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i get attacked by casino and gambling addict @acidyo a lot i know what you mean

So much drama

Hey there,
I have read the comments of @savetheturtles and they really are disgusting.
Sorry to hear the you and other women were victims of these awful comments.
While I agree that these people should not be supported and even downvoted, from an objective point of view I do not see a proof of the link between the accounts @savetheturtles, @kawaiicrush and @trincowski (or @mitrado).

Can you provide some information regarding this link.

I had already linked the @mitrado account to the @savetheturtles and @kawaiicrush (after the account was sold from previous owner) due to content and styling. It was already known these accounts were linked.

Maybe you feel like you don't have to proof anything, and I understand that regarding the awful messages. But you do have a serious accusation here, putting @trincowski in the middle of the spotlights.

I feel like missing some more "proof" of the link between @trincowski and the other accounts. Even if you have some information, and you don't want to reveal everything because of privacy concers, the picture is not very clear without it. Is it possible to give something to clarify the link?

Thanks. I am still waiting for the same thing... 😶

I am not defending you, just trying to look objectively to the case.
After having read those comments, I hope for you that this is a misunderstanding. Because if it really is true and there is proof, you will lose big time.
On the other hand, why would @justineh create such a post if she didn't have the proof to back it up?! I think there is more information...

I asked her for proof, this was the answer I got.


No, good try though.



Unless someone is trying to frame him I gotta say it's hilarious how bad people are at hiding their sockpuppets from their real accounts. Then again with proper detective work one can always narrow it down pretty well based on activity, timezones, style and how they write. I remember some people were asking me if they should sockpuppet way back in 2017 for some extra rewards and I told them that remember that one mistake and your reputation is gone. Meaning that it's enough you comment with the wrong account once and the blockchain will save that forever and it's gg, so it really is not worth it. Who needs mandatory ID verification when us humans are so clumsy. :)

Who needs to watch what they do on sock puppets when they can just blame it on a “shared account” when they are found out 🙄

And the comment with the wrong account can be quite comical sometimes.

It's true.

I actually share an account with @justineh.
Anything good she's ever done has actually been me, and anything bad she's done is all her.

Man... This feels good. I should "share" an account with @ned next...


I joined Steem because of @mitrado. Yes, I know him and he's my personal friend. We have very similar political views and I upvoted his posts like he upvoted mine.

But this conspiracy theory is just insane. What the heck???

You're destroying my reputation on this site because I have a friend who you hate?

As for the other accounts you claim to be me, I have no clue who they are.

Lol. Just look at the lame excuse your putting on. That's ridiculously dumb(I'm not sorry for using that word) . 😏😑😑

Your supposed friend attacks women on here and you did nothing about it. Lol. And You guys used the same account? Lol. Is anybody seeing what I'm seeing here? 😂😂. Savetheturtle was really a pain in the ass.

I support @justineh for any step she wants to take on this case. This is f*cking interesting 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm his friend, not his dad.

Do you police everything every single one of your friends does or says? I highly doubt that.

That excuse and this one carries no water💧. Seriously.. 😏😏

Anyways. Good luck to you guys.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ok, so now I'm suddenly responsible for everything my friends say or do. What next? If one of them misses a credit card payment, you want to see my accounts frozen?

Blah blah blah.



Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

share private messages is be "pieces of shit"


Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Good try, move along. Your game is up. Keep it up and I will use what I have to file criminal charges.

The only one spewing hate, is you.

I'm sorry about what happened between you and him. Yes, I admit we shared the @mitrado account before that war escalated like crazy. Then I created my own account.

I apologise for all the things that were said to you.

Is there anything I can do, so we move on from here?

Pal ie strategy no?

So how do you explain "your friend" mitrado updated his account data 3 months before you joined to include: "Name: Trincowski" ?????
You are DONE Ricardo.

not smart enough to handle alts

We were using the same account at that time. 😥

I'm terribly sorry.

Nobody believes this Ricardo, nobody shares accounts when they can create their own, and yours was created 4 days after mitrado supposedly quit steem.

The same day mitrado “quit Steem” ... for the first time.

Yes, and a big part of the reason I wanted a new account.

