in story •  6 years ago  (edited)

TRIGGER WARNING : Some viewers may find facts and reality offend them. They are advised to fuck right off. Go on then. Off you fuck.

Here is my offensive fact, based in reality. Did you know what every single rapist has in common? They had a mother who raised them to become a rapist. Make of that what you will. I don't really give a shit. Sorry the real world isn't anything like the simplistic fantasy your deluded mind has made up. Reality doesn't give a shit about it either. It just is. I know it offends you, but there's fuck all anyone can do about it. You'll just have to keep denying reality exists. Oh and bonus fact for you. The majority of child murder victims are killed by their mothers. Look at that, 2 undeniable facts that people will find offensive. Now all I can do is wait to see what irrational feelings and fanciful opinions they'll project at me from them. Welcome to the modern world.

(The copyright to this image is the property of workingmother.com.)

He'd spent a fair while coming up with a suitable explanation for why he'd drugged Pip. All prepared before he finally got to sleep himself. It was there all lined up in his head for when they awoke the next morning. Her voice loudly raised him from his slumber then the words began to fill his mouth. Only to remain unused. She wasn't there. The little hollow where she slept was cold already.

"Wakey wakey." Her disembodied voice called over the ships intercom. "Get yourself up to the control room. I think you'll want to see this."

Rubbing his eyes he clambered out of bed, reaching for his clothes. In a sense he already could see it. If only he knew what it was she referred to. Only the call to get him up? No mention of his dirty trick. He had to sit down to drag his trousers on. They were so tight. All of his clothes were too tight. His nuts felt like they were being forced up into his belly, while his chest felt constricted by the shirt. Had she shrunk them? An act of revenge for his duplicity. Ah, wait. Now he could see what the problem was. Nothing clothing related at all.

"Hermes? What's happened to my body? There are these bulgy bits that didn't used to be there."
The AI chortled.
"Those are called muscles. You've had an upgrade, you could say. You were okay before. Now you're what they call ripped. You've got a bod I'd love to go to town on. As long as I could cover up your face."
Jake was interrupted by his guardian.
"Don't talk. You're spoiling the illusion. I'm admiring that physique and thinking what I could do to it."
Jake grinned, even though he didn't want to. It was pretty funny.
"How do you know what I look like?"
"I'm looking at you in the mirror. And as long as I don't look up the view is great."
Mirror? What mirror? He spotted it on the wall where no full length mirror had been before.
"Where did that come from? I'm sure it wasn't there before."
Hermes laughed.
"You tool. Pip wanted a mirror. Unlike you she has an agile mind and a more than passing curiosity. She asked me if this ship had mirrors so I told her how to make one. It's not a mirror really. It's a transposed video image that's projected onto a wall display."
"I see. I keep forgetting that when we're in a zone where technology works you can communicate via radio."
"I can indeed. So as well as building you up to your fighting weight I've been running errands for Pip. Why did you think you were so hungry?"
"I think on some level I already knew that."

It was an uncomfortable walk to the control room. His clothes digging into him in many unexpected places. They were intelligent so there was some room for expansion. The clothing would adjust to his dimensions. Over time that was. Generally people didn't grow as much as he had overnight. The collar was slicing into his windpipe. Jake was still pulling at it when he entered the room.

"About bloody time." She called, spinning her chair towards him. She laughed, slapping her thigh. "My how you've grown."
That explanation frothed up.
"About last night."
"We're cool. You were right to send me into the land of nod. It's cleared my head. I've been able to put things together and I'm working better. Get over here before you miss it."
As he approached one of her displays grew in size until it was at least two meters across.
"What the hell is that?"
It was still dark outside so the image wasn't entirely clear. There was a 4 story high structure with rows of lights along its sides and steam billowing around the foot of it. As that billowed he could see the building rising.
"It's Ugo's mobile palace taking off." Making a leisurely, almost lazy, climb into the air. "That baby must have some impressive anti-gravity engines. I've just seen a couple of hundred people filing into it, along with supplies. One thing's for sure he's going to make a hell of an entrance when he gets here tonight."
"So much for secrecy. Not that he could do much about it. Goes with the territory and as I understand it that thing is his territory. When he said he was bringing his palace I thought he meant something along the lines of a prefabricated building they'd erect when they got here."
"It's about 5 times the size of his actual home." She advised. "Right now he's a symbol traveling inside another symbol to meet a third symbol."
Something was pinching in the groin region. Jake had to adjust his equipment. Noticing as he did that Pip was watching him with amusement.
"Did you know anything about this?"
"Your tight underwear?"
"Ha, ha. Very funny. I'm all muscles now. Thanks to Hermes."
"One muscle in particular giving you problems I see." His look of mild reproach gave her the giggles. "I've used the replicators to make you some new clothes. They should fit if Hermes estimates were correct."
"Aw thanks. Where are they?"
"You're not getting them yet. Not until after you've had a shower. You stink."
"I'd need to go to the house."
"That used to be the case. Hermes and I have repurposed a decontamination booth in the hold. Don't use all the water. We've only got a limited supply for washing. And some of us like a shower every day."
"So do I, only I've got other priorities right now. Now do you want me to shower or not?"

