Bullies will want to make you feel like you are a failure, and dealing with them is as easy as proving otherwise.
(1) Stick to you friends - When you are with your friends, the bullies can't just go to you because they know they will have to get past your friends, too. Move with confidence, even if its fake.
(2) Ignore them - Be the better person, always. Even if its too hard, just ignore them. Even they call you by your name or by your flaws. If they seeing you crying they will make fun of you.
(3) Be good at what you do - Bullies bully because they are covering up for some insecurity or issue that they have with themselves. The more awesome you are - at school, at work, with your sport or talent - the less they will feel that they can just push you around.
(4) Tell someone - If things start getting really bad - if you are being physically hurt or if you are bothered to the point of not being able to function properly - it is time to tell a friend, family member, or even teacher or boss. Bullying should never be tolerated.
Remember: Critics and bashers are great because they create balance in the world. Not all the time you will hear good things about your life. Take criticism, learn what you can and improve yourself. Easier said than done, but don't let the bullies get to you. Find comfort in the love and support of the people who really know you.