It doesn't make sense. If he quit, then it would make more sense if you just carried on using the account as you.

It was his account, not mine. It made more sense to start one of my own.

It was his account,
Not mine. It made more sense to
Start one of my own.

                 - trincowski

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Yeah, right. You need to realize that the front-ends you use to access the 4 accounts DO have IP address logs..... In any case, you will make the harassment on Justine stop NOW. Thank you.

Stop acting like a slave.

Make this stop? What do you mean?

As far as I know my friend has left steem already, so what harassment are you even talking about?

Yeah, right. You need to realize that the front-ends you use to access the 4 accounts DO have IP address logs.

Then please publish those 4 IP addresses, as that will clear the doubts.

Unfortunately those logs cannot be made public, until a subpoena is issued by a judge, that is. But make no Mistake, the logs are there.

How convenient.

Then I hope you have any other proof because right now you are attacking me without evidence.

It's called fingerprinting, IPs may be included, the funny thing is that he is speaking about it like if it's something only a +9000 IQ can find it.

The hypocrisy here is that most of them brag about coming to steem because of "privacy" but don't see any problem of using and collecting private information.

Did I release anything? Perhaps people should consider their privacy before they doxx themselves on the internet and then hide behind an alt to threaten and harass women and children.

Kick rocks dude.

Not bending the rules or your values when your interests are involved is called having integrity, something you don't have.

Let's see those logs, then.

if those logs do exist they are crucial pieces of evidence

You're done for here.

I will support ANY action @justineh decides to take against you.

Isn't she a good girl hah? Pathetic. Think with your brain, not your balls.

Isn't she a good
Girl hah? Pathetic. Think with
Your brain, not your balls.

                 - dr-frankenstein

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Not now haikubot, go to your room!

lol the timing was funny xD


Sorry to laugh Justine. I know this is serious shit you are unfortunately dealing with but haikubot’s timing...pretty funny. Lol.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Not now haikubot, go to your room!

What does the harassment shown by these accounts have to do with me being a good girl or not?

Oh and please let me know how to fondle balls through the internet.. it seems it’s something I’m accused of often, I’d love to know how it’s done.

because I have a friend who you hate?

Do you feel that's all there is to it based on what those accounts have been doing which she literally wrote about in this post you just read?

Ooft, you did the right thing in calling him out

what happened to you I feel very sorry for you @justineh
Unfortunately it is confirmation that there are people who devote their time to insulting and hating.
And the thing that makes me angry when you target women!
As for the methods of @jaguar.force I agree and continue to fight for Steemit clean and without cheating.

As a teacher, I try to make my students understand the value of loyalty and honesty.

a big hug

I'm sad that you joined this witchhunt, Armando.

I'm not behind those two accounts nor have anything to do with them and @justine is being unfair to me. She has no proof to make the accusations she's making.

I'm sorry, but if you're a witness to a crime, you have to report it. If it wasn't you, you had your friend use your account very unfair. We're on the edge of the complaint. For much less we can end up before a judge, especially when it comes to insults, defamation and hatred.
You're going to have to prove with the facts and the evidence that you're clean.

I agree he wasn't cool.

Unfortunately, proving that is impossible. We both used the account at the same time. I guess we have to part ways, Armando.

He wasnt cool but after you created your account you kept supporting him,all the way? mmmmmm

That's what friends are for.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

@trincowski is not behind either the @mitrado or @kawaiicrush accounts.

What those 2 accounts have in common is a dislike of berniesanders, and by extension I suspect they have also targeted you.

@kawaiicrush went full troll following the revelations in this post - 3/4/2019

@mitrado's beef with Bernie started at least a year before this.

@mitrado is not the same person as @kawaiicrush.

@savetheturtles looks very much like an alt of @kawaiicrush.

Hi @soma909.

@mitrado is my personal friend. I started using Steem using his account... but I don't even know who those other 2 accounts are.

I already apologised for the mistake but since we've both used the account at the same time, yes, she's half right when she says I was @mitrado. 😥

I should have never used a shared account but I was new to this and didn't understood the ramifications of that decision until it was too late.

A fairly minor mistake, in my opinion :)
I hope others take the time to examine the accounts in question - as it really is quite obvious that they have nothing to do with you.

Savetheturtles and kawaii are linked.. yep. And they are also linked to mitrado. If trincowski here only “shared” the mitrado account, well there is no way I can prove otherwise.. can I?

I’m sure it was just a big mistake on his part to share a financial account with a person he cannot claim he is not.

It is what it is I guess...

You have no idea what kawaiicrush is and claim neither does mitrado?

Exactly. If you have her IP Addresses, it should be straightforward to verify that.

You clearly don’t understand how IP addresses work and please quit claiming that I have said I have them.

I’m asking you if you and mitrado are claiming to have no idea who the kawaiicrush account even is.. as you said the only thing mitrado knows is that he got some support from her, that’s it.

I assume you can ask our IP Addresses to Steempeak, since you are part of the team. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that.

No, we don't know who owns that account and I am willing to use my 2 downvotes a day on @kawaiicrush if you want me to.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

It would be unethical for a front end to release IP addresses and I would not support that, no. I didn’t go to steempeak for any information I have.

I told you in DM I don’t want you to downvote anyone, I simply wanted the truth.

I didn’t ask you who owns it, you stated mitrado had no contact with them and I was just clarifying that.

First look I give to your blog @justineh, hii! I'm so sorry for what is happening here with you.

I read some comments from @trincowski and well, as far I know he is saying that he and his friend were sharing the same account months ago, right?

So I say he should take responsibility for it, if his friend behaved like an idiot in the community, the evidence says that clearly the accounts are linked. He is admitting that his friend and he shared a account, then he should take responsibility for that and know that the actions taken here are based on that. Sharing an account sounds stupid, in many centralized places sharing an account is something you should NOT do and this case is one that demonstrates why.

I think it's an excuse anyway, I don't believe him.

You have your right to believe that. But the other 2 accounts are not related to me in any way or form. I'm being accused with no proof, on that argument.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

@trincowski are you innocent? Great, prove it. If this guy is your friend you know his name, how does he looks, his facebook account... Talk with him about this, ask him for recognize he was wrong, and talk with those who work here to clean our platform. Maybe you could show to them, in private, the proof that you are not this troll... Pretty easy. No more excuses.

So, I'm guilty until proven innocent, eh? Am I in North Korea? I'm done with this.

The accuser should be the one to prove the allegations. Since she doesn't, there's nothing else for me to disprove. She claims I own those 2 other accounts without a single piece of evidence.

It's my word against her.

You all can believe what you want.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I said mitrado is behind the accounts, saying otherwise repeatedly doesn’t make it true.

You claim to only use the mitrado account and not be behind any of the wrong doing.. fair enough. I most certainly can’t prove you just used your friends accounts (which listed trincowski as the name) and didn’t take part in any of the other actions.

Kind of silly to try to twist things on a blockchain, where all transactions are kept for eternity 🤷‍♀️

Whatever. Your initial post damaged me enough. This half-excuse is the most similar I'll ever have to an apology from you. I'll take it.

Your rep is a 66, and I stated that if some proof comes forward that I am wrong, I will make it up.

You seem to only want to make excuses for the mitrado account and won’t even admit if you were in control of it or not.

You may want to have a chat with your buddy mitrado as working with a crazy Canadian woman to attack and threaten people isn’t a great plan.. really can backfire.

My post shows that your account is directly linked to the mitrado account, and you do not refute it. Your excuse is not one I can disprove, so I guess I have to take your word on it.

Literally you are being accused of doing something wrong, you are not proving the opposite, and is so easy to do that everything you say just makes you more suspicious. Anyone with the truth on his side has no fear of it... are you afraid of something?

Well, can you prove that you're not the one using the @kawaiicrush and @savetheturtles accounts yourself, @huesos?

How do you even begin disproving a wild accusation like that?

Well, is pretty easy for me, I can show where I am and what do I do in my day... Do you wanna know i'n not handling those accounts? Well, I don't upvote them neither, that's pretty weird... I live in Venezuela, I speak Spanish as native language and never studied English, and believe me, people notice. The part that is not clear is why if you know one them personally you don't talk to him personally? If he shows up the whole theory will not be believable.

I already did.

But proving that I'm not those accounts is not as easy as you say. It's my word against hers. She cannot prove that I own those accounts just like I cannot prove I don't own them.

Unless someone subpoenas the Steempeak, Steemit and eSteem websites and they provide us the list of IP Addresses of all the accounts, it will always be her word against mine.

How do you know which front ends those account used? :)

I don't. I know the ones I used.

Of course, and right now her word seems to have more weigh. IP is a good idea, transparency is part of Steem philosophy. We'll see...

I can always become an invisible curator. 😂

These individuals have not only spammed my own blog with threats, harassment, slander etc.. but have sent threats to me personally as well as attempting to doxx me to release my personal information. But they are also responsible for trolling and harassing countless people here.

Many times I have been told that it is just something I need to deal with

This is the problem with not having any property rights on steem. Fortunately that is mostly fixed with tribes, and I expect will also be fixed with SMTs.

In situations where you have property rights, you can refuse to interact with terrible people.

Those individuals are not me. But how can I prove that?

@justineh claims to have proof but she never shows it. Why? Because she knows there's no proof.

She's accusing me without no evidence. She simply claims to have it.

I'm waiting for that "solid proof" that I am using the @kawaiicrush and @savetheturtles accounts.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

As solid proof would provide your precise location and I am not someone who will share that. I know you are the kind of person who would share that, but I am not.

Your game is done. You have harassed enough people. Move on from it and learn something.

I’ve not asked for you to be blacklisted or anything of the sort. I stated to stop the harassment and asked the community to not support you due to the harassment.

You can stop tagging me now.

You're attacking me for what someone else is doing to you... and you refuse to show that proof?

Sorry but after these accusations, you really need to post your "solid proof".

You know why you don't do it? Because you can't have what doesn't exist.

Exactly proving my point.


Another one bites the dust!

Good job @jaguar.force, gotta give credit where credit is due.

Funny. Where's our friend @savetheturtles in all of this? Where are his vulgar comments? Suddenly gone missing.

To be honest, I'm not 100% convinced that @trincowski is all those guys. I went back and read a bunch of his posts and I can see that he writes in a very similar style to @savetheturtles with the same missing pronouns, such as saying "Blockchain" rather than "The blockchain" in some sentences. I assume Justin and Jaguarforce have more damming evidence that they've held back.

In any case, if you say you're not Mitardo, and he's your friend. Then I assume he's only a phone call away. Give the guy a call and put an end to the harassment for your sake.

Lastly, that "we shared the same account" excuse is a terrible one that doesn't make any sense at all. This is the first time I've heard of poeple doing that. The very first step of bringing someone to Steem is helping them create their own account due to the fact that MONEY is involved. It just doesn't ring true that you shared the same account, and for that long. What was your arrangement in sharing the Steem? How do you know who's got what amount? It makes no sense.

This is the first time I've heard of people doing that.

Joint social media accounts usually imply more intimate relationship than simply "friends".

Agreed. And they are often both present individually, and declare it as such. Like the husband and wife duos or the Steemsisters for example.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

He’s already said that “so what if he is mitrado” but thinks because I have not shown ips or who created the savetheturtles account that he’s off clean.

I’ll gladly gather all the information that shows the connection between the two accounts (but still refuse to share some), but yes as you have said.. the wording, styling, voting habits and interactions paint quite the picture.

But I mean.. he’s cool with being mitrado and says that account has never done anything similar ...



Also the joint love of haejin is pretty great as well


After all, mitrado is one of Haejins “loyal followers”

The shared account thing makes no sense and he seems to think I can’t prove he is behind the other two because he “knows who they are”... great, so they are in a group lovely.

What a terrible person. Yeah, that one was directed at one of my posts (The haejin one). Ironic that Haejin doesn't give a damn about them though haha.

Sweetsssj claimed to share a bittrex account with ten people :D

Hahahahaha. She's a genius that one.

One of the most successful on Steem :)

You have DRAMA!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

No point in hiding, the truth all comes out eventually with the wrong intentions.

Yawa don gas😂😂😂. Nice nice😂 at last!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Good to know, savetheturtles and kawaiicrush both insulted me badly.

Sorry, you had to endure that. Tough guys behind keyboards, pussies irl.

Ugh, I’m sorry Joy. They seem to be targeting women here 😕

that sounds bad

Oh. We must create a system for this, maybe a bot to track all these things. The user experience should be the first priority of STEEMIT.

I'm not associated with those two accounts in any way.

@justineh claims to have the IP addresses from all of us. I challenge her to submit that evidence as soon as possible so I can clear my name.

Maybe he has a crush on you?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You definitely have a good sense of humor :D

Just trying to find the motive while others gather more evidence

She has no proof I'm behind those 2 other accounts and @mitrado hasn't harassed anyone in months.

This is all a big wrong assumption on @justineh's part. 😥

Speaking on behalf of Mitrado also share the same brain

He's my personal friend and I started using Steem with his account. 😥

That was my mistake and now I'm the one being crushed because of it.

LMAO, xoxoxo

OMG😂😂😂😂. Your funny @ticopurelife

Posted using Partiko Android

Good to hear this is being solved and great work @jaguar.force .
Harassment/threats of any kind and of anyone has no place here on steem, or anywhere. Just sucks you had to put up with this bs for so long :(

Their ass are being exposed.

Only problem is @justineh made a few wrong assumptions and she has no proof at all that I'm either @kawaiicrush or @savetheturtles...

But you have confirmed you are mitrado. I am just trying to clarify what proof exactly is being asked for.

There you go with your assumptions. I used his account, you read I am him. I'm not going to fight you on that. Believe what you must.

But this, you'll need to prove, as this is a total lie and you know it:


I just asked you repeatedly if you were mitrado when you DMd me.. I can share screenshots too. Very mitrado of you with the screenshots, keep it coming 😉


You repeatedly are refusing to answer a direct question and then try to focus on the idea that “so what if I’m mitrado, you can’t prove the others”


Sure as mitrado has always been such a doll, I can see why you would be ok to admit to that


Sure I can show the connections between the mitrado and other accounts, glad we have at least established first that you are mitrado.

You keep twisting my words. Incredible.

You never thought to call out your friend for being a douchbag to people? @trincowski

He had his reasons. The other side wasn't all love and flowers, too.

He had his reasons.
The other side wasn't all
Love and flowers, too.

                 - trincowski

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

People are tools. Some are sharper than others. I don't get what kind of person takes pleasure in trolling other than those who are weak and Pathetic IRL

I just want it to stop. It’s absurd that it has gone on so long.. and while I can ignore a lot of things, seeing them do it to others who unlike me (according to some), did nothing to deserve it.

Spineless human beings generally stop their antics when they have to actually answer for them.. and not hide behind the safety of an anon account.

I wonder what this place looks like with no anons. I know there are reasons for it that are valid, but there are many that are not also. Part of the issue of the internet is a lack of consequence for actions.

So much of life these days seems to centre around the absurd.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I really have no issue with “anon” accounts personally. I think even having a main account, whether anon or not, makes you responsible for your actions (to a point). I mean yes we have a few accounts that have caused havoc on their main ones, but generally if you want to continue to be a part of the community.. you can’t act like a total shit head.

I think when an individual who has built a rep here then has an anon account that they believe they don’t have to answer for.. it gets a bit weird. I mean just in this case you can see the escalation in the behavior. As the alts moved from one to another and the individuals felt more “safe” or whatnot, their behavior got even uglier. There is no way they would have done so from their main accounts, as they know they would not be able to continue as is. (I believe it’s more than one person so I’m not singling people out here with that sentence, just a general over view there)

So yes, I think it would be interesting to see what this place would look like if everyone acknowledged and accepted that they are responsible for their own actions... but I guess then they could continue to just make passive aggressive tweets as many here do.. I’m personally just more to a blunt, in your face, so we can just move on, type. I’m not sure that transfers well online 🙂

"If he wants to continue posting, then by all means I encourage that.. but I do hope this will end the harassment that has gone on too long."

