Arunachala, ancient sacred sight and living place of power

in stonertv •  5 years ago 

In this episode, we dare to talk about the inexplicable, try to describe the infinite. This is about Arunachala, a fiery mountain in South India, ancient sacred sight, spiritual hotspot, the place of places.
The vibration of the hill is a mystic mirror, pointing constantly to the heart of the living being, where there is an infinite column of energy. It's a process of purification, like forging a sword, anything, that is not essentially the self, gets burned. Illusions are fading away as your true nature shines stronger.
In these turbulent times, the principle of self realization, as emanated by Arunachala, is your personal compass, a shortcut through the interweavements of drama and karma.
You want to make this world a better place? Discover yourself and be who you are!

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