Story of a small girl...

in story •  7 years ago 

The little girl, who lost her parents, came to the village from the village to find her livelihood. Need a job, any job

In two ways it is eaten and eaten. Walking from one end to the other end of the road.

Where to go, who will want to work? Do not know what to do.

Rothera lot of heat! Away in the park by the side of the park. Many small children are playing.

They have their parents, mothers with them. Buying what they are buying is their father.

Lots of hunger, what little girl Rima would do. Will I go to the man and eat something?

Nah! If you drive with the abuse? Yet, hunger that is no more than a bedrock!

Kaku, do not give money, eat something.

Two days dharya rice rice .. do not give anything?

Who is your queen? Do you know?

Which is far away "" Turn away.

Isha! My gold stuck on the dirt of Mani! Which is here ..

He pulled his wife Rima far and wide.

Sitting in a park on the bench, Rima's eyes were tears of hunger and her eyes closed.

Looking away, she looked and saw the woman feeding her daughter with her hands on the ice cream.

Rima walks out of the park on the road. Rima stood near a hotel near the street.

In the eyes of the horn, looking at the crusher.

And brother did not give a trumpet?

Lots of hunger .. is there?

No, no

So share .. do not brother

What you will say I can do all the work.

Do not give it ..

So? Can you do all the work?

So, go inside and clear all the tables. And filled with water filled with water.

If you want to eat parse, please.

Rima went to clean the table with water and took water. The hotel is quite far from the call.

Heavy heat over the head. The sweat of the forehead is falling on the head. Pressing the call and drinking water a little bit Rima.
But it is not enough to press the cockpit. It is not going to be able to get out of the body.

Rima is filled with a lot of trouble. How to take the hotel now?

It is possible to elevate the pot so that it is going beyond its capacity. Still need to take it.

In no way was dragged to the restaurant to pull.

The man in the position ran and ran a slap and hit Rima.

It's so late?

When did you send me Rima replied with tears, brother went wrong ...

Nah will not be with you. There will be one more water of the water, and how long do you know how long?

I will not be late anymore, I will come soon.

Rima went to the call to bring another pitcher water. And it's not going to be anyway, but it can happen.

The state's appetite for the stomach Rima reached a little faster than the previous time.

And brother, this is your water !! Do not give it, do not give anything.

Take this,

What are just three horns? Do not give more?

I have eaten whatever I eat and eat fast.

A little before, the hotel owner was sitting outside from the outside. He noticed the matter.

The manager told the manager, "I see many people looking hungry.

Let him sit inside and give something to eat.

Manager: Do not try to get more treatment with them, sit down. The tigers are those ni jagaga ..

Tell me something to eat, so give it. Why so much talk?

Come on, this girl, G.Kaka calling? Yes, what's your name?

Rima, my name is Rima .. Kaka two kalas water Iina and I gave these three trumpets?

I have a lot of kayakas kaka And do not worry about the two ...

This manager, come to this..why have you brought this little girl to the water?
The manager replied down, j ...

I'll knock down your job.

Get ready to eat it with rice and meat and eat it.

Yes, well.

The owner of the shop, Jummon Saheb, noticed eating food in such a way.

She could understand that she is true, did not eat anything for two days.

After eating, Jumman asked Rima, your parents are not?

No, uncle. Why did they die?

I have died father in death,

And the mother is betting in another mines. In my village, my grandmother remained in love.

Hmm, I understand you have no one else. I can see if I can make any arrangement.

Thikko is around you If you can make any arrangements, I'll tell you.

I'll go out now. I'm going to say to the manager, if you want to eat something, please come here.

In the evening, it was night, and Rima was walking along the sidewalk in the street.

A group of people lying on one corner of the sidewalk.

Nah! I can not, tired body.

Need a little rest Rima was sitting on one of the sidewalks.

A mother lying beside her, her baby embraces her chest.

Rima is coming to sleep around the eyes. The mother and the baby lying next to another baby, Rima fell asleep.

The morning light began to boil.

The movement of people in the footpath has started to grow. Rima is like a small child sleeping.

Bailors are not very spacious, comfort is not pleasant, not in air,

There is a lane in the sidewalk on the side of the road. The time is going on, but Rima's sleep broke.

A folk man crossed the road with a stick and dish in hand.

Rima began to call Rima to the bedroom.

This fox? Get up, still sleeping? Get up..

Rima got up to look at Rilla.

What? Can you sleep till so late? Do not you know this is my place?

Kaka is the road, this will be your own place?

Hey boy? What's new in the city?

Hey, I'm new ...

Sara ... all the time, this is my place of begging..what is it?

Rima got away a little bit. The neighbor next started begging. Rima is looking at it.

One man walks past the side and someone is leaving somebody's bag on the plate.

Rima was sitting there, quietly stopping.

