shy guy

in story •  7 years ago 

Sitting in a scanty class,bored out of my mind,I pick up my pen and jotter hoping this boredom will spark some creativity and allow me to write away my boredom but i am sitting here with my left hand on my chin,a brand new pen in my right hand and an empty piece of paper in front of me ,the boredom continues.It was like my brain was a vampire running away from light,hiding somewhere.So,I forcefully summoned the witches to create a daylight ring for my vampire brain but it seems you can't force creativity cause every idea I got was crap.So,I started browsing around the class to see if anything or anyone could lure out some creativity from my head and WALAAH!!!,there was a girl sitting in front of me,I stared at her for a bit and all of a sudden ideas started pouring in(I know,I am a loser) but as I stared at her my brain lit up,the ideas might not be perfect but at least I was better off and then she left and my brain went blank again.strange,so I asked myself whether I found her very attractive that she turned into my muse or was it just a way my brain used to trigger my creativity?(horrible right?).Well,to answer my question I felt I had to talk to her but being the shy guy I am,I concluded that it was my brain playing tricks(I know,I am a loser but that was the safe option) then,I started giving myself excuses for picking that option but it wasn't working cause I really wanted to talk to her,so I stood up and...

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