Tales from my past: Life in broad spectrum - part 4: Finale

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

Now apparently there is hope for the world, all because another young girl, whose name by a strange coincidence is also Sarah. She saw me getting thrown out and rushed over to offer some assistance. When she saw that I had passed out, she pleaded to anyone in the vicinity to help her carry me to her home just around the corner where she would nurse me back to health. Isn’t that just the nicest thing you've ever heard of? The most coincidentally strange part of this whole encounter is that her parents were also killed by the mysterious armoured man, whom she found out about through passing merchants. But wait, there’s more. Later, after falling in love yet again, we find out that we might be family, which complicated things (incestuous relationships are frowned upon). Luckily it all gets settled later when we find out that there was a mix up, and that my twin sister was actually raised by Agmon due to her possessing some special power. Which is also why my parents were killed...they wouldn't give her up. Now the only good thing about all of this (which I haven’t found out yet) is that I may also poses the same power. That being so, the power to save the world from sure destruction (or enslavement) - but I don’t know any of this yet.

So there we were, Sarah nursing me back to health and telling me all she knows about Agmon, which isn’t very much. Seems that he’s very secretive. But none the less, we decide to team up and put ourselves against the odds, finding Agmon and making him pay for what he did.

We set out together to the North, through the summer and the autumn and straight into the winter. As time went on, our love grew, and that did come in handy on those cold winter nights (this is the part I mentioned previously when our relationship grew a little more intimate, well make a lot more). As we neared the North (waaaay north), we noticed vegetation becoming scarcer, animals becoming less, nights growing longer...typical setting for your standard evil person. The fact that we were close presented a problem, we were suppose to defeat the big bad, but none of us had any skills of any use to fixing this dilemma. The problem was solved shortly after when an old man (coincidental isn't it) crossed paths with us. It seemed like this man knew everything, he is the one that told me that I had a twin sister with her birthmark also on her left index finger. This was unnerving news, because Sarah was my age, her parents were killed by the same man, and guess where her birthmark was. But at least the man set us at ease, well sort of, he told me that the man took my sister into his care and raised her, which was both relieving and shocking at the same time. He told us of the mysterious power my sister possesses, and that I may poses it to. Nobody knows what that power is, only that all of this is written in the Prophecies, whatever that might be. He told us that the only way to defeat Agmon, was for me to kill my sister (always the twist in the tale).

This was bad news, I had to kill my sister, whom I didn’t even know, but she was still my sister. Then there’s also the thing about the power she possesses. I had to develop my power (if I had any), if I wanted to defeat her, and I could only do that with true love by my side. But that didn’t work either. Apart from the fact that it turned out I didn’t have any power, Sarah was scared to death by all this and decided to run away one night. I hear she married a prince who was once a frog.

So, to give you the short version, I marched on the North, it really wasn’t that bad actually. I went into the castle, met my sister, who’s actually a very nice person, her name is Julie, nice isn’t it. Agmon wasn’t so bad either, my sister kind of subdued him and locked him in his own dungeon. The whole special power thing, it was a lie, Agmon used it to strike fear into his opponents but it didn’t work. So my sister and me burnt down his castle, with him and his silly armour (which was quite pitiful by the way) in it. So basically, I got my revenge, I got back some family, and I got my heart broken. I suppose in the broad spectrum (except for the breaking of my heart bit) life isn't really that bad, all depends on the way you look at it.

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