Tutorial - insects, in dream world.

in story •  9 years ago 

Outside the window, the prevalence colder weather, quite a strange dream, see the gardens from the Leaning rings abundance, the rush of bees, butterflies gracefully flapping ears or around annoyingly buzzing flies. And over themselves to see the vast blue sky and pleasant warming sun. And finally, feel the aroma, which is stunning, that makes you want to drink and drink. Visit the dream images are sometimes so bright, it wakes up you can not help you start to consider - what does all this mean?

Understand dream

To understand why the dream flew to creep or set of butterflies, flies, larvae or bee, it should try to remember what they did in a dream, how did you and the feelings aroused. It is also worth insect behavior in a dream compared to their natural behavior in the wild.

If the dream garden - it is a dream come true prophet. If the garden feel good and calm, it would mean that the families and all the stuff you expensive stores Providence. The dream may also symbolize the budding talents who, over time, will bear fruit. Overhanging a garden of flowers means that life will provide an opportunity to achieve something valuable and new. Dreams can become a reality, we only need to try. Blue sky dictate that now - just the time when you need to take action. Odor, who accompanied you in a dream, suggests that the result reached in the near future (within 3-6 months.). Insects, who acted quite annoyingly, can mean advice, you should get help from friends and relatives.

Often insects dreams appear in groups. If this is the bees - it's all the cluster if the mosquito - is the cloud. But suddenly I saw in a dream one cockroach, innocently running after the cabinet, not rejoice. Most likely you will see them looking about us so that the sight will cause consternation. You will take the destruction of cockroaches, but soon realize that this is not possible, because their only increasing. This dream means that you suffer from intrusive thoughts. The more you dream, you see the insects, the more there are circumstances, thoughts and attitudes that hinder live without tension. If the insects still buzzing, it could mean that the approaching disaster that you will be quite painful.

The bees and honey

Bees - unique insect. Broadcaster dream he once again remind you that the target will require a lot of work and sincere efforts. Of all the animals bees are the most diligent and devoted to his family. So dream these wonderful animals - this is a warning to you better organize and manage their work environment, learn to obey. Bees carrying honey, which since ancient times as medicinal products and food, in addition to this wealth and abundance of character. Therefore, it can be said that in a dream see the bees in general is good, especially if they don't sting.

However, if you dream, bee stings, should pay attention to your work, relationships with others, the role of joint activities, relationships within the family. Bees have brought a hive nectar and only it turns into a sweet elixir - honey. Thus, these insects warns that just work, attentiveness and caution can bring the desired result. If bees are dreaming, swirl around the head, which means that peace does not give you a long time ago and has prosecuted persistently intruding the idea. A dream appeared hornet means laziness, angry, hurt, or a desire to bite.

Honey from ancient times is considered one of the best products. It has always symbolized wealth and abundance, considered divine nectar. These are all life's joys symbol. Therefore, the dream see the honey is a very good sign. It means sweet love, abundant wealth, success. Honey dreaming can testify not only material wealth, but also spiritual fullness talents. All you need is everywhere like the Bee collect nectar. You will discover their own talents. Engage So what inspires you, find new activities. The fastest currently available to you something very useful, valuable - what will feed and soothe your body and soul. The main thing - to look around. Maybe just around the corner it is a man, which for so long looking for. Butantan now occurred to you a great opportunity to pave the way for his own happiness.

Insects dream

Cockroach symbolize negative relationships, moods, actions, bad character traits, which perhaps foreign to you, but deeply embedded and difficult to remove.

Mosquitoes - this bloodsuckers that can alert you that the environment is the suction power of man. Or maybe your own thoughts require a lot of energy, causes anxiety and even fear.

Flies - this insect, which makes you want to quickly get rid of both in real life as well as in a dream. In his buzzing is annoying, distracted, and sometimes even leads to anger. If you dream you are haunted by flies, wait for someone's obtrusive asking to be friend or requests avalanche. The fly symbolizes distracted, restless character and activities that will not produce any positive results.

The incisors suddenly appears from the corners of the cabinet, which caused anger and astonishment. In a dream they mean outdated views, which should be removed. It is more related to the items obtained from relatives. Let's dream that the cabinets containing inherited goods, suddenly fly away moths pockets. He wanders restlessly around the room and looking for new pastures. This is a hint for you to think about the ancestors tradition and experience. How do they affect your current life? Maybe it's time to give up some outdated provisions so as to facilitate their being?

Butterflies - it is a symbol of conversion. First saw the worm, he curled up in a soft cocoon, and from it flew transformed colorful butterfly. The same is happening with the man and his soul, which is constantly changing and suffering. Colorful butterfly wings can symbolize joy, pleasant, awaited meeting. It is the lightness and delicacy of character. Dreaming of a number of butterflies means a future of great joy. However, it may turn into frustration - that symbolize the worm. If you continue you will be accompanied by sadness and despair, reach the cocoon stage. However, when a person all the accumulated pain lick it out, he again becomes a butterfly. Night butterfly witness frivolity. Flying to the light it expects to receive or friendly advice.

Ants - this diligence, modesty and community character.

Locusts - trouble preachers. If you dream you see locusts, should be considered, you might be harming yourself. These insects are destroying everything that happens in their path. Probably, you will delete itself from the inside. It should reflect what kind of thoughts and emotions last time was taken over, and prevent further you remove.

Spiders are mystical creatures, and their woven cobweb - a true work of art. Folklore web identified with the fate of his mother, who can create something new and to reconcile. That is why many people unconsciously afraid of spiders and their networks. Spider symbolizes the feminine. It can have both positive and negative implications. Spider's vision in a dream can mean that reveal creative abilities, possibly to gain the gift of treatment. However, spider dreaming mother or other close women can mean disaster. Walking through webs or vision testifies confusion, obedience or even dependence on something. It is also the world of illusions from which to escape not so easy. If the spider crawls the body or even to penetrate it - it is a signal that should go to a psychologist.

Lice crawling after his head is concerned strange unpleasant thoughts that are constantly turning your mind and keeps quiet night's sleep.

Ladybird is happiness, maternity mark it connects heaven and earth.

Crickets notify changes in the family, the comfort and joy of the house.

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I don't like insects in my dreams i dream huge spiders often, nice post. Thank you.