60 Steem Video Tutorials For Beginners - The Grand Steemy Collection

in steemy •  6 years ago  (edited)

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What an exceptional set of videos! Thanks for all your hard work!

Here is another useful tutorial it explains how to make engaging teasers and trailers for such videos: A Comprehensive Guide to Making Effective Teasers and Trailers

I have seen many masterpieces for beginners. They have done many things enumerated in the videos. It saves a lot of time answering their questions since you can just send them this link. Learning on your own is really easy with these detailed and encouraging videos. Good job!

I started my Steem journey by studying Flauwy and JerryBanfield.

After a month of learning, I already had the best post formatting on Steemit & knew the basics inside out.

All thanks to the two guys I mentioned & through hard work.

Yes, you have started strong and proof that everybody can make it here with consistency and work. I am impressed about your discipline!

Thank you Flauwy!

2h well spent! :P

I completely agree to that sir. Actually was in search of more info and came across this. Great job indeed!

True. It is very helpful, between are you an Indian?

true... and your video on how to cash out through coins.ph playes a big role on my learning here....
My chance to say big thanks to you sir!

Thanks for this!

You can also check out the Appics Bounty Program to earn the first Smart Media Token based on Steem before its official release:

Have you done a steemy on Zappl.com yet?

I think I did not yet. Thx for the hint, I will look into it next.

Its the fablous piece of information, i learned alot and I love it .
Congratulations for the successive post and hope will share the such sort of post in future as well.

I would absolutely love to , being an early adopter i am still confused right now , gone through your post tho ...
sounds promising.


I’m not a beginner but I’m always willing to learn ! Thanks for this all in one post! I’ll be busy for a while.

I am sure you will still find plenty of cool tools and websites among my videos. It is a never ending stream.

Do you also do stuff about crypto investing?

It's sooper

Not bad!

Most Valuable Post this week (MVP) :)

Followed and resteemed to Best of Steem!
Thank you for putting this great collection together!

thanks for sharing.....awesome video collections

i love it,thanks FYI @flauwy

do not forget vote, comments and resteem my posting.

Great content! This took some time and I really appreciate the effort. I will watch more of these videos this week. Thanks again!

Great job on this. This is very helpful to all newcomers trying to get the hang of this platform. Thank you so much for your time and I hope that you are handsomely rewarded for this!

Wow thank you!

German? I have a friend with two family names creating your username.

No, i'm not german, i'm norwegian:) Just fascinated by "karlheinz Stockhausen", a music composer.

Excellent work and i watch some of the videos and i learn a lot and i really like the videos which you make on delegation topic, keep creating such useful video tutorials for us, Stay blessed

I have great plans for my videos. Stay tuned. ;)

Thanks for the guidance to beginners in Steemit.

Wow, I do not know where to start but I want to watch them all. I probably start with the first one ;-)

This is the reason why I call you the "MASTER" you always have a way of making work easy for your follwers. Your blog is always rich with valuable content.

I am glad i came accross this material and it will help my learning process in this great community. The videos are awesome and passes the message in a very simple manner.

@flauwy thank you for this. Glad to know you on steemit.

I am glad. I am me @brightfame.
I hail thee the master..

I hope they will be helpful. Glad to see your enthusiasm!

Steem on!

Thank you @flauwy

this is amazing! only 10 videos in but i already feel like this is a valuable education. you could prob charge for this information! thank you so much for sharing. reposting for sure <3

Why charging for it when I make more money with Steem? ;)

Indeed! I hope you are rewarded handsomely. you def deserve it.

Holy Moly. Great Job. I can't stand it when a post's title has you belive that it is comprehensive and you click on it and it's bare of actually valuable information. This will definitely help for reference. Recently, I've taken the suggestion of @valorforfreedom to bookmark the posts and categorize them as I see fit. This will fall on my newbie section. Thank you

Awesome that this post works for you. Steem on!

WoW! @flauwy I have been looking for a post like this and my friend thank you very much! #MUCHLOVE

Now time to #binge watch like I am watching #Narcos on #Netflix! lol

I am creating a new series with a crypto dwarf that is much nicer animated than Steemy (sorry Steemy). Stay tuned!

superb work dude keep it up

What a great collection!

this is awesome! it's kinda tiring to search one by one contents to find some tips for the beginners and I found this one will gonna be very helpful!


Thanks, I am sure you will find a few nuggets!

Awesome. Thank you.

I asked this in the Utopian Discord, but I'll repeat it here:

I've been creating Steem(it)-related tutorials that I've posted to DTube, and I'm interested in submitting them to Utopian. Does the DTube video embed properly if I submit through Utopian, or is it recommended to upload the videos to YouTube and submit using their embed code instead?

Also, I'm assuming that if I want to submit a video tutorial to Utopian, I need to do a separate entry from my DTube post?

Wow this really helps a lot! Thank you!

You are welcome! :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

That's a fantastic question. We have voted to include DTube in Utopian posts. However, I wasn't aware it was already implemented. I assume the link will properly embed like on Busy.org. But I am not sure. I have to test this myself since I was waiting for this feature for quite a while.

somebody has done flag on me, that i did not melakun mistake, please help me, my level has decreased drastically, I beg the steemit friend to help me, I want to prove the same person who has done flag that he is very cruel with fellow friends. please help me @faisalmakruf

Pretty awesome library you got built already ! Good job man

Yep, quite a stack of videos.

