Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

in strong •  6 months ago 

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We've all heard that we shouldn't sweat the small stuff. Allowing yourself to worry about the little things in life is one of the most powerful ways to introduce unnecessary sadness into life. By learning not to let little things affect us, we can avoid many bad feelings and even life problems.
Focus on the Big Picture
When something small happens that irritates you, compare the importance of the moment to everything else going on in your own life and the world around you. You may have dropped your cake on the floor
hours before your guests arrived. Do your friends still love your
and enjoy the evening even if you don't have a new
cake? If so, perhaps you should focus your efforts elsewhere than the
you're paying for this minor glitch.
Remember that we all make mistakes.
When the slightest thing threatens to destroy your attitude and good opinion, , remember all the people who made mistakes. Whether you or someone else caused a problem like the
train crash, remember that errors are a normal part of life and happen to all s. Don't let any moment surprise you.
Forgiveness of Others
It can be difficult to forgive others when you feel like they are doing extra work for you. If someone approaches from behind your car, you may be tempted to verbally abuse them. But imagine how the
would feel in its environment. Don't act like you've never made a mistake, choose compassion.

Forgiving others can be an easier task than forgiving ourselves. Many times we treat ourselves poorly and do not allow a friend to treat us. If you're having trouble forgiving, think about how you would deal with a similar mistake made by a close friend. Think before you push yourself, and consider seeking professional help if you can't stop the flow of negative thoughts when you can't achieve perfection.
Ask if it will still be important in ten years.
We all have problems, and often each problem seems overwhelming at the moment. But perceptions are not always accurate, and we are the ones who need to contribute our thoughts to better cope with what comes our way.
When something bad happens in your life, ask yourself if it will still matter in ten years. If it's not possible, let it happen. If someone gives you the middle finger in
traffic, you may be tempted to lose your cool, but it's not worth it.
Save your emotions for things that will change your life and deserve your attention.
If something goes wrong, you have two options. You can get into the
craze or leave it. Choosing not to sweat the small stuff will bring you life-changing happiness, and you'll be grateful for your
personal changes.

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