of SteemWorld on Steem Projects.

If you want to be notified about new updates from this project, register on Steem Projects and add SteemWorld to your favorite projects.

AFAIK the blacklist was strictly who voted in favor of the sockpuppets (i.e. pushed us into a corner to force the HF). I understand the problems around it and I hope it can be resolved later on. We just had to move fast for now.

We just had to move fast for now.

Moving fast seems to be the new normal. First shoot them, later let's see, if they were enemies or friends. There are accounts on that list who invested much time and money into Steem. It cannot get more sad than that.

Your sensationalism is causing my left eyelid to twitch and I'm trying really hard to stay calm.

Let me ask you something and I need you think about this.

When I voted for what I believed in, did I know I would — at some point in the future — know, that I would be receiving an airdrop?

No. I didn't know that. I had no way of predicting an outcome like that. I did not vote for an airdrop, because it didn't exist.

You, and many others, made your choice, just like everyone else. Deal with it.

P.S. I really like SteemWorld. Thanks for all your hard work.

They still have their Steem. Why would they want Hive? That's not what they wanted. Money comes into the picture and all of a sudden everyone wants to pout about their own personal decisions that they were fine with 10 minutes before that list was published? What's sadder? Tell me. They wanted something else, not Hive. So why should they suddenly care? Money? Greed? Selfishness? No integrity? Which one is it? Tell me.

1 type wont get, those who dont care

I have heard 2 types who may get:
Philosophical dispute

Can be each divided into
genuinely interested in hive

I think steemchiller had philosophical dispute and is genuinely interested in hive.

Id vote yes give airdrop.

"Divide and conquer the world" is their mission. Many who are taking part are not even aware of this fact. I have seen enough.

Is that a fact or is that sensationalism?

Who would be creating a division with a statement like that?

As for the airdrop problems. I think he can settle it like a gentleman.

Many worker bees blindly followed and continued to work for the same old self-chosen kings as before.

Is that an accurate description of me?

I don't fucking think so.

Can we just end this? Please? Can everyone just move on? That's all I ask. I'm upset. I'm sick of this shit.

Yeah, this post was definitely written to be sensational. However, I was just trying to look into why he supported some sock puppets. He is no enemy of decentralization and doesn't seem driven by greed which my two important qualifiers. Some actions do seem to me to have been made in poor judgement.

I do think the 'worker bees' reference is demeaning (better than a drone I guess) and there have definitely been a lot of nasty words thrown around. Poop slinging is, unfortunately, a common debate strategy.

It was a spicy way to write his last post on our combined chain, but I don't think it was over the top. However, Hive will be a fresh start for all. I'm leaving some of my baggage behind. I will absolve my sins and become born again as a member of the hive. I hope the people who want to jump aboard the train also consider this.

By accepting the airdrop, it means we are interested in the future of Hive and support decentralization and the removal of the Steemit Stake from centralized control (okay most people just want more money). The past is in the past, I hope.

There will be proposals written by people who didn't receive an airdrop. I can't imagine this post making a good proposal. However, I do hope he makes a sincere effort at a Hive proposal when he is ready. Steemworld offered us non-tech people a deep look into the inner workings of the blockchain. It's a unique dapp created by a unique dapp person. I think he could fit in better on Hive than Steem if given a second chance.

I'm seeing folks who actively participated in a Sybil attack on a blockchain now wanting to get paid for it. This is ridiculous.

He writes this post, in this manner, to cause an uproar, and blames everyone else for the problems.

I'm done with this garbage. I spent weeks watching this nonsense and barely said anything. This place is lucky I didn't explode weeks ago.

What's done is done. Everyone get over yourselves. Carry on with life now. I'd like to think we're better than this.

I'm done talking here.

Correct, even if we accept his premise for jumping in, 2 wrongs don't make a right.

I'm probably dense for jumping into this one. I like the unapologetic types. There are a few people begging for forgiveness, with literally nothing to say for their actions and they aren't even worth my time.

I'm done with this garbage. I spent weeks watching this nonsense and barely said anything. This place is lucky I didn't explode weeks ago.

Only a passionate person who cherishes Steem/Hive would say this.
It will all be over soon. 4 more hours I think.

Don't let them fool you!!!

There are accounts on that list who invested much time and money into Steem. It cannot get more sad than that.

Yup, my hardwork for 2+ years will be locked/nullified on the launch of Hive.

I'm also in the list for following a proxy witness.

I guess the devs will not look back on the code (about the list) as they have a lot things to prep for the launch...

who invested much time and money into Steem

So stay on Steem. Why not?

