in story β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 


The statement above is quite common in the dictionary of love with which we are all too familiar. But how many people are familiar with love scenerios endorsed by nature? Hahahahah.... Someone must be saying, this only exists in bollywood(indian films). Well, skip the stereotyping, nature endorsed love could happen anywhere which was the case of the love that exists between Bamidele and Aderonke, a beautiful Nigerian fictional couple. It all starts like "COINCIDENCE". What are your own love signs and confirmations? You might just find out after reading this. ENJOY!!!!!!!!

Culled from



It was quite a sunny Thursday as I walked into Skye Bank with an umbrella over my head for a cash transaction. I passed the normal routine of having to almost go nude before the bank electric door recognizes you are human and not some metallic substance. With an annoyed expression, I stormed into the bank and chose not to notice I bumped into someone who swore at me but I didn't care, I just continued with my transaction... Why won't I be vexed when the bank door ruined my fashion combo because I couldn't wear a moschino belt with a metallic design in!(who does that??). I grumpily finished my transactions and was about leaving when someone started shouting "Hello sister!" "Excuse me Sister".... Thank God my name is not sister, it must be one of those ashawo(promiscous) guys who wants to woo.. I suddenly felt a tap on my left shoulder.

[BAMIDELE] : I've been chasing you for quite sometimes now, you forgot your umbrella.. (panting heavily)

[ME] : Oh! My bad! I didn't hear anyone call me(I lied)... Anyways, thanks for bringing me this..

[BAMIDELE] : It's nothing but u still owe me a " sorry" for rudely bumping into me earlier (he feigns annoyance)

[ME] : (scans him from head to toe) Oh, I never knew I bumped into anyone(2nd lie). Sorry about that ( I wouldn't say sorry if he wasn't this good looking tho)

[BAMIDELE] : Its totally fine. Let me get going now. Hope to catch u sometimes later...

(He was about leaving when it started to rain. We had to share the umbrella to get transport to our respective houses.)


I totally forgot about his existence until I met him two weeks later in a grocery store. I was still thinking where we met when he walked up to me and smiled...

[BAMIDELE] : Guess fate is at work here... I get to meet u again bank girl.

[ME] : (recollects and laughs) why would you call me "bank girl"? It's funny!( I blushed)

[BAMIDELE] : That's because we didn't get to know each other's name the last time. But before anything, let me carry this over the counter for you. I'm paying... No arguments on that pls.... (He did just that)

[ME] : Thanks so much... I'm Aderonke by the way (extends hand for a shake)

[BAMIDELE] : Nice name. Bamidele here... (he takes my hand)

(And it began to rain again!!!!!)

He dropped me home with his car that day....

Why we still forgot to exchange digits would have baffled me if the next thing had not happened!

I guess life doesn't go as we imagine it to sometimes be. Its been two years now and I thought I would run into BAMIDELE again like I have done those few times but I didn't.. Its even much more frustrating that we didn't have each other's contact details. I comforted myself with the fact that he could have looked for me since he knew my house if he really wanted to be friends... We are both busy people so I shouldn't get myself worried when we are both living fine separately! Guess nothing is coincidental about us, just comforting assumptions.

I was doing perfectly well until my parents informed me that a marriage has been arranged for me!! I was furious!!!! How could they do that to me? At this age in time??? Who still does that shit!?? They didn't even care for my own feelings! Am I now a business tool for their own selfish entrepreneurial manipulation?? To make matters worse, I won't meet my to-be-husband until the wedding day! Aaahh!! I am so crushed!! What a miserable life that was! All attempt to extricate myself of the engagement failed as my parents cut off all means of livelihood until I did their biddings. I agreed after much persuasion.

The D-day came. I must have been the saddest bride in the history of brides. I was escorted to the altar in my father's arm(he had to practically drag me) and of course the bridal retinues. The unknown groom was already waiting. I didn't bother to look up. I was crying.

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That was when I heard it!!!

Sound of raindrops on the roof!

