Let's Talk About "The Sun"..

in stemng •  7 years ago 



The name of the star is very close to the Sun's solar system. In almost ideal sphere shapes, they are mainly composed of plasma or ionized material, in which magnetic fields are involved. Its diameter is about 13,72,000 kilometers, which is 109 times the diameter of the Earth, mass is about 2 × 1030 kilograms, 3,30,000 times the mass of the Earth. 99.86 percent of the total mass of this mass solar system. Hydrogen, the main structural material in the Sun, is actually three quarters of the total mass hydrogen. The most abundant element after hydrogen is helium. The heavier elements than helium are responsible for just 1.69% of the Sun, yet their combined mass is 5,628 times in mass. These heavy metals include oxygen, carbon, neon, iron etc.


The Birth and Evolution of the Solar System.

The birth and evolution of our solar system is estimated to have started with a gravitational collapse of a small part of an enormous molecule cloud approximately 450 billion years ago.
Most of the collapsed parts are concentrated in a small area of ​​the center, forming the sun, the rest of the parts become flat, a fetus is formed from which all the planets, natural satellites, asteroids and other small objects of the solar system are formed.

This well-known and well-publicized model of the name of Nebula antiquity was first proposed by Emanuel Swedenborg, Emanuel Cunt and Pierre Simbo Laplus, in the nineteenth century. Later, the model has improved with the active involvement of many branches of science, including astronomy, physics, geology and planetary sciences. After the introduction of the space age in the 1950s and the extrusion started in the 1990's, many people are recycling or criticizing this model. It is also the question of whether these new disciplines can be interpreted through this hypothesis.

The solar system has evolved from the early stage. Its satellite may have been formed from a gas and dust disconnected around a planet, and some satellites can be produced in different places and later can be formed in the planet's gravitational bond. Some satellites may again be the result of a huge conflict, as many people think that Earth's satellite moon was born as a result of conflict. Clashes between the objects of the solar system are a normal phenomenon which is still happening at different places and times, these clashes are believed to have played an important role in the evolution of the solar system. Many times the planet's position has changed, one planet may have to move to another planet. This planetary motive is now blamed as one of the main reasons for the origin of the Solar System.

Today, about 500 million years from now the sun will cool down, because its envelope or extrusion is multiplied, the diameter will increase a bit more than the present and it will become a red monster. At one time the outer part will be separated from the Sun and form a planet nebula and the center will turn into a type of stellar residual called white dwarf. In the far future, the stars passing through the sun will reduce the bonding of their traveling companions. As a result, some planets will be destroyed, some will be scattered through the intersections. It is believed that after some trillion years there will be no planets around the sun's residue.


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The Sun itself is the source of all energy?

We know that the sun itself is the source of all energy, all the energy that the Sun itself produces. But there is no end to human curiosity with this sun. When the sun was born? How the sun arose, how is the sun going to give us light of the clock? Why does one need to break even a second of the sun? What's working behind the formula? How the sun was so powerful? These questions are too old That is why many scientists from the beginning of the world have tried to find answers to these questions. And after finding the answers to all these questions, this time theologian Stephen Hawking discovered that the recently-held Theory Big Bang The main thing is the Big Bang or the Big Bang theory. Earth is produced by this great explosion. At the beginning of the blast, the earth was a heated gaseous lump. Then, due to the rotation of the Earth, due to the heat radiation, the earth gradually cools down and humans are able to live in a habitat environment, and there is a continuity of life.

As a result of this theory, the curious people survived a little bit of anesthesia, and any source of solar energy, including the sun, was found. We have survived, but the rules are left! Our factory is in question, our question is not the end! Well, if this solar system is created through an explosion, then how are the planets, satellites, stars replaced so disciplined? How are they going through a rule? Why is this kind of explosion going? The answers to these questions are unknown to us today. Someone will benefit if I explain it.

We already know that the sun itself is the source of all energy, all the energy that the sun itself produces. But why? Generates energy from humans or other animals, such as food consumed. Plants take food from the soil in the same way and they generate energy from the food. So how does the sun generate power? As a result the sun is continuously radiating the light! Sun diet or what? From which the sun generates energy! So the sun survives without food? What is the sun so self? Does not he need help from anyone else? But it is also true that every creation of this universe is somehow dependent on one another. So what is the sun?

On the other hand, according to Newton's third motto, "every verse has an equal and opposite reaction", then the sun is as light as the sun must be in the sun! Where is that darkness? And likewise, according to the same formula, according to the same formula, the sun must be cold or snow in the sun as it is very hot. Where is that ice?

Authors: Dark Light Plant Researcher


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True. The nuclear fusion of hydrogen is the source of our energy.

Thank you..