Rima Samne has begun to give two to one, one and two rupees to donate to her uncle Chacha.

Within a few hours, Rima got a lot of money.

Mother uncle, the man is looking at Rima with a very difficult look.

It seems that he will eat Rima. For her daughter, this business is going to be a big loss.

The amount of breakfast in the morning has become, Rima seems very happy.

The morning meal can be bought and bought, it is very happy.
Two people arrived at the footpath at about 9/10.

They were going to speak to Rabira's oldest sister and talk to them.

At one point of the talk, they took some money from Murbibi and then pointed to Rima and asked what he said.

Then the boy came to Rima and took away all the money from Rima.

Rima pleaded for a lot of heart, but they did not hear it.

Rima is falling apart with tears on her eyes. She went to Rimba beside her to weep.

Kaka, who are they? They took all my money?

They are in charge of this area.

Mean? What is the charge?

Hey, we're not begging here? It takes tax of them to do so. If you do not pay taxes, do not "payday" donna.

Half of the eggs that I do every day take them.

It's half of your own. But did I take my whole?

Hey, I have a permit. There is no permissions, no one is there, it's all new because of the new decking.

Aslam Bhai is head of the beggary association

If you meet Aijka Honor, you will be a permissive niece.
Once the permissions are taken, the pura will not take half, and the half will remain there.

I do not know the address of the boy, uncle ..

Behind, there is not that bus stand east of Ai,

The name of the name of the name of the name of the name of khayei, that is not jalis in me.

Kaka .. Many hunger seems to give up 5? By asking for forgiveness

No, parmum, please forgive me.

I did not wake up in the morning!

I have two ponds and maiya, what will happen to them before they die, whether I am fed by tension.

And you're going to buy the share ...

Kaka, I did not see myself in the mail.

Two poles are begging the other side of the road on one side of the road. They do not feel like this,

People do not beggary at all.

And maiya? What is the maiya?

Maiya lives in the house, cooked and we roam when we go home.

Do not you have wife How are you?

The water was noticed in the eyes of Murbibir, the wife had gone to the time of the maita. It's great to lose love.

I lost my mother and my mother died, I would love to marry,

For two years, I have begun praying for money. My matra passed my matriculation

I could not study due to lack of money.

If we could deal with a valued polar log, I would have run away.

So we did not pay any bijayera bijila lagaya lagaya.

A rickshaw-van is run in such a way,I will marry you
Mother is dead and my mother is like me. What do you mean so? You did not want money?

Do not take this 10 rupees.

I do not wanna fuck ...

Can I pay 5 rupees a little earlier? Will not you like it? Take care, I beg you to pay attention ...

No, I do not want to be worn. I have a familiar store. Hey wants to eat me free.

Well do not feel like it. If you talk to your logs later, then the customer will not be missed.

Well, Kaka, I go hungry, I'm hungry.

Well, that's ...

Rima is walking on the road, towards the hotel of Jumman Sahib.

About 11 o'clock in the afternoon. Rima stood in front of the hotel.

The manager looked at Rima with a camaraderie.

What? Ishes again free meal?

I'm hungry, I do not give anything, if I have money, I have to pay all the money in the diminay

I have given a buila to eat mauli.

When I was the owner, your bone Vianga would have been Maayra Mira, the child of Falakarni is free to eat ...

Rima's head bent down. Hotel Boy gave a plate of rice and gave it to Rima.

At the moment, the manager said, "Rima will go inside the pallet with the plate hand,

There is no hope of standing there, standing in it, hoping to eat in the table and enter the table.

Rima agreed to move her head. After the meal, when Rima went away, the manager called Rima from behind.

This fox? Where is the income, where are you?

What is the uncle Is calling?

Yes, I have gone to eat, and I have a cake with water.

yea, uncle Rima went to bring a water of water. According to some difficulty, water pulls to pull in drag

Brought the hotel to the airport. Keeping the dough, again, Rima left for the same purpose.

Rima looked and looked at the hand. Cut the blisters in hand.

Carrying water kalas in this little hand is very hard work. Still, the circumstances of the victim to do so.

To survive, Rima has to survive by fighting.

Now begging to be licensed? So, for the license of the beggar, Rima went to the bus leader's association union leader Aslam Bhai. Is there a meeting going on inside, Rima is standing outside the office room. After a while a man came out. Rima came out to see the man coming out,

Kaka, Afan's name is Aslam Bhai?

Do not worry, I do not know, I do not know? I am Aslam Bhumi Hemu Killa? Aslam Bhai is in the meeting.

Kaka, I will meet her lips? I needed one thing,

No longer can be seen, stay for 1 hour, if the meeting ends,

Okay uncle Rima has been sitting outside the office for more than one hour. One person came out to meet him and said, "Meet Aslam bhai." After almost two hours, when all the people went out, Rima entered the office room. A man in a huge body sitting on the chair chair in front of Stand by a colleague on his right side. The next man opened a box and got a drink out of him and pushed him to Aslam's brother.

