SteemWorld Support / 2019-12-03

in steemworld •  5 years ago  (edited)


This post was created by me (@steemchiller) to act as an alternative support initiative for SteemWorld ( Since I am currently in survival mode, I need to take action now to prevent SteemWorld from dying.

If the rewards from these posts should not be able to pay my monthly costs, there will be no other way than to make SteemWorld only usable by paying a monthly fee. Each user would than pay the fee (maybe 1 SBD) for each used account per month. The downside would be that you than could only switch to accounts for which the fee has been paid. Maybe I would add a bonus for new users with a reputation < 50 or so to make it more fair for new Steemians.

For costly and not account-related tools like Transfer Search I would use a different approach, maybe by making it possible to buy those features and use it by providing an in the buy process received per-account generated access code.

There is also a donation button in the top left corner of the site, which can be used to donate a custom amount and to help keeping SteemWorld free. If each user would send me just 1 SBD per month, I would be able to continue my development without adding the mentioned restrictions.


Dieser Beitrag wurde von mir (@steemchiller) erstellt, um als alternative Unterstützungsinitiative für SteemWorld ( zu dienen. Da ich mich derzeit im Überlebensmodus befinde, muss ich jetzt Maßnahmen ergreifen, um zu verhindern, dass SteemWorld stirbt.

Wenn die Belohnungen dieser Beiträge meine monatlichen Kosten nicht decken können, gibt es keinen anderen Weg, als SteemWorld nur noch durch Zahlung einer monatlichen Gebühr nutzbar zu machen. Jeder Benutzer würde dann die Gebühr (vielleicht 1 SBD) für jedes verwendete Konto pro Monat bezahlen. Der Nachteil wäre, dass du dann nur noch zu Konten wechseln könntest, für welche die Gebühr bezahlt wurde. Vielleicht würde ich einen Bonus für neue Benutzer mit einer Reputation < 50 oder so hinzufügen, um es für neue Steemians fairer zu machen.

Für teure und nicht kontobezogene Tools wie Transfer Search würde ich einen anderen Ansatz wählen, vielleicht indem ich es möglich mache, diese Features zu kaufen und zu nutzen, indem man einen im Kaufprozess erhaltenen, pro Konto generierten Zugangscode bereitstellt.

Es gibt auch einen Spendenbutton in der linken oberen Ecke der Website, mit dem du einen benutzerdefinierten Betrag spenden und helfen kannst, damit SteemWorld kostenlos bleibt. Wenn jeder Benutzer mir nur 1 SBD pro Monat schicken würde, könnte ich meine Entwicklung, ohne die genannten Einschränkungen hinzufügen zu müssen, problemlos fortsetzen.

Recent News

Component Development

I'm still in the process of developing own web components to make SteemWorld ready for mobile devices and the new Web 3.0 . So instead of using JQuery UI components, which are sometimes hard to customize and can lead to big chaos in the page's CSS, I want to use only own components from now on.

An example of a simple component is a HTML <select> element through which the user can select one of multiple pre-defined options. When using such an element in a HTML document, all the logic for displaying the menu items and user interactions is being taken care of by the user's browser, therefore it does not look and feel the same on every device.

The JQuery selectmenu component can be used to convert the normal <select> element into a more customizable component that looks and behaves always the same between different browsers, but it lacks real inheritance and may lead to more overhead in the loaded scripts than would be needed.

My new components are derived from my own base control component, therefore a big part of the logic only needs to be developed once in the base class, which makes them so much easier to work with.

For example, this is how my new selectmenu component looks like:

As a user you should not experience much of a difference, but for me it is a big step forward. The tabs component is also an own component now and I plan to switch its layout and behaviour in the base class based on the display size of the used device (maybe switching from vertical to horizontal tabs automatically for devices with a small display width).

Handling all click and key events (for navigating with arrow keys) by myself can be tricky at some points, but once it is done it always works as expected and I know exactly how all the elements on my pages behave. This also gives me the advantage of being able to add custom logic in the base class for mobile devices.

I don't expect you to understand what I'm talking about here, just wanted to write a few words about what I've done in the past weeks. As I am currently walking through all my code to replace the old components with the new ones, it might come to small issues in the meantime. If you should experience any glitches, just leave me a message in one of my posts ;)

Donation Page

As I'm preparing most SteemWorld features to be accessible via a direct link in future, I made a quick test with the Donation Dialog, which can now also be reached by visiting the following link:

It should be fully functional already, only the layout is not optimized for mobile devices yet.

Thank you for your support!

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love that site

Lieber @steemchiller,

ist dir schon aufgefallen, dass sich beim Drehen des runden VP-Reglers ganz links oben in deiner SteemWorld der $-Betrag nicht mehr verändert. Er bleibt stehen, wie er gerade ist.

Lieben Gruß, @double-u

Danke für den Hinweis @double-u!
Ich habe gerade ein Update hochgeladen und es sollte jetzt wieder wie gewohnt laufen ;)
LG, Chiller

Ja, das tut es wieder wunderbar!

