Daily Dream/Meditation #15

in story •  7 years ago 

I wanted to start a simple daily Dream and Meditation blog to get me back on track and I thought what better way than Steemit to keep me motivated! I get paid and am more likely to do my exercises as "hopefully" people will want to keep track of my progress and I also want to keep track of YOURS! If you have or are starting your own dream or meditation blog please paste your steemit webpage link below "after you post" in my comment section below and I WILL check out your blog and we can all motivate EACH other to stay on track with our practices. Just try to keep it related to Dream/Meditation/Spiritual practices. You don't have to have an elaborate/fantastic story to share. If you do, that's great, but the goal here is to keep the momentum going with our practices. One thing I have done that helps is make a folder in your favorites on your browser and save the webpage of one article of someone you like on steem and use that to click on their username to check their articles. Easy way to do it since there is no friend list. I will probably attach this paragraph to each post, so if you are viewing these daily you can just skip this section each time. Remember- The more often you practice your Dream/Meditation routine, the better "like any else" you will become.


Time- Early Morning
Meditation- 15 minutes
Focus- 2/10 (Some racing thoughts, not too bad)
Focus object- Breath
Body- Relaxed 10%
Position- Half lotus
Insight- none

Dream- Setting- Corporate Takeover

This large corporation had taken over my office where i currently work, and they started implementing all these big brother changes to monitor every aspect of my day. They started moving in more "corporate" people that were just annoying the hell outta me and I started to realize my old job was done. Some lady ended up taking charge of the whole business, a kind of "Black Widow" type outfit and just a pretty mean lady. I challenged her to a knife throwing contest and she did like the custom laser etching in the knives, which was very intricate. We took turns throwing at the knife board and it ended up being mostly a tie. About that time everybody seemed to rally into a coup and overthrowing the "corporate" people who cam in to take over the company. We ended up winning, but there were a lot of casualties, and everyone was shell shocked when it was over. We had a memorial service for the fallen.

Dream- Setting- Rick and Morty
I was on the street and all of a sudden a huge spacecraft that looked just like "Rick" from Rick and Morty landed on the Street. Crashed rather, but the ship was intact. For some reason everybody knew this was going to happen and was anticipating it, they just didn't know where the spacecraft was supposed to land. They then proceeded to move their wares on the spacecraft into a local shop and you could go in and buy something. I walked in and asked them if they had "something that would open my mind to the stars", and he pointed to this table with these interesting looking little squares about the size of half a graham cracker. They were this marble colored material, like swirled white chocolate with a moss covering the top that looked alive and moving if you held it up close. He said you had to heat it up and then you could inhale the fumes. I looked and saw another guy doing it and the clear smoked looked like something alive. So I heated it up and then it started bleeding this green liquid that oozed out, then I could feel the intelligence start to enter me, like the other guy, but it wasn't such a great feeling, but something not so great entering my body.

Translation 1- I do fear working in a "corporate" culture as where i work is kinda laid back and i like this. Fear based dream that this reality may happen.
Translation 2- Not sure about this one, but seems to be the message of "be careful of alien artifacts" :)

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There's an app that I use and love called dreamboard (phones and computers) my favorite feature is that it has you select all the colors you remember from your dream, and then it builds a color grid that reflects your dream color palette. So if you dream a lot of red, the red square gets larger.

That's pretty cool @drwatson, will have to check that out. Never thought about colors too much, as my mind is usually focused on the story, characters, etc. Have to try to notice that next time.

It's a great logging app. You write the summary down, mention what characters and locations were in it, whether it was a lucid dream. All kinds of interesting things to think about

good post and following

Thanks Kishore!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Always something interesting happening in the Steem world!

Good work again keep it up :D

Thanks blazing, hope your doing well this fine morning :)

Daily meditation is a good practice. I am doing meditation from past 5 years. I am doing breath meditation. Meditation clears dust in mind and makes smarter and it also clears health problems.

Absolutely, and congrats on keeping up with the practice. It's hard to, but you can see great results with time. I also enjoy the breath meditations.

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