Aslam Bhai, after taking his hand and looking at Rima in front of the neck, asked,

Ah, what is your name?

Kaka, my name is Rima.

What do you want

Kaka, I would like a lace. Begging lysen ...

And I'll take a different license?

Yes' uncle

Do you have money? Takes 100 taka ..
Kaka, I do not have any shelter, I am sorry to ask for forgiveness,

No, it will not be there, earning less than a hundred taka, and then you can see it.

Kaka, believe that I did not have any work. I am repaid by Afan, I do not give him ...

Aslam Bhai, looked at the face of the next colleague, what is Dimu?

The colleague said laughing, the people of the poplane, can not wait? There is a condition in the AI, the money that will come on the first day will be done by all the Aslam brothers. Is not it?

Yes, uncle ... Parmu.

Aslam came out of the drawer and rolled a card to Rima and said,

Keep it with all the time, this licensed license. Understand

Yes, I understand Kaka,

That which is now, will come in the evening and pay the money.

In the previous address, Rima is walking along the way, begging from now on. Murbhabi is sitting in the previous place. Like him, he is begging. Seeing Rima, Murbibi asked,

What happened to the heavens brother?

I'm uncle. Here's the card, you keep it with it.

Hmm, keep it near, do not lose it. Rima was begging until night. Before that evening, Aslam Bhai's guy came, from the afternoon to the evening, all that had been taken from Rima. Again, he asked to go and pay 10. Rima likes to be hungry, she will go to the hotel again to eat. From today's uptake, there can not be a single buck to spend. Rima thought and would not eat it free, by the money. But nothing has to be done, the rest will have to eat. The use of the hotel owner is good but the managers do not have the advantage. Rima does not like to hear about her.

So it's not free yet, since today. Rama went to the hotel to eat dinner. Today the owner owns the hotel, there will be no problem Rima. Seeing Jabbar Sahib, Rima was happy to think.

After seeing Rima, the hotel owner Jabbar Sahib called Rima,

This girl, come here ...

Rima entered the hotel, what is the uncle, calling me?

Yes, I've called you. I made a system for you. Can you work

What the fuck?

I need a job man in my sister's house, can you wash the house, wash the clothes and wash the clothes?

Hmm, I can.

So there's no problem, you come here at 10am, I'll give you my sister's house. There's a lot of comfort. Stay, eat, wear new clothes, watch TV, and sometimes even some money, Pabaa. Are you ready now

Haka, I agree. I'll be catching in the morning.

Well, eat it now, eat it. It's morning morning. Rima is eating dinner at night, walking happily on her destination. Seeing her near the road, she came to him with joy and said, Rima. Murbibio was very happy to hear this.

Very good news, which is "Allaah", you keep it very happy. Before 10pm, he came back with the rest of the money to Aslam's brother Rima. Feel so much peace Let's get some happiness news. Rima fell asleep with the joy of her mind.

Rimor woke up early in the morning. Waiting when 10 will ring. After a long anticipation, a few minutes before the arrival of the hotel came Rima.

Jabbar came to her sister's house with Rima. His sister is very happy to get her working girl. Nowadays a great lack of job! Can not find it!

after some days...

The little girl got up in the morning, afternoon, working night. I can not help it Need a little rest Boy, girl, husband care, wear their clothes, wash and wash, Tired today! Two boys and girls go to school every day in their old home and work after work. Rima is not able to do that!

Jabbar's uncle said, can be relaxed, some money can be found, good clothes available! What? All this is not getting Rima. And understand that I can not live this trouble! Now that I need release. It is necessary to eat open air under the open sky. Do not stay here anymore! From the "uncle" beside the begging can be comfortably! Two fat rice can eat as much as you like. Nobody says you will not eat all the work done!

I will leave I will be free. Be free from all obstacles.

(It could be just a story, but it is not a story, like thousands of Rima, like Rima, are still living on the streets or on the sidewalk, and thousands of rimas lie naked in the veranda of the station or under the open sky, there is no one to see them. For someone to help raise their hand, hungry people are roaming in front of the door, for 1 hour or 2 rupees! But some of the people named Hanenara have repeatedly turned them away, instead of food, some non-lingering language is being exploited in the fate of society, but the people of the society do not have any money, time or any kind of good wishes, like Rimas, orphaned, helpless children. Only the poor in the society understand the misery and misery of the poor, the big people do not understand what will happen to the future of this Rima Z? What happens to orphans, vulnerable Rima more like a thousand child's future? Their life on the road, sidewalk and people kick, punch through the end does not mean that the question to you.. For what we are not responsible ourself?

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