in story •  9 years ago 

you never hear a love song below, recorded with handphone..musiknya just use a little gitar..dan make goose bumps ...

"Once there is a sense of love
between us now a distant memory
wanted to forget
all about you
But not anymore right like you
oh my star
Far did you leave me
Here I miss you
I now try to find your place
but not anymore right like you
oh lover "

my sleep quiet today ... since two days could not sleep because the song info above.
Initially just a heck of a my friend know this song tells the story of girl who lost his boyfriend for motorcycle collisions, since a friend tell to me i'm not saying the girl also died, so am cool to listen to his songs every day ... because the song though simple but tasty in the ear. eh last few days longer fit googling see articles about the history of this song ... in night day ... .agitated and can not sleep ....

the story is this:
His name is gaby aka ega, He was a high school kid Blora in Madiun, he was also the son particularly vocal band (band Caramel (Stikom Bali)), while the Class 3 high school he wanted to take the exam for sure. He has a girlfriend boy racer, like motorcycle races. Well, it's fitting the time of his test they rarely busy studying communications. Unbeknownst to gaby, turns his girlfriend died of accident. Parents girlfriend and her friends g would love to know gaby fear of disturbing concentration studying. Finally after final her exam want to gaby to her home for the meet, so definitely miss the one, and would also angry after examination test after his girlfriend not to intens communication . after that fitting at his girlfriend's house, gaby and her friends really shocked, many people read Yasin. Mother's boyfriend eventually love to know his girlfriend gaby , die! gaby shock really sure, he stressful! Mensuport her friends and her family to rise. Until the end he managed to create the song, song about he must be feeling, intention song was going to be performed fitting farewell party. But unfortunately chose ma met his girlfriend, he reportedly hanged Yourself! It happened in 2007 yesterday.
Well after that spread her song in internet And many who say after listen her song was a lot of pretty girls who visited gaby aka ghost.

He said too many event around the month of December so that fitting gaby's birth month.

Uh you know that .... This song not to finished, because knowingly "he sich" recorded use HP so there are songs that despair ... In this version of the song turns out there are secredWord only audible when the song was direverse ... .but after direverse (rotated upside down) sounds of word's following:

"I want to have your breath when I die
Can I have your breath if I die "

for which Blum heard the song can be downloaded here : " http://www.stafaband.info/Free_Download_Geby-%28Jauh_Kau_Pergi%29_Tinggal_Kenangan_901235532.html "

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