God Speed

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

Here's a short story I've written imagining my death in 2100:

God Speed

A memo from Us@TheCollective, broadcast June 22, 2100 @ 8am:

At the age of 115 years old, .bilal has elected to stop receiving regenstem capsules to the shock of all those who have admired his last 42 years of public service. The decision goes against The Courts Of Longevity and Contribution which recommend a lifespan of 215 years due to his many accomplishments sustaining meaning in the Troubled Years.

Ever since Us@TheCollective decided that God truely was dead and officiated the funeral in 2047 there had been an unstoppable tsunami of suicides raging across every subCollective on Earth. Even the NewMartians, with all the hope of colonization and challenges wasn't providing the sense of purpose humans seemed to require. WE remember when .bilal boldly released the entire contents of his memory into TheNetwork through an experimental uplink. Unleashing his confusion and exploration on the origins of meaning. That was the beginning of We. After that epic day WE remember watching the daily stats on the The Weather Channel Within watching seeing the quantified-collective status updates radiating out  his social graph across the network. WE were never so happy to see the soothing blue spread, representing drastic reductions in cortizol levels. The social-psychological network radar was finally cooling down.

So it's with much sadness WE reveal this previously encrypted thought from .bilal. "Perhaps it's time I actually figure out what's behind the veil of consciousness, I'm so curious. Time to prepare to leave The Collective for whatever is beyond it". We're not clear how long .bilal will survive without the stemcell regeneration, he started taking the LifeSavers when he was 62, and stoichiastics based on his genetics and family indicates we might have 10 more speedy years. God speed .bilal - or someone like that.

Thoughts? Opinions? Should I work on it some more?

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