Sejarah Radio Rimba Raya Kabupaten Bener Meriah - Aceh | History of Radio Rimba Raya Regency of Bener Meriah - Aceh

in story •  7 years ago 

Mari sekali kali kita mengenang sejarah....
Sambil mengunjungi situs wisata, ternyata banyak wisata-wisata yang punya nilai sejarah tepatnya di Kabupaten Bener Meriah Provinsi Aceh terdapat Tugu Radio Rimba Raya.

Sejarah Radio Rimba Raya

Saat itu sangat kritis............
Pada Tanggal 19 Desember 1948, Ibukota Negara Republik Indonesia Yogyakarta, dikuasai Belanda. Radio Republik Indonesia yang mengumandangkan suara Indonesia Merdeka ke seluruh dunia, tiada lagi mengudara. Radio Belanda Hilversum, secara lantang menyiarkan bahwa Republik Indonesia sudah hancur. Sebagian dunia mempercayai berita itu.
Pada saat demikian gentingnya suasana, tanggal 20 Desember 1948 malam, RRR (Radio Rimba Raya) mengudara menembus angkasa memberitakan bahwa Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan PANCASILA masih ada. dan Revolusi 1945 masih tetap menyala.
Tanggal 19 Desember 1948, Gubernur Militer Aceh, Langkat dan Tanah Karo, dalam sidang Dewan Pertahanan Daerah, antara lain memutuskan, tanggal 20 Desember 1948 pemancar RADIO yang kemudian dinamakan Radio Rimba Raya harus telah mengudara.
Tanah Aceh, DAERAH MODAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA, dalam menghadapi segala peristiwa yang terjadi, mempersiapkan diri mendatangkan sebuah pemancar yang kuat dari luar negeri.
Di Ronga-Ronga inilah, akhirnya setelah mengalami proses perjalanan panjang Radio Rimba Raya bermukim dan tanggal 20 Desember 1948 secara berkala mulai mengudara.

Brief History of Rimba Raya Radio

It was most critical time................
On December 19, 1948 the Capital of The Republic of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, was seized by the Colonial Dutch. The Radio of The Republic of Indon-sia (RRI) that broadcast the Voice of Free Indonesia over the world was then ceased from the air. The Netherlands Radio Hilversum boasted that the Republic of Indonesia has been crushed. A part of the world believed it so. But, on the same day, December 19, 1948, the Military Governor or Aceh, Langkat and the Karoland in a plenary session of the Regional Security Council, de cided among other things that on December 20, 1948 a radio ransmitter which was later known as the Rima Raya Radio should have to be on air.
Aceh, The CAPITAL REGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, even amidst tumultous incidents, selflessly made a strong radio transmitter brought from a fereign country ready to pierce the sky. So, in such a critical time, on the eve of December 20, 1948, the RRR (Rimba Raya Radio) pierced the sky, bradcasting that the Republic of Indonesia which was based on Pancasila was still alive, and the 1945 revolution was yet burning.
So, it was here in Ronga-Ronga, after a long journey the Rima Raya Radio settled down, and from December 20, 1948 it was periodically on air.



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