Single Scene: The Embrace
There are times, you see. It is when angels conspire to make the devil fall in love and for once, succeed. Hell freezes over and icicles drip but in thirsty mouths, Father Times takes leave and the love of Times’s life takes it into her lap and there is serenity. For once the poor guy shuts the eyes and stops, halts, comes to an end. There are times, my beautiful, when sorrows are scared off like little children in thunderstorms and when thunder is asked to ‘Shh’ and for once the beast listens. That time, this magical goodness in the air, this elfish wish fulfillment, this rainbow in the night, this…. This… This feeling that engulfs the being. Shores calm down and breaths are slower and babies sleep on their mothers’ chests and lovers find far off nests… That… That tranquility… The kind that eases tense temples, makes gods make love, makes thorny bushes smell of roses in forests… That.
My beautiful, I have felt as such. I have known it, it has owned me, ran through my blood, touched me from within, from hither and tither… It has sang to me in silences and it has swung within me so full of life in death.
You see my demons wither away when you touch me. My horrors are put to sleep, my soul is that of a child’s, my spirit a stain virgin again, my insides feel exempted from the torture, I feel purer somehow… That…. That clarity is what I witness. It happens when I feel your arms around me. It is all… all encompassed not in unearthly kisses or in consummations of long lusted for love. No, it is your embrace. The divine intervention that causes the winds to move, the stars to shine, the moon to call its beloved sea to it in an eternal star-crossed love story and the child to open its eyes in a new world. It is this divine intervention that causes the hearts of two beings to beat in a symphony.
It is beautiful how I feel the texture of your hair with my lips. Hands play magic, bodies entwine and all to what avail? A magical embrace. The frenzy of need begins and like a rabid wolf I run to the one thing that would satiate me: you. And how like the twin flames I feel one in your grasp, that celestial clasp. I lose myself and become liquid within your hold. I am no more me and all is yours. I am yours and yours to take. You know it and so you own every fiber of my being. You knit it within you like a work of art and I let you for that is how helplessly I needed your embrace. It happens when all I yearn for is you, a simple touch, a slight caress, a silent whisper, a shooting breathe! I love how you break open like a century old shell and for once, I can feel you bare to me, in a million sheets, with a billion overcoats, you stand there… bare and raw just as I like. Your scent, honey and fragrant wood and one of jewels of the sea. Those ragged heaves of the chest, those beats of your heart, those needy nuzzles… I feel them, you see. The fact that you craved, you wanted, you yearned, my beautiful. The embrace, its magic is triple fold. It’s glory better than all the gods, its warmth freezing that of the core, its fire making Hell envious and its beauty outdoing that of creation and creator alike. It is better than all the touches in the world, better than all the wines, better than all consummations, better than everything ever could be. I feel more complete than a sphere, more lost than death, more lighted than the orbs of heaven, I feel it…. You around me and the world is put back in the orbit and the universe finds its purpose. That is what you do to me… That… That contentment that you give. That beauty you trap in your sweet embrace.