She sent him off for his morning ablutions as the leviathan set out on its journey. Drifting upwards towards a few low clouds. The outline fading away until only the lights from the windows were visible. Hermes had to instruct him how to use the facilities. A trifle awkward as all the controls were outside the former decontamination cubicle. The water had a weird smell to it. His AI explained this was down to the chemicals that had formerly been in the tank. It was harmless at this concentration and once he dried off the odor would disappear. Scrubbing his body was an unusual experience. It didn't feel like it belonged to him. Its contours weren't those he'd become familiar with. jake jumped when he saw Pip standing there holding his new clothing. Decided not to cover up. She'd seen it all and after Ydrie there was nothing there that might scare her.

"That's a nice ass." Her eyebrows waggled.
He craned to take a look, only his muscles prevented him.
"In what way?"
"You've actually got one now. It's a little beauty." She handed him his gear as he stepped out. "The treacherous, bitch, whore is going to go crazy when Ugo gets here. I can't wait. I also understand why you've taken this path. It's because of her. Right now she's the one in control and the center of attention. That's how she likes it. You getting Ugo to come here will spoil her little paradise. If she'd known about it in advance she'd have done everything to wreck it."
"She still could." He warned her.
"There's an awful lot of chatter about the departure of the Grand Patriarch. It's even made their newscasts. Apparently he's going on a tour, stopping off at random locations. It's a pretty gnarly flight path he's filed. They're using the size of his palace to explain that. They've got no idea where he's headed. Not yet anyway. I'm managing to keep them in the dark so far. Got them checking out each other instead of looking for me. If they find out where he's going in the next 12 hours though we could be screwed. All of the rival clans we need to be aware of have assets a lot closer to here than Ugo will be. That ship of his is not the fastest mode of transport."
"I've got every confidence in you Pip.. It's just struck me. Is that your real name? I mean the one your parents gave you."
She stared at the floor.
"It's the one the crew gave me after they found me." Her sweet face became a scowl. "If I tell you what my parents called me you have to promise not to reveal it to a soul."
"I promise." He responded solemnly, as he straightened his outfit over his new curves.
"If you laugh I will kick your balls up past your ears. My actual name is... Athena." A long pause as she scrutinized him for any sign of mirth at her expense. His face was thoughtful though. "Does that mean something to you?"
"It might. I told you I use mythology to map out my memories. Greek mythology especially. Athena was the goddess of wisdom, courage, strategic warfare, strength, strategy and skill. Among other things. It actually fits you. You're not keen though."
"It doesn't sound right. Then again neither does Pip. I'm not a child anymore. Pippa and Phillipa don't feel right either. I always dreamed I'd go out there and make a name for myself in more ways than one. You're the Wanderer as well as Jake Halliday."
"It took a while for me to get that epithet believe me. You will make a name for yourself. I know you will. You're not child now. Still very young yet. You've got a lot of living and a mountain of achieving to do. While you're doing that you'll do more than make a name for yourself."
She smiled.
"Ah, you're full of shit. I'm used to Pip for now. It'll do. Now what are your plans?"
"That's easy. We're going to watch and wait. You and me together. Fingers crossed Fetu as well. We really could do with the big guy and his ax cannon. This is going to be exceptionally hard on all of us I'm afraid."
"As long as we avoid any problems in the run up we should be fine."
"Some problems will actually be good. Sitting and waiting is always the worst part. What would be really good would be a few nice hurdles to fill the time. Only that's not the way these things work."

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So every single rapist was raised to be a rapist.

They had a mother who raised them to become a rapist.


Another fun fact: There are no orphan rapists.

Logic and facts.


If we look at the USA for example the vast majority of orphans are children who have at least one living parent usually the mother. It's why they tend not to call them orphans anymore. Of those children the vast majority initially go to foster homes where they are raised predominantly by women. The majority of children taken into the care system are there due to physical, sexual and emotional abuse they have suffered at the hands of their parents, again mainly from their mothers. Most of those children will go into foster care where their main carer is a woman. The days of both parents dying and leaving their children orphaned are long past. It happens very rarely and generally those children end up being cared for within their own family.

Taking a fact out of context then using it to form a subjective, fallacious argument was what I was actually poking fun at. I'm pretty sure you did exactly that ROFL. You will note I didn't actually state the fact meant anything. It's a fact, I said, do with it what you wish. I also stated it was "based" in reality to. With anything like this there will be outliers. A very low percentage of them. People have been shot in the head and survived, I still wouldn't recommend doing it. Would you? I note that you didn't touch the fact the person most likely to murder a child is their mother. You left that one alone. When you have to leave out the things you can't argue with, that undermines your argument. You cherry picked something you felt you could argue with. You were wrong. You believed that adding in some nuance would help your propaganda. Not realizing, as soon as you did, you opened the door to even more nuance that destroyed your argument.

Thanks for getting triggered though. I was satirizing people like you, and then a big fat one came along and proved I was right to do so. I've made fun of cancer, child abuse, mass murder, the Holocaust, animal cruelty, disabilities and dozens of other things. Yet people like you are triggered by this? Revealing themselves to be lying hypocrites with an agenda they are desperate to promote. Well you've virtue signaled your non existent virtue. You've pretended to care about someone other than yourself. You'll have got a buzz out of it, because it's your drug of choice and that's the only reason you posted your knee jerk bleat. It has made my day. I am so happy now I could shit.

It means I'm trigger pointing out the ridiculous logic of the mothers raising them to become rapists. Lol

I've asked myself whether I can make this simple enough for you to understand. The answer is no and I've worked with children and adults with learning disabilities. As I tried to explain it wasn't logic. It was taking an isolated fact and then making up a conclusion to show how stupid people are.

This is an isolated fact? :

Mothers raise children to become rapists.

You can try to make it about my abilities or to claim that I'm "triggered" but absolutely nothing will change the fact that you tried to blame mothers for raising rapists, and obviously for their adult sons crimes.

By your argument, rapists are no more responsible for their actions, only the rapists mothers, but then why stop there, you could pass the buck to whoever raised them to raise rapists, and whoever raised rapist raising grandparents etc. Jk you're way more nuanced than to state that mothers raised rapists to become rapists.

If we look at the USA for example the vast majority of orphans are children who have at least one living parent usually the mother. It's why they tend not to call them orphans anymore. Of those children the vast majority initially go to foster homes where they are raised predominantly by women. The majority of children taken into the care system are there due to physical, sexual and emotional abuse they have suffered at the hands of their parents, again mainly from their mothers. Most of those children will go into foster care where their main carer is a woman.

Wopps you forgot the argument, but as you had absolutely no reservations about working out why I pointed out the flawless logic of blaming the parents for the actions of their adult sons I won't make any reservations pointing out that your insipid idiocy of passing the buck as a means of avoiding your own responsibility, of justifying that your free will is not entirely on you, which is far worse than whatever hypocrisy you think I'm doing as I cannot think of something more insipid than availing the rapist of complete responsibility for the rape.

Keep exposing the hypocrisy of pointing out ridiculous and utterly insipid notions of mothers raising children to become rapists, what in the world are we doing if we don't stop these mothers.

Again you extrapolate and project. I've given no view. I've written down some facts. You've given the facts a point of view. They don't have one. They are facts.

Here's the quote from my original post :

"Did you know what every single rapist has in common? They had a mother who raised them to become a rapist. Make of that what you will."

Poking fun at people like you. Who made up what you thought it meant. I purposely put in a trigger warning. Knowing that someone like you wants to be triggered. It gives you a buzz. It gives you the opportunity to spout meaningless shit.

It was a trap for people like yourself. You really should do some research on free will as well. The current consensus is that there is no such thing. We live in a deterministic universe. Everything that will happen tomorrow has already happened.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yeah this is a fact:

They had a mother who raised them to become a rapist.

And not your theory/story thay justified the rapists mothers as responsible.

Again your brain fairies are making up meaning. You are the only one who is claiming mothers are responsible for their son's becoming rapists. My own children were raised to be middle managers and business owning people. They own houses and have partners. My daughter has 4 foreign holidays a year. I don't claim any credit for that. She did it on her own. I can take some credit, along with my partner, for my kids being law abiding and hardworking, but that's it.

I'll have a long hard look at all your creative output on Steem. Fuck that was quick. There isn't any. You just resteem stuff. Leading to the inescapable conclusion you have no imagination or creativity and have never had an original thought in your life. Your opinions are what you find you like and can copy and paste to give you that thrill of feeling relevant. BTW the word ORPHAN is now considered offensive. It's not politically correct. Your wokeness is revealed to be a hypocritical sham. ROFL