@steemchiller there is a handful of people on the exclusion list who I would support in a heartbeat if they were to post a proposal to appeal their exclusion. You are at the top of the list.

Not sure that I can agree with you choosing to vote for sock puppets even for a reason you thought was good. But, let the person without sin cast the first stone, mistakes get made.

To me, that doesn't erase all the hardwork and contribution you've given the community. Please consider submitting a proposal and give the community a chance to speak in your favour.

I wanted to post proposal for the appeal but the ironic fact is that I don't have that 10 HBD to make ke it!!

Now I'm trying to gather as much people as I can so that they can vote on the proposal and our voices can reach the community!!

@steemchiller I like the explanation. Truth always visible late but not possible to hide forever.

I am asking you @therealwolf , what kind oft advantage do you have, to take normal user out, who once voted for Tron Witness? Are you afraid that we small users will take over the new Hive Blockchain????? I voted the Tron witness first, because in my eyes it was not right that you freeze his ballance. But as well i didnt agree with the latest censorship moves from Tron. Both side have dirty on the leg, you always must be remember that in your mind.....!!!!!!!!

So i am asking you again @therealwolf, are you Witness afraid that we small users who are long time before Tron here on Steemit, that we take over the new Chain???? Only because we voted once for Tron?!

If this is not raccismuss , than what it is?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

This is a new chain. No one has been "taken out".

Everyone still has their Steem. People who didn't contribute to destroying Steem and causing a group of volunteers to do a hell of a lot of work just to recover something of value for this community (decentralization) are also getting free Hive. Those who helped destroy Steem (even if they may have, also, supported it, as we all did) are not getting free Hive.

This is a new chain. No one has been "taken out".

But they have been denied of their rightful stake on that chain by a metric a dictator set because they figured out both sides were dirty and they'd rather sit on the fence?

Forked off chains are new chains, they do not owe anything to users of the original chain. You did not lose anything by not being given free HIVE tokens.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You actually did. Because now, your accounts are on a duplicate chain with all of your past contents. You have the keys to that account and the only thing missing are the coins. You lost something. Naturally, the coins would be yours but you lost it because someone ran a code with the intent to exclude people like you.

No you did not. You DO have a right to demand that your content be removed from their network or even the account to be removed. But you DON'T have a right to own property within that new network.

You have no rights over what chains get generated from the origin chain. If you decided today to make your own fork of Steem and remove me from getting any coins from your new blockchain you did nothing evil or terrible against me. You simply decided not to incentivize me to participate in your new network.

I would clearly not join your new network unless it was somehow so awesome that I just had to join. However, nothing was taken away from you because it was a brand new network that you have no legal rights or claims to.

This makes better sense.

There is no "rightful stake". All stake on the Hive chain is new and no one has a god-given right to it. Steem coins and stake are unaffected.

I do not get it why I am on the blacklist too. Never supported the sockpuppets.
Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-20 um 10.00.23.png

This blacklist literally killed all my excitement and hopes for Hive honestly.

How can you make a new chain claiming you finally want to be more decentralized while blacklisting individual accounts based on criteria that make no sense and include everyone that actively took a neutral stand. This will kill so much moral or social support the project had going for it right now and hold back future serious investors as it just makes hive look very shady.

I really liked steemworld and still appreciate your efforts. I'm really sorry you were unable to get along with the witnesses and large stake holders. You even mentioned you were willing to opensource your code after some point.

I think if later on, if or when you want, you submit a proposal on Hive to get your airdrop and some extra hive to make a hiveworld, it will happen.

I'm probably not the only one who thinks like this.

I love Steemworld but I don't see how you can look at the results and not understand why it happened. It is written out and plain to see that by voting for the sock puppets it put you at odds with the vast majority of the users on Steem. It will be sad to see you go and for Steemworld to lose most of its traffic. I hope you can come to terms with your decisions and find a way to move forward.

Not a vast majority. Just a few people influencing the vast majority.
I'd have loved to think this decision would have been at least discussed with the community. But no, just like they did with SF 22.2, our witnesses have shown that they can decide who is right and who is wrong in a supposedly free chain.

Do you think people will be willing to talk about what they really want anymore? They'd be all afraid of been kicked out, just like how steemchiller is.

!giphy awesome

Posted using Partiko Android

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

When I first saw the criteria for the list and the number of people on it, I tried to convince those involved to just stick with the Steemit ninja-mined stake only. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful at convincing those doing the coding to change their minds.

