This is Prayer, Prayer and Prayer as the Prophet Muhammad SAW

in story •  7 years ago 

coinciding with the Prophet Muhammad's mawlid.

The Prophet's Mawlid is the anniversary of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam), which fell on the 12th of Rabiul Awal (Islamic calendar).

There are actually two versions of Mohammed's birth.

According to the narrations sourced from the Companions of the Prophet, he was born on Monday 12 Rabi'ul Awwal year of the elephant.
However, according to the narrative which is sourced from ahlul the temple of the Prophet, he was born at dawn, Friday 17 Rabiul Awwal elephant year.

Whatever his version, the night of the Prophet's birth was a very glorious night.

Muhammad was born in Mecca from a mother named Aminah and his father Abdullah.

The grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad was named Abdul Muttalib.

In welcoming the Prophet's Mawlid, there is no recommendation to read specific prayers to read.

However, Muslims are encouraged to read salawat of the Prophet as much as possible, as an expression of love to the Prophet.

Salawat of the prophet can be read in the morning, noon, afternoon, or after five hours of prayer.

Not only reading salawat, but Muslims are also recommended for alms, doing good, preening themselves and expressing happiness on the day of the Prophet's Mawlid.

This is as described by Sayid Bakri bin Sayid M Syatho Dimyathi in I'anatuttholibin.

قال الإمام أبو شامة شيخ المصنف رحمه الله ومن أحسن ما ابتدع فى زماننا ما يفعل فى كل عام فى اليوم الموافق ليوم مولده صلى الله عليه وسلم من الصدقات والمعروف وإظهار الزينة والسرور فان ذلك مع ما فيه من الإحسان الى الفقراء يشعر بمحبة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وتعظيمه وجلالته فى قلب فاعل ذلك وشكر الله تعالى على ما من به من إيجاد رسوله الذى أرسله رحمة للعالمين صلى الله عليه وسلم

Meaning: Imam Abu Syamah (teacher of the writer) said, "One of the most hesitant heresies of our time is the custom made by society every year in celebrating the Prophet's holy day in the form of alms, doing ma'ruf, and preening or tidying up villages and expressing joy. All that follows good deeds to the faqir people, showing love to the Prophet Muhammad, his majesty and greatness SAW in the hearts of those celebrating mawlid, and a form of gratitude to God for his grace in creating a Messenger of Allah who was sent as a mercy to all natural. May Allah bestow sholawat and greetings to His apostle SAW. "

The complete salutation of the prophet is as follows


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