I wear nothing uniform, I wear no goddamn uniform! YEEE HAW!
I'll freeze your breath before it hits the bathroom tile!
I have a triple brow, I was sired by Mother Nature, give me all your Steem!
Yes baby, I'm 42 feet tall and have seven rows o' guts; I was suckled by a tyrannosaurus!
I'm a Crime Fighting Master Criminal, I am Not Insane! But YAH-HOOOO!
I drank the Devil under 13 tables, I am too fuel-injected to die, I'm insured for acts o' God and Satan!
Who'll blow me down, whose candle will I fart out? Now give me more Steem!
I communicate without wires or strings! I'm a screamer and a laugher, I am a sight!
I circumcize aliens with my teeth and make 'em leave a tip!
I change tires with my tongue and my tool!
I bend my genes and whittle my DNA with the sheer force of my mighty will!
Whoop! I'm ready!
They'll never clean my cage!
They say a godzillion is the highest number there is. Well by God- I count to a godzillion and one!
I've sired slabs o' wimp meat across the Bermuda Triangle!
I cook and eat my dead; YAH-HOOOO!
I'm the Unshaven Thorn Tree of Hong Kong!
Let the retarded space bastards bear witness!
God's hands are my ideal playground!
My physical type cannot be classified by science, and my familiar is a pterodactyl!
I wipe the Pyramids off my shoes before I enter my house!