Thanks a lot @Flauwy for this HUGE amount of time, effort and knowledge you've stacked up right here before everyone's eyes.. All that just to help newbies like me. You deserve my follow, upvote, comment, and you'll be seeing me around more often ;)

Ahh ! finally a video series , I feel people are more interested in video tutorials than regular blog post.
Awesome work @flauwy
This type of series was very much needed because sometimes i too get confused with the keys to be used despite being on the platform for months.

The private key video is thumbs up man !

you are doing so much for the community , why dont you tag your post with #steem-promo

Woohoo, great to see you find so much value!

thats for posting such great videos m new here and want these all these will surely help in my journey... thankss <3

I think this the most helpful Tutorials For Beginners - The Grand Steemy Collection

If you liked this one check out THIS one. It's a bit old bot much of it is still golden. ;)

Yes i check this?

Hey Flauwy,

Great information. May I ask, How did you create Steemy? Doing a quick google search is not returning anything of value. I would like to include an animated character in my future videos and any information would be greatly appreciated.


These videos belong in the FAQ section of Steemit. Great job @flauwy!

Hehe, make a suggestion to @ned. ;)

Whoa! That is an awesome collection of self-help tools & info. Will bookmark & share with new Steemians that I engage with. Thank you.png

It was a very interesting learning curve!

hey what is up everyone... how can i upload picture to my post? https://imgsafe.org/ is not working for me ...

When you click on Reply, look at the instruction in the row at the bottom60_Steem_Video_Tutorials_For_Beginners_-_The_Grand_Steemy_Collection_—_Steemit.png

Wow! This is so perfect @flauwy! This compilation is a treasure. I will definitely resteem and keep the link, I know I have learned a lot from your posts but this will absolutely help a newbie like me!

Thank you very much MY APP TUTOR @flauwy!

Haha, this is indeed the big tutor post. :D

Truly it is! :)

Great, thank you @flauwy! How about a video on Steem Blockchain programming in JavaScript? bottom-familymail.png

Very comprehensive list of Video Tutorial for Steem. Thanks @flauwy for sharing.

Yeah, I have created quite a portfolio, didn't I? ;)

@flauwy - Yes, you are :-)

Nice video I love it.

Welp I will be spending my Sunday watching these videos. are they on @dtube? id love to make sure you get an upvote as I consume your generous content!

Some are on DTube but I uploaded most before there was a user profile and they got lost.

I'm new, as in I just joined today lol. A lot of these videos are helpful for understanding how to use steemit. The basics are pretty simple and the objective is clear. I like the idea behind and the fact that you can earn and give money for content. I love the community already and I hope to create content like you that is enjoyed and useful to a lot of people.

Step by step you can create whatever you like. :)

Ive recently become interested in coding. Do you happen to have any experience or skill in that? I'm looking to figure out how to become more than just a beginner who knows basics. If not, can you recommend anything or anybody I can talk to?

Check out first post as well and let me know any advice you have thanks man


Bravo! You did a really great job in promoting and helping newbies to understand its operation. Thank you so much!!

I just signed up on Steemit. this is the First post I opened. very useful stuff

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you like it here.

Whoa, thanks! I had no clue there were even this many available. It's time to start watching.

Enjoy! Apologies for my first episodes which are a little bit longer. They get shorter over time. ;)

It's very helpful for a new member like me...
Thanks to all steemians who are very supportive to us.
We are always looking forward for more tips and videos from you guys.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

I have always loved to make posts for newcomers. Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you! and as a new member we always wanted to follow Steemians specialy those who are friendly sharing their views and it's a big help for new steemians like me.

Have a nice day!

Bookmarked! Thank you @flauwy!


This is awesome. I’m going to try and watch all of these and sending it to all my non steemit friends - oh thats right I dont have any!

Thanks, I hope this will make it easier for your friends.

Wow thank this is a incredible work! It will helps all new users please guys resteem this post.IMG_0589.PNG

Thank you guys! :)

nicely done ! i think i really need to go through all this

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

That’s owesome! I need to go through all these interesting videos. I followed, and comment here to kinda bookmark this post so I return and see a video or 2 every day. Thanks a lot for your effort. 👍🏼✌🏻👋👌

I loved making all these videos. So I am happy when they are helpful to you.

Well, I didn't have a life before this post...Looks like I have 60 reasons to not leave me house for the next few weeks.

And I'm loving it!

Can't wait to dig in!


Haha, enjoy! You will see an evolution from video to video. I guess I have learned on the way. Either way, I hope it helps.

Oh no doubt, Your videos have been a huge help. Inspired me to dive into Dtube as well. Much appreciated! Now I can find them all in one post, perfect :)

Hello Steemy, where can i find the account creating fee? It is not on steemd.com any more. Thanks for the post Re-Steemed!

That is a very good question! I have seen that myself the other day and I had no explanation. Maybe this is related to the fact that with the upcoming hardfork 20 they will take out the account creation fee. But that is not implemented yet.