Not another coincidence abeg!. Each rainfall has always reminded me of him over the last few years. I missed him so much... I didn't know when we reached the pulpit neither did i hear the priest clear his throat.

[PRIEST] : Now the groom would have to read out the vows from pamphlet meaning it with all his heart...

[GROOM] : I, Bamidele Braide, accept Aderonke Moses as my wife, to love and to cherish, for plenty and little, for better for best, till death do us part...

[PRIEST] : now the bride would take her vows

(I wasn't concentrating all the while and didn't even hear my husband take the vows until the priest nudged me. I was about reading the vows when the groom's name on the pamphlet caught my eyes)

[ME] : Bamidele??? (I looked up at my groom and it was really him. He smiled knowingly and I was so happy I forgot to say my vows and just kissed the man of my dreams!).......... .............

Sitting next to each other on a star gazing mission in Bahama Islands which was part honeymoon package, he narrated how he planned the whole marriage thingy with my dad. No one is more a teamworker than my father.

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Bamidele made me understand that he blamed himself for not taking my contacts the last time he left me and decided to brave all odds by visiting me at home. He got to my gate and the courage to step in fled him. He started rigmarolling with his car thinking the next line of action. Unknown to him, my father was on the balcony of the house which was upstairs and saw the whole movement. He brought out his cutlass and gun thinking it was an armed robber with some sinile motives. Bamidele had decided to get in the house and had alighted from his car when he saw my father pointing him a gun asking him to surrender his weapons.

He raised his hands as a sign of surrender while calmly reassuring my dad he wasnt a threat. Thanks to my forgetfulness because my umbrella was all he needed to extricate himself. He further told my dad how he wanted to see me but he refused such requests. Bamidele didnt relent as he came again the second time only this time bearing the Magi's gift. My old man warmed up to him letting him into our house but out of my view. If only he knew how i had suffered in silence thinking about this man's absence, seeking his presence. If only he knew....


While my father was trying to get to know the gentleman who seem to have greater interest of his daughter at heart, he found out he was the son of his long lost best friend with whom he did his masters together in the abroad. He was overjoyed and quickly arranged a meeting with his old friend who was now a minister in the oil sector. All i know is, new endorsements kept coming in within those times. Bamidele was also planning to do a two year course abroad around this time.

My father advised he completed his course abroad before making his intentions known to me and that he would hold me down for him pending that time. Bamidele told me he objected to that but one glance at his face convinced me he wanted it that way! "What a handsome sly! " i smirked. He laugged hard knowing i caught onto his lies. He drew me closer to himself and said the truth with a powerful kiss. He stopped and looked into the sky saying , "our usual confirmation?"

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Then again, it started to rain heavily!

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Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

The kind of story you tell, discribes the kind of person you are.
You must be cool. I like your creative post.

I'm flattered sir. Thanks for your sweet feedback πŸ’

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Are you sure Bamidele is not from the marine world. He seems to draw rain each time he's around.

Haaaaaa!! Marine keh! I don run tey tey oπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Tell him to stop bringing rain every time na

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

lol. quite an interesting story. rain always had something beautiful for u guys.

look at the way im smiling sheepishly at the story. i hope to find the love of my life too someday

Aaaawwwwnnn dear! I assure you would find an amazing person for yourself. You are awesome!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 


Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Nice story but you should have not just ended it like that. I want more

Pls tell me what else you want included dear....

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I really envy your writing. Its always good. Keep soaring @aderonkemi

Thanks hun... You've always been a support for me

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

So touching, I feel you. What happened to you guys is destiny not coincidence you both were destined for each other. I love your love story. Thanks for sharing @aderonkemi

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Always raining
Nice lines

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Amazingly Beautiful story...But seriously, I don't get the consistent rain part with dude.
Oh! Sorry my bad. Your love confirmation.
Nice one.

Interesting story dearie

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Love is sweet
I admire the way you write

And it is always raining
Hope it is not what am thinking sha