I think Steemworld is a valuable tool for the community and it's unfortunate your account was included, but I at least appreciate the criteria was set and followed without any special favorites or exceptions. The funds are air dropped to the HIVE DAO as part of the code and my hope is the community of token holders who disagree with what was done will create proposals to airdrop back on to the accounts that deserve it.

Freezing accounts in a "decentralized" blockchain is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. They are responsible for what is happening now and they obviously cannot handle the truth.

I respect your opinion on this, though I disagree with it. For v0.22.2, I supported temporarily disabling voting and disabling power down until we could come to a resolution. Disabling liquid transfers was added later and Tim and I both disagreed. He disagreed strongly enough to run v0.22.3 which didn't freeze the liquid tokens (but did prevent voting, power down, I believe). He was voted out of consensus which does seem to indicate the token holders supported v0.22.2.

To me, what's dumber than a temporary freeze to avoid a stated threat is sybil attacking the chain so it's controlled by one person. That's not even a blockchain any more. I don't know why anyone who cares about blockchain technology would ever support that.

I wish my English was better but what you wrote, especially in the last paragraph, is exactly what I wanted to add in my comment to @steemchiller
I really hope he will make use of the possibility of the "airdrop back"...

but I at least appreciate the criteria was set and followed without any special favorites or exceptions.

Binance-hot and Huobi voted for Sun's witnesses at some point. Somehow, we don't see them on that list

As far as I understand, the criteria was about people who were voting at the time of the Hive announcement, but I may be wrong about that. Not airdropping on exchange is a very tricky thing because it impacts customer funds who did not choose to vote for Justin's sock puppets. I know, not your keys, not your coins, but if those are blocked, it screws a lot of people who otherwise may be very supportive of Hive and have no ill will towards it.

I think poloniex was included because they didn't change their vote and they haven't let Steem withdraws work for a very long time so I'm not even sure who has customer funds there now.

Either way, it's a tricky situation.

But not during the snapshot. It was an algorithmic airdrop excluding those voting for sockpuppet witnesses. Those exchanges were no longer voting by the snapshot.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Some of the people on that list removed their votes before the snapshot.

Right after the announcements, trevonjb or whatever his name was, removed his votes. Someone posted it on twitter. The snapshot happened yesterday.

Some of the people
On that list removed their votes
Before the snapshot.

                 - pangoli

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Aha, those doing the code... that bald dickhead Netuoso...

Don't roll the dice if you can't pay the price...


Hey mate.

There are a LOT of people on Hive already missing SteemWorld. A LOT. I've lost count of the comments (in posts, comments and on Discord) expressing such sentiment.

Take heart, not everyone is buying the Party Line and NO ONE with an IQ over 2 thinks you're a villain.

I wrote the following article before the Hive launch announcement. You are mentioned in it and I think it is apropos given what has recently transpired:


Being neutral is a crime in the blockchain it seems! I'm in that list too for being neutral. Both sides have valid points, both sides made mistakes, both sides are playing "who got bigger balls". If having a mind of my own, remaining neutral and not letting anyone use me as a pawn means I will be blacklisted and treated as a traitor by some people, so be it!

Would be a shame not to have you and Steemworld in Hive.
You created the best and most user friendly explorer.

Waiting for changes...


@freiheit50 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?
@freiheit50 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !----> Who is investinthefutur ?

Hey @steemchiller, here is a little bit of BEER from @meins0815 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Yo @steemchiller,
Can you please join this discord and dm me? I have tried to find you but without result :)

Zero time in these days... And I don't like discord.
So important? Maybe you can just leave me a comment here or send me an encrypted memo on Steem ;)

I will do so thanks :)

Oh man! This sucks. I hope this gets worked out. Steemworld is an app that I use every single day. It is a huge asset to the community.

Agreed. There should not be any blacklists

@steemchiller, In my opinion when a Human Being speaks his/her mind it makes them really unique and real being. I want to appreciate your truth and your expression because we are in the World Of Opportunism and when Opportunism overtakes then it breaks the true self of a human being and push them to act in selfish and dominating way. Your consistent work towards SteemWorld deserves lots of appreciations brother. My good wishes are with you and stay blessed.

@theycallmedan, @blocktrades and @gtg, I don't know if i am right or wrong but in my opinion @steemchiller don't deserve this. Stay blessed all.

Komm auf den Discord, oder dann auf Hive, sprich die Sache an und du bekommst sehr wahrscheinlich von der Community nen nachträglichen Airdrop! :)
Ich setze mich für dich ein :)

Very well explained the truth @steemchiller. I am 100% agree with your opinion and vision. I have also voted 7 old witnesses before this issue and after this i add 20 new witnesses (7+20). They want to rule the chain.