Herzlichen Dank und liebe Grüße

Thanks for your hard work @steemchiller!

Lieber @steemchiller,

mir ist noch eine Unklarheit in deiner SteemWorld aufgefallen.

Bei meinem Post "2019 Woche 50" werden auf der SteemWorld als Gesamteinnahmen 36.73 $ ausgewiesen.

Auf Steemit jedoch nur 33.72 $.

Bitte, gibt's da einen Grund dafür, den ich eventuell nicht kenne?

Danke dir!

Und lieben Gruß, @double-u

Moin @double-u! Ich vermute, dass auf Steemit (und wahrscheinlich den meisten anderen Plattformen) einfach der Wert aus der Blockchain angezeigt wird. Das Problem dabei ist, dass nach Abrechnung eines Posts dessen Gesamt-Betrag nicht mehr die Shares enthält, die zurück in den Reward-Pool gegangen sind. Ich möchte den Betrag lieber so anzeigen, wie es auch eine Minute vor Abrechnung der Fall ist, da es in meinen Augen keinen Sinn macht, nach Abrechnung auf einmal nur noch Netto-Werte zu präsentieren.

Ganz genau lässt sich das nachträglich leider nicht so einfach berechnen. Ich rechne den (wahrscheinlich) abgezogenen Wert nur grob aus, da ich für eine genaue Berechnung auf den Abrechnungszeitpunkt bezogene Blockchain-Werte in einer eigenen Datenbank speichern müsste. Vielleicht werde ich das in Zukunft besser lösen können, wenn ich die nötigen Ressourcen auf meinem Server habe (Speicherplatz ist schon jetzt sehr knapp geworden).

Bei Betrachtung der Abweichung fällt mir auf, dass in diesem Fall wahrscheinlich etwas zu viel hinzugerechnet wurde oder die Anzeige des Payout Returned einen Fehler enthält. Das werde ich morgen mal prüfen.

Du kannst ja die Werte direkt vor und nach Abrechnung deines aktuellen Posts mal auf Steemit vergleichen. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass vorher auf Steemit ein höherer Betrag stehen wird.

LG, Chiller

Lieber @steemchiller,
frohe Weihnachten für dich und deine Lieben!

Moin @double-u, ich wünsche dir auch entspannte Festtage und schon mal einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Ich bin in diesem Jahr alleine zu Hause und genieße die Stille ganz für mich. Mal ein paar Tage ungestört in mich gehen zu können, ist in diesem Jahr genau das, was ich brauche.

Oft bevorzuge ich Ruhe um mich herum, anstatt von Menschen umgeben zu sein, die viel reden, ohne dabei etwas zu sagen. Meine Energie stecke ich da lieber in die Verwirklichung meiner Träume.

LG, Chiller

Herzlichen Dank!

Den guten Rutsch wünsch' ich dir auch noch!
Und dass es in 2020 hoffentlich für dich deutlich besser aussehen wird, was das Finanzielle angeht!

Lieben Gruß

Vielen Dank!

Es war mir bei diesem Post zum ersten Mal aufgefallen. Daher hatte ich gefragt. Aber wenn das so aufwändig ist, dann ist es mir auch nicht so wichtig.

Was da ist, ist da; was nicht ... dann eben nicht ;-)

Lieben Gruß


My vote isn't much but here's to hoping things go well for you.
I'll send a couple SBD your way.

On your idea of advertising, if you take that route, could you make it those who subscribe at a fee of 1 SBD per month, never see any adverts? At least you then do not lose those who hate adverts.

Posted via

Yes, that's exactly how I would solve it ;)

@tipu curate

Danke dir @chriddi und nochmals vielen, vielen Dank für deine großzügige Unterstützung! Hat alles super geklappt ;) Die G33 haben mich dadurch zunächst nicht mehr im Visier (Zollamt Insider).

LG, Chiller

Hört sich gut an, auch wenn ich den G33-Insider natürlich nicht verstehe. Muss ich aber auch nicht ;-)
You're welcome...

Hey, @steemchiller.

Is there a specific amount we're looking at to keep steemworld going?

For what it's worth, I know donating is a thing, especially with independent web development, but without a weekly or monthly goal of some kind, in my experience, getting enough will be hit and miss, and possibly more the latter than the former.

Good points you are bringing up there. I recently thought about kind of a 'monthly donation statusbar', which could be displayed at the top of the page (with a close button to remove it for the current session). Maybe it would help when people can see the current status directly on SteemWorld.

Another option would be to add ads on the site, but I'm not really a big fan of that idea. It might be the easiest solution to keep it running though. I'm not sure, how people would react to ads on SteemWorld. It's like doing the opposite of providing a non-tracking Steem site as it is now, but it would bring me a lot more money I guess.

A status bar would be helpful, I think. Something to rally around, anyway. Knowing that it's probably going to be the smaller users, the 0-25,000 SP or so crowd, it's going to take quite a few of us, unless some of the larger accounts get involved. It seems evident, though, that the larger users are less inclined to use steemworld as much as the rest of us seem to. I hope I'm wrong about that.

re: ads

Potentially, it could be very lucrative. I don't click on ads very often, though. But that doesn't mean there wouldn't be others who would do it.

