A Doctor And A Lawyer Dating The same Girl

in stories •  4 years ago  (edited)
Some men can be funny at times. Haven't you seen a man fighting his fellow men because of one woman? That's bad. What speaks more to ladies, is the amount or money in your bank account.

There is a story or two friends who were fighting on the road because of what? One woman. Isn't that a disgrace? My fellow me, leave women for now, work hard, money go come and all other things attached to it will bow to you. Am I communicating?

A doctor and a Lawyer were dating one particular girl, it happens that the Doctor use to give her rose 🌹 daily while the Lawyer gives her apple daily. The girl became confused one day and demanded to know the reason behind the gift. The Lawyer answered her "an apple a day, keeps the doctor away" 🤣🤣🤣. That's funny right?

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