in stemng •  7 years ago 

Hello Steemians, The last year has been a great experience for me. Seeing as 2017 has been another exciting year for the space scene, I thought it would be appropriate to bring today my new post on NASA's DISCOVERY : SHOCKING MYSTERIOUS THEORIES OF MOON.

It is a massive mysterious discovery which may take part in in revealing the exact theories and mysteries related to the MOON to the entire humankind. Lets see what all NASA's DISCOVERY : SHOCKING MYSTERIOUS THEORIES OF MOON is all about !!


The Moon is beautiful and has played a huge role in human history. We created calendars holidays and mythical creatures based on it it gives wolves something to howl at and it provides a glow of gentle light in the world of darkness. The moon is the yin to the Sun's young and together they create a balanced earth and although we are so close to the moon there's still so many things we don't know about it like how it was created. Robin Brett a scientist from NASA even stated it seems easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than its existence. There are many theories on the Moon's creation some think the Moon was formed from the Debris thrown into orbit when something collided with Earth.

Some think the Earth's gravity captured the Moon when it was passing by and then there are theories that the Moon which is supposed to be a Natural Satellite isn't so natural at all. Then this huge light bulb could have actually been created by an intelligent and technologically advanced civilization. Now I've been wanting to make this post for a long time like years. Seriously, this article has been sitting on my mind since I started going to my College and this is definitely one of those topics were a lot of people could be like man this is crazy. It's lunacy. Seriously, I wanted to make this post because all the information I found is really interesting but it's going to be really strange. But like I mentioned before there's just so many things we don't know about this beautiful Werewolf inducer. So, like I say in the beginning of this post please just keep an open mind, read the information and judge for yourself.


Now let's talk about the hollow Moon theory. The moon has a density of 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter while the Earth has a density of 5.5 per cubic centimeter. This shows that the inside of the Moon is less dense than the outside providing evidence that it could actually be hollow was more. On November of 1969 NASA created an impact just to measure the Moon's Seismic Waves and were left baffled by the results. The Moon was described to have quote rang like a bell as his vibrations went on for an hour and according to some at NASA even wobbled leading many scientists to believe that a Moon itself is hollow like a Bell. MIT’s Dr. Sean C. Solomon even wrote the Lunar Orbiter Experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the Moon's gravitational field indicating the frightening possibility that the move might be hollow.

The Craters on the Moon are thought to be cavities created by falling asteroids, meteorites and volcanic explosions but what's mysterious about some of these Craters is that the bottom of these Craters are actually convex meaning the surface curves outwards rather than inwards. Now this really shouldn't be possible because meteorites traveling at 25,000 miles per hour could not possibly make Convex Craters. Another interesting fact is the depths of the Craters on the Moon are actually very shallow in comparison to their circumference. The impact by a meteorite or falling object should have created Craters multiple times deeper if the Moon was merely a solid piece of rock.



Let's compare our Moon to the Moons of other planets. Taking Jupiter for example Jupiter has Moons because of its stronger gravitational influences but even still its moves are about 180th its size Jupiter has more than 11 times the diameter of Earth. Yet Earth has a Moon that is 1/4th of us. Other planets that are similar in gravitational influence to Earth such as Mercury and Venus don't even have Moons and according to Professor Isaac Asimov of Boston University the Moon is too big to have been true by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been affected in the Moon then having taken up nearly circular orbits around our Earth are too small to make such an eventual allotted credible.

So, now let's talk about the Moon strange orbits. The Moon moves in a perfect circular orbit. Well almost perfect it has the slightest variation and it's the only Natural Satellite that has such an orbits. Most orbits that are observed are elliptical not nearly perfect with a little flaw. What's stranger is that the gravitational center of the Moon is nearly 6000 ft closer to Earth. To this geometric sensor with such a significant discrepancy scientists remain unable to explain how the Moon manages to maintain its nearly perfect circular orbit without wobbling.


The Moon stabilizes the Earth. The Moon has been known as a significant stabilizer of the Earth's orbital axis. Without the Moon, researchers predict that the Earth's tilt could vary as much as 85 degrees. If that was to happen then the Sun would move from being directly over the Equator to directly over the Poles over the course of a few million years. A change that could result in dramatic climate shifts. This is strange because the phenomenon of a satellite stabilizing our planet is thought to be extremely rare throughout the Universe. Like I mentioned in the beginning of this post, we really have no clear idea how the Moon was created but there are three main theories one is that like I mentioned the moon was once part of Earth and has broken away. Another is that the Moon formed at the same time as Earth. The third theory says that the Moon was just floating around out there and got caught in Earth's gravitational pull.


But these theories fail to answer why the Moon and Earth are so different composition wise? If the Moon was indeed a runaway satellite that was caught by the Earth's gravitational pole it doesn't explain the Moon's almost perfect orbit? How something of its size could even be caught by Earth's gravity? As in cases where a satellite is captured by a planet the satellite would exhibit a more eccentric orbit and of course besides these what is considered the most outrageous explanation is probably the one I talked about in this post. But if this was in fact sure let's say it's true. Let's say the Moon was indeed created by intelligent beings were some advanced civilization then would actually explain a lot of the mysteries that the Moon presents. We really don't know much about the Moon at all!! Even Dr. Robert Jastrow the first chairman of NASA's Lunar Exploration Committee called the Moon the Rosetta Stone of the planets and as always I would love to hear your thoughts how would you explain some of these mysteries that so far science has no answer for all so let me know how you think the Moon was created it really used to be part of Earth than our planet just hijacking somehow when it was floating by? Was it created by some ancient civilization to stabilize our planet and give us a light source at night? Love to hear your thoughts!!

Content Sources :



WIKIPEDIA : Planetary Science

Rosetta Stone

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Interesting article.

Thanks buddy!! Following you.. :)

We live in an almost 100% theoretical construct IMO adi-mac. Thank you for taking the time to post and ask for meaningful replies. For the record I do not put much stock in data released by NASA (never a straight answer) however I do not question that NASA has compiled volumes of data, the general population is just not privy to NASA's findings in its pure form. I do not know the source of our moon, if it is solid or hollow, or what the moon is actually made of. I know our planet could not have evolved to its current state without the moon in orbit so I am very grateful for the moon's existence. Consider picking up a copy of Knight and Butler's: Who Built The Moon, I have a feeling you will enjoy that read. I read it a while ago and can say I give moon theories some thought more days than not, especially when I look at the moon in the night, and sometimes daytime, sky. Keep searching adi-mac, makes the trip more enjoyable IMO. Best.

Thanks a lot for taking out your time for reading my post! I will try to put some more interesting research works in my upcoming posts!! Keep Steeming... :)

you have done a good job, keep it up !!

Thanks I am just learning!! @matytan

everyone is learning including me. i ve made alot of mistake but i do not worry just learn from it .

Yes, you are right!!

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