This is a great idea. I think it'd incentivise people to donate.

Hey, @deirdyweirdy.

It seems to help with the yearly donations for Public Broadcasting and other types of telethons, as well as at Christmas time. It becomes a little more urgent, I think, if we can see what's happening.

The trick will be making sure the bar isn't too high to start, which may or may not be a practical way of looking at it, since it's his livelihood and steemworld we're talking about.

How can we contact you besides on-chain?

Been trying on rocketchat and discord many times.

Thanks for your report! It's fixed now ;)

I will be supporting your work @steemchiller.

I rather prefer to found your project vía sps, but apparently the consensus there has not -yet - reach the needed sp ammount. I voted this post for support. Thanks for your great tool.

I love Steemworld and use it all the time but until you mentioned it I didn't even know there was a donate button. I'd certainly be willing to pledge a few steem each month to keep it going and I'm sure a lot of others would too, particularly if there was a status bar as proposed above by glenalbrethsen.

Wie wäre es, wenn du an prominenter Stelle deine User auf die Beneficiary-Funktion hinweisen würdest? Die hat den großen Vorteil, dass die psychologische Hürde des aktiven Abgebens aus der Wallet entfällt (wie auf dem Gehaltszettel bei den Abzügen)! Und mal wieder vielen Dank für deine fleißige, sehr wertvolle Arbeit!

Resteem wie immer

PS: Ich füge diesen Hinweis zukünftig meinen Beiträgen hinzu.

@steemchiller da ich nicht viel sbd flüssig habe,würde ich dir gerne bei Gelegenheit ein paar Steem senden. Ohne deinen Beitrag wäre diese Plattform,zumindest für mich, nicht vorstellbar. Deine Arbeit ist unermesslich für uns alle.

Posted using Partiko Android

Steemworld is very nice, I definitely like all the info I can see from it that you don't get on steemit site. Thanks for this site!

its really a great site and great tool... what about running ads on it ? none intrusive that is .. i think that users won't really mind that since you do need to survive

Hey, here is a little bit of BEER from @barmbo for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER

@barmbo denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?

You need to stake more BEER (6 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

You shoud automate a few funding comments per day, Not normal to get these post on top trending every-times.

Zero human interaction, just wow.. It's nice having the steemworld option and I appreciate you building and maintaining the site. It's unfortunate it's not sustainable without payment but such is life. My first thought is I don't even have a single sbd and due to it's inability to do its intended job I won't be having any sbd anytime soon, so that would make subscribing impossible for me. TBH I'd live without it..

Seems that this should possibly be an sps thing but that's a load of shit too, so I don't know what to say. You have created an easy way to delegate and see who has what sock puppets and is part of what circle jerks which is always entertaining.I tried to create an account with 3 steem and was asked for a master key which is ridiculous so I gave up. I'm just amazed this place is so dead not one human has responded to your death rattle.. The state of steem is getting leaner by the day.. But hey your auto votes got you on trending lol, what a fucking joke this place has become !

I tried to create an account with 3 steem and was asked for a master key which is ridiculous so I gave up.

You can't create a Steem account without defining a master key for the new account. The key will be generated by clicking on the Generate button. Your private and public keys are derived from that master key. On SteemWorld you also can create an account by entering previously generated public keys. Steem Keychain also is supported, if you don't want to enter you active key on the site. There is no more secure solution out there.

But hey your auto votes got you on trending lol, what a fucking joke this place has become !

This is a new account with 54 followers. When you take a look at the votes time, you will see that most votes are no auto votes.

Ah, I didnt realise the .org was a new account so the votes were real. That was harder to see because at the time not one human had commented..

I'll have to revisit the account creation situation but I'm on mobile and can't use key chain. As far as I remember I was being asked for my master key..

Posted using Partiko Android

You can use kiwi browser to use keychain extension.

Posted using Partiko Android

Not in my country

Posted using Partiko Android

What does it have to do with country?

Hell if I know, Malaysia doesn't support kiwi

Posted using Partiko Android

Ok, that's strange. You can directly download apk from mirror sites if you like.

@alliedforces curate 2

You got some love from a member of @thealliance family!
Keep up the great work and join us in The Castle sometime!
The #spreadlovenotwar curation campaign is under the guidance of witnesses @enginewitty and @untersatz.
Current VP: 90.14%


@urdreamscometrue denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?

..still heard about steem world, of course only the best..will check it out..and of course try to support it, although I m a small fish..but these projects from high motivated people like you value up the whole steem-movement..up..follow you..resteemed..steem on!..

Oh no, I use SteemWorld almost everyday. It is such a valuable service. I didn't even know how tell if someone tagged me in a post till I found SteemWorld.


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

@kirstin denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?

Hey, here is a little bit of BEER from @kirstin for you. Enjoy it!

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Auch heute wieder mit !BEER und !trdo dabei.

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  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment