Applying technology in food production

in steestem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Applying technology in food production (HACCP)

Greetings my dear steemianos ... on behalf of @issavets, in this opportunity I want to present you this publication on the process and the system that, should have the elaboration of foods, and the advantages that its application provides, in the field of the transformation of raw material food, from its collection, to the final consumer, this has a process often unknown, it is appropriate to reflect on the subject, since many times we get sick and do not know where the disease comes from, bacteria and viruses are usually introduced by food intake.

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There is a methodological and systematic application called HACCP as indicated by its acronym in EnglishHazzardAnalysis and Critical Control Point , translated into Spanish, Hazard Analysis in the Critical Control Points, this system had its origin in the USA in the sixties, it has been recognized by the Global Comercio (WTO), the Codex Alimentarius, the Comission Iternational Normas Microbiologicas de Alimentos (ICMSF) , The Commission of the Naciones Unidas, the commission of the Unión Europoea, as well as organisms Academic, to be applied in all affiliated countries and thus ensure the harmlessness of the food consumed by its inhabitants.

What is innocuous?

COVENIN defines safety, as the guarantee that the food will not cause harm to the health of the consumer, when they are prepared and / or consumed according to the use to which they are destined. it is also defined as the inability to do harm , COVENIN or COnsejo VEnezolano de Nregulations INdustriales, which is responsible for granting certification through compliance with legally established standards with the quality control seal NORVEN to the Venezuelan food, medicine and beverage industry, in conjunction with the Iso 9000,14000,22000 and 27000 regulations, for the process and transformation of food.

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on the basis of the above considerations, the HACCP system has been recognized as an effective means to control the ETA, it is timely to know that for a long time, humanity has been suffering from diseases caused by food intake contaminated, that is why the governments of the world, are striving to control largely the process of processing and processing, storage and distribution of food.

What are ETA?

These are the abbreviations that define the Ediseases Ttranspired by Alimentos, when we consume foods of doubtful origin, we expose ourselves to a high percentage of risk to suffer some disease, due to the contamination that could have suffered during its collection, processing and elaboration.

In this order of ideas, it can be said that, in the globalization of an economy, two conditions must be given, environmental protection, health and safety, under a system approach, where occupational health and environmental conservation lead us to obtain a product of quality, all this is established in the international standards ISO(Oorganization Iinternational standardization), in its standards most used worldwide in processing processing , storage and distribution of food ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22001, ISO 27001, which implement quality management, environmental management and information management respectively.

The ISO(IinternationalOrganizationStandarization) in its standard 9001proposes its use by companies, as a way to continuously improve its internal processes , to obtain greater performance and sastifaction of the investors, the ISO14001establishes the environmental management system, this norm was developed by the technical committee ISO / 207 and its various subcommittee, the ISO standard27001helps companies to keep information assets safe, this is the best known by the industry, which provides the requirements for an information security management system.

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How to obtain food quality certification? We must seek the advice of experts to implement the quality management standards established by the government organization.

It is evident then that with the joint implementation of the ISO Norms and the HACCP system we will obtain a greater sastifaction in the process of elaboration and transformation of foods reuciendo the percentage of error that can occur during the entire process flowchart.

In the order of the previous ideas, for theBevensPtactics ofFabricación (BPF), theBevensPtactics ofGanadería (BPG), BevensPnacticAgrains(BPA), and in food distribution networks , this system should be applied, and thus ensure the safety of food, it should be added that the system HACCP is based on seven principles that serve as the basis for its implementation.

  • Principle 1. Perform a hazard analysis

  • Principle 2. Identify critical control points (CCP)

  • Principle 3 Establish the critical control limits (CCL) for each CCP

  • Principle 4. Establish a surveillance system to ensure control of each CCP

  • Principle 5. Establish the corrective action (s) when a certain PCC is not controlled.

  • Principle 6. Establish verification procedures to confirm that the HACCP system is functioning effectively.

  • Principle 7. Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to these principles and their application.

With reference to the above, there are some prerequisites that we must apply for the implementation of the HACCP system, the company must have what is called POES; o Standardized Operational Program for Sanitation, must have management commitment, and apply good GMP manufacturing practices established in current legal regulations or international Codex Alimentarius regulations and other applicable laws.

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Precisely at once, the HACCP system is directly linked to the total quality management or TQM in its acronym in English, Total Quality Management, is a management strategy developed in the 1950s and 1960s by the Japanese industries, from the practices promoted by the quality control expert W. Edwards Deming.

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This was the impeller in Japan of quality circles, also known, in that country, such as "circles of Deming" and Joseph Juran. The TQM is oriented to create awareness of quality in all organizational processes and has been widely used in all sectors, from manufacturing to education, government and service industries. It is called total because it concerns the organization of the globally considered company and the people who work in it.

In one of my previous publications, The ruse of a holistic aptitude,, I define and explain a little about the management of the total quality, this article is oriented to the primary sector, to the sector where the raw material comes from, to be processed and transformed, for distribution and comercialization.

In summary, the application of this system guarantees us the safety of food, take into consideration these recommendations when we go to buy and consume food, check labels, packaging conditions, storage conditions if possible, expiration dates and all the information that we can obtain that allows us to be safe, let's ensure the health of our family.

More than a pleasure I hope that this article has informed and educated, about the importance of doing things well, especially when it comes to our food and health .. If you liked this post I hope your comment and your vote .. @ issavets

Thank you.................

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