The Benefits of Crowded Coconut Kentos We Do not Know

in story •  7 years ago 


Kentos Coconut or also known as Tombong Kelapa is the embryo of coconut shoots. The shape of Kentos is round, and lies within the coconut flesh. But it's really different from the coconut fruit. More brittle and crunchy. But the kentos is really safe to eat. Even when the amount of lots of delicious vegetables.

Actually the coconut embryos named Kentos Coconut is not so popular among the people. Even if a coconut is split and its contents kentos, then the coconut is often branded as old coconut. Though the taste and benefits, a lot. It feels so good.

  1. Prevent Damage In Blood Vessels

Blood vessels can rupture if you continue not to notice your diet. Damage to blood vessels when it is fatal. Therefore, you need the benefits of this coconut kentos which is believed will prevent damage to your blood vessels.

  1. Prevent Liver Disease

Liver can be cured with coconut kentos. By eating this vegetable, really you will have a strong body. Avoid from such horrible diseases as liver. Remember that this disease is very dangerous. Liver can cause death.

  1. Contains Iron

The iron contained in the coconut kentos is so good for your body. By eating a lot of iron-rich foods such as coconut bell alias coconut kentos, then you will not get anemia anymore.

  1. Contains Omega 3

Omega 3 is on the coconut kentos really powerful. Benefits kentos is indeed believed to be rich with omega 3 fatty acids that will nourish your brain. In order to get the maximum work.

  1. Contains Vitamin A

The content of vitamin A in coconut kentos is super good for health. With the benefits of coconut kentos, really your body will not be sickly anymore. Especially your eyeball, it will be healthy again. As if having a fresh, clear eyeball.

  1. Contains Vitamin D

The content of vitamin D in the benefits of coconut palm alias coconut kentos benefits are also very effective in prevention of free radicals. By diligently eating this vegetable kentos, then toxins and free radicals will not attack you anymore.

  1. Containing Protein

Protein in coconut kentos is also very good for the body. High protein content and abundant in kentos is very good for the body. You will not be affected by the formation of cells anymore.

  1. Containing Phosphorus

Phosphorus levels in coconut kentos are also numerous. The benefits of coconut kentos will nourish each bone and teeth tissue.

  1. Contains Vitamin B12

Kentos coconut is believed to contain vitamin B12 is so good for the body. By eating these vegetables, then your body will not hit again this disease. So good.

  1. Preventing Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease will also be cured with coconut kentos. Because of its great benefits.

  1. Strengthening Bones and Teeth

Your bones and teeth will not be fragile again thanks to the benefits of coconut kentos.

  1. Preventing Stroke

Even with a stroke, of course coconut kentos aka coconut bounce so powerful mengubati

  1. Preventing Longer Rabun or Hipermetropi

  2. Prevent Inflammation of the Brain Brain

  3. Preventing Close Raboon or Miopi

  4. Treating Headaches and Migraines

  5. Contains Abundant Calcium

  6. Relieve Acute Depression and Stress

  7. Prevent Cylindrical Eyes To Not Increasingly Severe

  8. Treating Dry and Chronic Cough

  9. Prevent Colon Cancer

  10. Treating Insomnia and Hipersomnia

  11. Treating Mood Swing

  12. Lowering High Blood Pressure or Hypertension

  13. Treating Flu and Cold

  14. Strengthens Thinking Power

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