Mp3 hafiz punya fatih-Mp3 hafiz has fatih

in story •  7 years ago 


Pagi tadi keponakan pulang dan membawa patung seperti boneka,saya pikir cuma main tapi ternyata mp3, unik nya ada bermacam-macam suara

This morning the nephew came home and brought a statue like a doll, I think it's just playing but it turns out mp3, its unique there are various sounds


Ternyata tombol yang nampak dibelakang bisa mengeluarkan dibelakang boneka itu bisa memutar berbagai macam suara seperti, menyapa, bershalawat,mengaji dan lain sebagai nya

Apparently the buttons that appear behind the can pull out behind the doll that can play various sounds like, greet, salute, recite and others as his


Lubang yang terlihat ini tempat pengisian baterai tahukah...unik nya saat mau habis baterai mp3 tersebut mengatakan baterai habis beda dengan mp3 lain

This visible holes where the battery charging did not know ... unique when the battery runs out of batteries say the battery is different with other mp3


Lubang bulat ini ternyata headset luar biasa

This round hole turned out to be a great headset

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