You can try AnonSteem instead. It works just as well. They ask for $5 Steem currently. I have used their service before and it was clean and fast.

Thank you Flauwy. Appreciate your contribution to the community.

@flauwy: Great piece of work! Sad that I've already learned too much from you guys that it won't help me that much, but it's exactly what I need to get more people on board 😏 THX!

#upvoted & #resteemed 😎

Good to see that some are actually watching my stuff. :D

Thanks to you I think there's light at the end of the tunnel ^^ Well, we see once I'm there. Until then I follow your track ;)

Thank you for your efforts. Is there a link where these videos will be able to references permanently for new users?

always loved those steemy vids of yours ! keep up the great work flauwy ;)

Thx, Supervisor! :P

Once again a great piece of work from you. Its wonderful and outstanding. I was thinking if one could download this videos directly. Is there any other option to download directly outside the youtube redirecting link provided youtube link.Screenshot_2018-01-22-01-28-39.png

You need a 3rd party app to download videos from Youtube. There are a few out there. :)

This is going to be a great source for new comers, and most importantly you are like a living example, who came through all the hard ways, to reach where you are now. A perfect example of earning success from consistent hard work, with patience.

Auf der Suche nach Informationen bin auf Deine Seite gekommen. Super Arbeit. Hilft mir sehr. Danke.

Gut dass du zu mir gefunden hast. :)

that helps a lot, thanks

I watched a sampling. Love the pace of it, but please get some better audio going?

My first viseos had no optimized sound. My later videos have it all.

Merci pour les vidéos! :)

De rien. ;)

I love you, Neil Patrick Harris!

I have learn a good things from that post. I like soo much

Thanks the videos were really helpful!!!

You are welcome. Steem on!

this is very helpful, keep sharing.

Very informative and useful artical.
You have shared a lot of information about steem. Thanks for sharing these helpful videos.

You are welcome. They can save you a lot of time. :)

Thanks a lot @flauwy,

These informations are worth for us. your efforts are much appreciated.

You are welcome Rabeel.

nice tutorial on steemet keep it on.it will be helpful frist user. as like me

You will learn a lot!

This is awesome.. Thank you for putting up this videos, I appreciate..


How considerate and helpful for a newbie! Thank you

You are welcome!

This is by far the most complete set of tutorial videos on steem I have seen so far. Thank you for that. However, I must admit that for most topics I prefer to read rather than watching videos...

Damm, you've been busy and put a lot of effort into these! I have bookmarked these and will use them to learn and reference. Cheers!

Wow this collection is amazing!! Thank you for sharing this it will help me tremendously as I'm trying to grow my food blog!!!

Awesome work brother, currently making my way through them! We are the early ones on the platform! This is going to help alot of people out big time! Nice one bro!

Very informative videos.. I really watch the first video. Now I'm on #20 even if I am already 4 months on steemit I know some of the information. I just wanna make sure I don't missed some ideas.. I just play them with the speed 1.5 so it goes faster but then you can still watch the whole video and you get all the information.

60 videos are too many but you will get the answers than you are looking for.
I upvote people a lot to help the community specially to those who message me. So now I have 63 hours to full my VP I just realized it. I know there's a lot of people are still innocent like me on steemit.
I will watch other videos tomorrow and resteem for my everyone. Its time to sleep :)
Big thumbs up..
Thank you for this post have a nice day.

this post is very useful for newcomers ,there is very difficulties for newcomers to know that how to do on steemit ,but your post will help all such newcomers ,thanks for it

Hey flauwy, You have really great work for begginers , i like it your information, Keep moving in the same way that is what I want, Thanks you.

This post never gets old. Great it is still alive. :)

nice post.....I liked this so much...@flauwy

very helpful article friend for beginner for me...

Follow and upvote, i'll upvote back friend.

Find me on my ::



i like your post. much information . thx for that

hard work and informative thanx bro

Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi ý tưởng về cách sử dụng steemit, tôi hy vọng rằng tôi có thể thành công như bạn.

Tuyệt vời, cảm ơn bạn @flauwy !

Great Material :) Thank you very much

Thanks for making it, great post


Woww...thanks alot for this content dude..this is really important and necessary thing for steemit beginners! Keep posting such stuffs...good going! And once again thank you so much! :) @flauwy

very helpful but now i need upvote by whale :)

Congratulations @flauwy!
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  • Upvotes - Ranked 1 with 1514 upvotes
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Very nice turorial i am learning for this thanks @flauwy

Nice collection.


Upvote my comment

Whoa! This answered a lot of questions bothering me about Steemit... I'm not through with them yet but so far, I think this is what I need.

Thanks for tutorial post.

What is it.. more dif

This has been entertaining and educational to watch! Beginners like me would benefit a lot from these videos. Thank you so much! :)

Thanks For This Post I Really Appreciate it. you got my vote dude :D

dukung kegiatan kemanusiaan


Lot of stuff! Now I'm busy for at least one month! lol

Thanks for it

Very nice

Been really struggling for the past month. Thanyou so much for this :)

thanks for the videos this helps (: