"A" is pronunced as / a /, it is similarly pronounced as in the word below.
1. Adán is pronounced as Adán
2. America is pronunced as Amerika
"B" is pronunced as / Be /, it is similarly pronunced as in the word, including:
1. Boligrafo is pronunced as Boligrafo
2. Belga is pronunced as Belga
"C" If the consonant is near with the vowel, / i / or / e / it is pronunced as the letter of / s /
and if it is adjacent with the vowel of / a /, / o / or / u /. It should be pronunced as the letter of / k /.
For example:
1. Colgador is pronunced as kolgador
2. Colorado is pronunced as Kolorado
"Ch" is pronunced as / che /
"D" is pronunced as / De /
1. Dos is pronunced as Dos
2. Domingo is pronunced like Domingo
"E" letter is pronunced as / e / in the words below
For Example:
1. Estabilidad is pronunced as Estabilidad
2. El is pronunced as El
"F" letter is pronunced as / Efe /
"G" If it has met with the vowels, including / i / or / e / it should be pronunced as / h / and if it has met with the vowels, including / a /, / o / or / u /, the letter should be pronunced as the letter of / g /.
For example:
1. Genious is pronunced as Henious
2. Agua is pronunced like in Agua