Thanks for the edit.

You are assuming those accounts will stop harassing you because of this post? Why would they stop, when you are attacking someone who has nothing to do with them?

I bet they are laughing at this post, without even caring that I got my reputation ruined because of them.

Yes.. I’m sure your kindergarten buddy is so amused.

I never attacked you, I showed a link between your account and mitrado’s. I am also blunt enough to admit I can’t prove your insane “shared account” story as false so I will say fair enough and admit - Hey, maybe what that account did really has nothing to do with you... even if it’s directly connected, has the same name and you admit to have been in control of it. But sure, clearly you cannot be responsible for what the account, that you were in control of, did.

I know the harassment will stop, and I’m sure you will tell your buddy why it should.

After all I said and done, you still think I own those 2 accounts, even though you have zero evidence to prove it.

I can only refute valid evidence. Since your evidence is non-existent, there's nothing else for me to refute.

Believe what you want but please refrain yourself from saying that your opinion is "solid proof."

Nope, I said mitrado is behind those accounts. Plenty of proof in the post, feel free to refute any of it.

I would refute if there was any proof in your post. Sadly, there is not.

So you couldn't prove that I'm @mitrado, you couldn't prove that @mitrado is @kawaiicrush or @savedtheturtles.

What exactly did you prove?


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I don't always follow these steembeefs but I've noticed you've been in the centre of a number of them, lol aren't you tired of it? Gosh, I don't think I could handle such animosity all the time! That said it is pretty entertaining so I'm sorry for enjoying your angst but hey at least im honest about it right?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Yes it seems trying to stand up for things on a platform that is really just about smiling and nodding to get an upvote is not accepted well.

Maybe somehow it really is all my doing and I’m not standing up for anything in the slightest.. definitely something I’ve questioned ..

I’d much rather just say “Steem” a lot and smile.. maybe not actually do anything significant, just make lots of posts saying I am important etc... or perhaps sit in discord and bitch about everyone and everything without actually doing anything.. that seems a lot better than this, yep 🙂 seems I chose the wrong path on Steem.

And of course it’s ok to laugh.. I think this all is quite laughable too.

@justineh Here's an account that ended up being concerning. nonsowrites wrote:

You read far enough to that point to get to that point. Lol brace yourself mate. You don't know what just hit you. I'm just waiting for your identity to be revealed then you will know what's up. You can hide behind your social platforms for too long.

People often do try and intimidate with words on social media, I've only encountered a couple people in all the years I've been blogging that something actually happened after such an event/debate or whatever you want to call it. Sometimes you wonder if it's just a coincidence or whoever you were blogging with actually did something as was with this case. Though I haven't seen anything in the way of doxxing I was hit with heavy bot attacks and started getting texts on my phone of porn advertisements. I can't prove it stemmed from this incident just that it didn't happen until. I reported the threat to someone here behind the scenes when he said it, I don't know if he did anything but accounts that would openly come out and even just threaten such activity would seem to me to be the type of people you wouldn't want around. Luckily, as far as the bots were concerned, I learned my lesson back when and keep myself protected that way plus I subscribe to a 24/7 tech support system, that may protect your computer better but not your personal stuff if someone is a savvy it has me weighing if blogging is worth it if I have to subscribe to something like lifelock. How far is to far to go just to be a blogger on social media outlets.

There's no reason to be threatened by Nonso. He's a kind young man that lives in Nigeria and blogs on his phone. I saw that comment, and I believe the comment was meant for Haejin, not you. Perhaps the things you're Haejin, since you've left some pro-haejin comments on previous posts.

The porn texts you're getting are because you've been watching porn on your phone ;)

Don't waste your money on tech support. They are more likely to hack you than Nonso.

Really dude? think some person thought he could take on Haejin with a mobile phone? You are always showing up to excuse other's bad behavior telling us what great people they are.

I have a ten year old mobile phone with the old querty board and tiny screen. I couldn't even begin to imagine how to operate a querty board to use the internet on the thing, not that I haven't ever tried unsuccessfully. I think one has to be skilled in morse code to operate on such a old fashion skill level. I can't even see the dirty pics they send I can just read the messages.

