Fuck It, Before It Fucks You #108 (And there'll come a day when all that shit won't matter)

in stupidshit •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone out there in cyberspace and Happy Thursday morning. That’s what day it is here on the West Coast which I’m pretty sure means that’s what day it is in most other places. I think it’s still Wednesday in Hawaii. Which makes me ponder; If I’m having a conversation with someone in Hawaii, am I time traveling?These are the deep mysteries we’re here to explore.

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Unfortunately we let stupid shit distract us from our calling. Like politics. I know politics are important. That’s the problem. They shouldn’t have to be that important. We should be able to work together and support each other without the need for authoritarian power structures. That includes corporations and churches, just in case any conservative thinks I’m on their side. But we’ve forgotten how to do that, and until we figure it out again we;’re gonna have to deal with governments while some of us try to build that other thing. So if we’re going to have to have them, I think their first priority should be helping their people.
So with that in mind, I’m really trying to give the new president a chance. And I’ll be honest, I like some of these executive orders. For example, I think if we have to have a government, it should keep our water clean. So fuck KXL. I hope we’ll do something to take care of the workers, of course. Maybe they can regenerate the land that they ruined with the pipeline? See? Capitalism's always creating new jobs! And of course I’m all for trans rights. I don’t know if I’d really consider being part of an imperialist war machine a “right” per se, but I guess they should be able to do that if they want to. I”d just prefer it if less people did it altogether. But that’s just how I feel. Moving on. Memo to DOJ: No more private prisons. That’s definitely a good thing. Now he just needs to do the same with DHS, and get those kids out of the cages like he said he would do on day 1. I believe it’s now day 8. BUT! There’s more good news! Harriet Tubman is gonna be on the $20 bill! I think they should celebrate this historic moment by sending 100 of these new $20 bills to every American! Now of course, that would add up to $2000, which would take care of the checks that the then president elect said would go out the door immediately. I’ve checked my bank account every day since then. Nothing. And I know he’s not a dictator. I don’t want him to be. In fact I’d prefer not to have a president but here we are. I saw Schoolhouse Rock. I know how the government is supposed to work in theory. As I understand it, the president’s job is to ask for what he wants. If he asks for $2k and congress passes $1400, so be it. You don’t start with a compromise, you end with one. This bill isn’t even on the floor yet and it’s down to 1400. It went from going “out the door immediately” to “Hopefully by March”
I know when some more conservative folks read that they think I’m some big government liberal. First of all. No. Secondly, you probably don’t know what “Liberal” means. I just think if governments must exist then they must be accountable to their people. It’s easier to hold them accountable at the local level. Once you get up to the national level there’s so many people you have to yell at the top of your lungs to be heard. So it’s probably best to not depend on the system as much as possible. But what I really enjoy is when I hear about creative people coming up with new ways to fuck the system. Like using social media to coordinate massive stock buys, to fuck over hedge funds trying to drive their price down. I’m lick “FUCK YEAH! DO THAT SHIT!” Reminds me of when I suggested that people boycott the next iPhone then buy up Apple stock when it crashed. But I’m not trying to hog the spotlight. These guys put my theory into practice so it’s their day. I’m happy for anyone who finds a way to use capitalism to beat capitalism.. I’m sure congress will act swiftly to pass regulations to keep regular people from conspiring to manipulate the markets, but make sure the hedge funds can still do it. But for now, lets salute these heroes for figuring out new ways to tell the system “Fuck it!”, before it fucks you!

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