Für mich der Beweis das "HIVE" nur von eigenen Interessensgruppen erschaffen wird und nicht ehrlich ist.

Hier wird Geld aus dem nichts erschaffen!

Ich nehme mal an, dass auch das SPS (DAO) nun unabhängig auf beiden Chains läuft.
Wäre ein guter Zeitpunkt für einen neuen Versuch ;)

don't worry, even if the shit changes latrines it's still the same shit.

they fill their mouths saying they have a new "100% decentralized" chain but they gave token only to those who supported their new chain, THAT'S CALLED CHANTAGE.

Why didn't they make their new chain from 0 with ICO and AirDrops? To see how many people would invest in the chain, they just copied and pasted information, to take the people away.

I resteemed your post so others can see it.
The whole thing with the blacklist is a bit sketchy IMHO. We could protect the chain by simply allowing only one 100% wittness vote per Steemian and if you vote multiple times the percentage gets divided between your votes.
This should be enough to prevent a large stakeholder to overtake the chain...

As soon as I saw the list I called out your name for being on there, a LOT of people in the chat agreed you didn't necessarily belong on there and mentioned they would be disputing your not getting the airdrop. The politics of this whole fiasco is a bit.... Theatric. Good for both chains IMO. But what do I know, I'm an anarchist at heart.

I do LOVE steemworld and use it daily. Keep rocking fine sir, you are loved and appreciated more then you know.

@steemchiller keep going man ! you been creating tremendous value for tons of users with your tool! problem create opportunity! you can do it.

btw saw the empty 300x250 for awhile, maybe time to turn on the google ads ? or are you looking at custom ads space buy ? if it's the latter, probably good to show some analytics stats to draw advertiser.

I think, there is a process in which, you can raise concerns, and it should be sorted out. You must come to HIVE. And if you want to continue on steem, I think, its ok to be on both sides.

I think steem will not go away @steemchiller we still have a good community here.
Best regards to your continued service :)

Hi @steemchiller,
I'm pretty sure the decision to put you on the blacklist is discussible and thousands of users will support you.

If anybody deserves to be on #hive including the airdrop it is you.

Calm down, come over and let's discuss the situation. Nothing is written in stone. Corrections can be done.

Of course, I'm not the person who makes decisions but you have my 100% support to convince the decisionmakers.

He is free to come to Hive. He is not entitled to the airdrop.
He helped centralize the chain and destroy steem.
He needs to live with the consequences now.

He helped centralize the chain and destroy steem.

I'm 100% sure he had the opposite intention.

If that was his intention, he took the 100% opposite actions towards it.

The road to getting no airdrop is paved with good intentions.

I thought about a similar approach. However i decided not to participate at all because i don't support the voting system. So eventhough i'm not on the list i'll be giving away anything i get or don't get. I'm not interested in "decentralized" witchhunts. I wish both sides well. However they both seem off to the wrong start to me. So overall i have a greater concern about the future progress of these type systems. They seemingly have been stuck in a certain gear.. even prior to Justin Sun's arrival. So i think i'll just be an observer and see what happens.

GOODMORNING friend, i read the blog and all i can say since the sun came on the blockchain all sides lost a great deal. A lot has been said, true or false it made content. I was and am a fan. I know reasoning was hard, proposal comments and all sucked, even payments. Do know that there isnt a single account on the chain that didnt use your tool, so for that we say or ought to say THANKS and for the future, there will be trouble, but dealing with a virus in the real world i must say, look ahead you might be surprised whats ahead.
Have a great weekend

Freezing accounts in a "decentralized" blockchain is the dumbest thing I have ever seen.

Well guess what, It wasn't decentralized. Now it definitely is.

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"Divide and conquer the world" is their mission. Many who are taking part are not even aware of this fact. I have seen enough.

The pot calling the kettle black springs to mind.
I totally agree that is HIVE's only mission and motivation. Nothing to do with the protection of the Blockchain.

Sorry to hear that, but this unnecessary "war" is getting on your nerves!

Some users will dance on two weddings, others will choose a side, but this warring among each other can't be good for Steemit or the new hive, at least that's my opinion.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

You helped centralize the chain. That's a big nono.

Ah, so easy. Only black and white is existing in your world.

I don't think he does much thinking for himself.

I hope the proposal system on Hive will work for those who still want to be included in the airdrop and who have token-holder support to do so.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

it's horrible that a few people can decide who's right and who's wrong simply because you voiced your opinion.

Yesterday I joined MINDS, check it. More conservative, based on ETH

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment