The creation of virtual currencies or cryptocurrencies, presented a valuable main objective, to decentralize the centralized nature of fiduciary currencies. These cryptocurrencies are assigned a value, being intangible or not, transactions are carried out under the influence of the economic exchanges with which they are negotiated. But not everything is feasible, viable or good; there are problems that include a lack of legal regulation in most of its jurisdictions; In addition, security problems are incurred with exchanges or transactions that are the object of scams by "Hacker".
The market of cryptocurrencies is presenting all this and another series of obstacles, which creates uncertainty and generates little confidence in exchange systems due to such failures in the security of the same. To avoid these disagreements, Streamity is working hard to provide the user with a secure and reliable process, there is a decentralized exchange with a practical and easy to use system, and that allows users to exchange cryptocurrencies directly, without need for intermediary organizations that charge high fees generating additional expenses. This is the case of the new Streamity platform, called "StreamDesk".
“StreamDesk, is a decentralized platform for the exchange of cryptocurrencies, which is based on the intelligent contract architecture and the payment systems API”
Since its recent inception, StreamDesk, has become the solution to these problems, as it provides the user with an easy and secure way to buy cryptocurrencies, with the service of "peer to peer", P2P, which offers an exchange of virtual currencies for fiduciary money, offering minimum rates within a totally decentralized and secure network such as the blockchain. It is very easy to understand and use their services, the process is simple and automated; only the user what he should do is open an account and enter his blockchain wallet address. It is not necessary to use the service of a third party to carry out a transaction. In addition, it is completely safe to execute a reliable transaction with another user directly, since the cryptocurrency is stored inside the user's wallet and not within the StreamDesk service, thus generating the security of the funds of the users. Users; they are kept safe and the satisfactory transaction is guaranteed with the "Intelligent Contracts", where the only way to unblock it would be to receive a signal from the payment system.
Another solution to possible frauds is the existence of "Know-Your-Customer" protocols (KYC) to protect users against fraud and false traffickers. Generating trust among users to trade directly without intermediaries.
Always keep in mind that, Streamity and its platform StreamDesk for decentralized exchanges P2P, work hard to provide the best security and confidence, avoiding all risks and possible frauds. However, there will always be third party traps, which can be crossed in the process (the risk of fraud can not be avoided in many cases). The best thing is that, the cryptocurrency industry is mobilizing towards efficiency and effectiveness, and our organization, Streamity, does not escape from that laudable goal in reaching the goal every day:
That is transparent and cyber-safe!
More Information & Resources
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- Streamity BitcoinTalk