Those support tech people have come in handy many times. They even brought my laptop back to life once. It was like a life altering resuscitation that required me to remove the battery then repeatedly for minutes to keep hitting a key while they broke into my computer. To me they are worth it.

Fair enough. If they're actual people you know, it's better than those over-the-phone ones.
Anyway, those computers are made to break after a year or so. They want you to buy a new one.

I'm done with this topic as it has become clear that there's no real evidence of these accusations against me.

I leave my defence here, in case anyone is interested.

I really enjoyed this drama😁😀

(edited) ???

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

I've explained already. I was using the same account as @mitrado, as he was the one who showed me the site.

Then he got into several fights and when things escalated too much I started my own account.

As for the other 2 accounts, I have no clue of who they are. Yet, @justineh claims she can prove I own those accounts.

I'd like to see that "evidence".

Let me give you some advice.

Sign out and do not log back on to your account.

@trincowski I understand your points and it's very possible that you might not really be a part of this but you were on the train to believe it or not.

Seeing crime and let it happen is also a crime. I would not want your reputation to go down that you have built over the years so I want you @trincowski and @justineh to sort this out smoothly. It may be a little misunderstanding or it may be a big one.

@trincowski Nobody really needs to prove anything.

In addition, @justineh I can understand your feelings and aggressions but let's not ruin each other's work.

Let us all do some research over the weekend also and come up some agreeable solutions. Thanks

At this point all I can do is apologise for what @mitrado did, as I did share his account. 😥

That was a big mistake but I didn't know how the site worked and we both used the same account for a few months.

I'm sorry, @justineh, but I hope you don't attack me for that mistake.

An apology won't make for it I believe if we consider all the scenarios. You would have to prove yourself to the others and especially to @justineh that you are what you are saying.

Otherwise, I don't think the community would like to see your posts anymore, as you have already seen.

I would really like you to prove this because if you won't and you are right, you won't believe in truth and rightfulness. Thanks.

What can I do to prove I have nothing to do with those accounts, @justineh?

That's for you to figure out. Just like @justineh has done some research, you can do yours and come up with solutions for not being guilty.

Well, I have no way to prove that. Have I?

So, because @justineh makes a wrong assumption, which she can't even prove, my time on Steem is over?

There has been plenty of research done, see the post. I’m presenting it... looks pretty clear to me. There is no aggression on my end, just his.. see comments of his alts to see. I have nothing to prove in the slightest, but the harassment will end.

Why are you doing this?

Those other two accounts have nothing to do with me. If you have the IP addresses, you can see that for yourself. Can't you?

I also know that @mitrado is not attacking you anymore.

So why am I paying for what they did? Just because I did the mistake of using the same account as @mitrado in the beginning?

Please reconsider, @justineh.

Trincowski, there is proof all across the internet that you are one in the same. I get you are trying to play victim here so this doesn’t fall on you.. but it’s clear it’s been you from the beginning.

Your trincowski account has even been involved with some of the drama here, going right along with your other accounts to try to push a narrative. Attacking me, from this account.

You are one in the same, and you aren’t fooling anyone with the shared account nonsense.

Oh you know that mitrado is not attacking me anymore? How so? The comments are right there for anyone to see, and “he’s” been starting in on others too.

Come on, just own it and move on.

These are his last comments.


About the other 2 accounts, they have nothing to do with me. You claim to have proof otherwise. Why don't you show it?

You're destroying my account based on a lie.

If you don't think so, show us all that proof.

I have seen all your findings and it all supports the fact that @trincowski is the culprit but let's wait for a day and let him come up with some proofs that we all can believe and if not, the community will not want to see his posts and content. It is as simple as that.

How can I possibly prove that @justineh got it wrong?

I'm done because she claims she can prove I own those other accounts but she never shows that proof.

So how can I refute what isn't there to be refuted?

I to let him gather whatever he needs the clock will eventually tick

I downvoted this comment not to hide it or that I disagreed, I just don’t like when someone upvotes their own comment on my post to push it to the top. Popular comments, decided by others will rise to the top.. not self voted ones.

CoOL! Not a problem. I can understand.