It is time to invest in the stock market

in stock •  7 years ago 

With all these natural disasters happening in America, the financial market will rise tremendously, because we will have to rebuild what was destroyed, I believe that it is time to invest, probably in the next 3 months will be very favorable for the economy, due to the end parties of the year, '' thanks givens and Christmas, after that the merchant will calm down until April and continue to rise due to the reconstruction of what was destroyed by the natural disasters, and so it will be in the next 7 years, I live in Brockton Massachussets 30 minutes from Boston, I believe we will have a very hard winter, as in Texas and Florida suffered from hurricanes and floods, and California suffering from drought and uncontrolled fire, here in the north of the country, we will also suffer from a hard winter in my life everything that I do and I think God is always in control, we must prepare for the good days and many more for the bad days that are to come.
Seek, then, first of all the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. matthew 6:33.

Have a good weekend.

Rodrigo Adami

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