Further Adventures In No Man's Sky

in story •  7 years ago 


Ahead of me loomed the next planet I intended to visit. Vast cloud banks drifted lazily above a rocky surface. The sunlight reflected brilliant blue light off of the atmosphere.


Descending toward the surface I could make out land carved into canyons and many cave systems. In the distance I could make out sparse clumps of plantlike life, and rising slowly above the horizon was a neighbouring planet and its moon.


Settling the craft down, I gazed out at the unexplored landscape that stretched out in all directions before me. A hot wind was blowing across this rocky landscape, the occasional glowing ember sailing past like a willow-the-wisp. Various plants waved in the hot breeze and the air was full of strange, alien sounds as I headed in the direction of distant hills.


After walking over strange purple rocks, my environmental suit working overtime to protect me from the hot winds, I encountered a most strange creature. It was completely blind and did not appear to have any ears, either. What it did have was a massive nose, which it used to sniff at the ground as it plodded slowly along on four feet, each with three massive toenails. So strange looking was this animal, that I began to suspect the wind might be radioactive and this was some mutated life form that I beheld.


Leaving the bizarre creature to its business, I journeyed onwards, hauling myself up rock faces, the way ahead always fading into the omnipresent ashen fog that enveloped this harsh landscape.


As the sun sank lower, turning the edge of that neighbouring planet into a brilliant ring of blue fire, and the skies above me a startling turquoise, I encountered another strange animal. Its body was green and scaly, with plates like that of a stegosaurus growing on its back. But strangest of all were its feet, for its legs split into three just below the knee, so that as it walked along it resembled a giant centipede.


As the sun sank below the horizon and the turquoise sky turned golden, I found myself at the edge of a desert. Rocks peeked up from brown sand that stretched on and on toward the horizon and here and there grew plants bravely holding up huge leaves toward the unforgiving winds.


As the skies golden colour took on deeper hues as night began to fall, and the neighbouring planet which had once soared in the skies above sunk below the horizon, I saw ahead of me the silhouette of a large animal. It was assuredly a predator. If its purposeful, searching behaviour were not evidence enough, every time it opened its powerful jaws I could make out lethally sharp canines. It raised its large, doglike snout and sniffed at the air. Then, it turned its head in my direction. Had it picked up my scent? Now seemed like a good idea to make my escape...


The adventure continued...

Thanks to Hello Games for the images

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Intersecting story 💕 keep it up

Amazing story , beautiful words

Excellent story.