Successful in Life - Chapter 2: First Impressions

in success •  8 years ago 

When it comes to writing, either a blog, books, weekly columns or whatever, two things are very important:

  1. Creativity - You need ideas, you need a muse, you just need something to write about.
  2. Feedback. It is all about the feedback!


I suspect my ideas and my topics are big enough to write about them for quiet a long time, but what I am dependant on is feedback. Unfortunately, my first post did not reach that many people. That means, I did not get that much feedback. Indeed almost nothing at all. Due to the fact, that not a single friend of mine is registered on steemit, but they read my post anyway, I was at least abled to gain some information on what to do better, what is already okay and what they loved.


The positive is: Primary idea of creating this blog about being "successful in life" was (and still is) to just figure out what I want, what it takes to get there and to write those things down. This platform here gives me all the opportunities I need to discuss with myself, and propably with others, too. In contrast to most of those blogs, books, essays or even expensive courses about being successful (mostly seen within the topic of fitness and financial success), mine sets apart due to my position. I am just at the start of something (hopefully big ;-) ). I am not one of those more or less rich guys who tell you how they made their money if you'd just pay them 50 Dollars once. Neither am I a perfectly trained bodybuilder who tells you in TV Ad's that "He can make you look perfect in 6 weeks for just 299 Bucks". I am the one, those people want to address. I am the one, whose body looks more childish than grown up. Yes, I am 1.90 meters tall (6 feet 2+). But If you'd see me, you would call me what us germans call "Spargeltarzan", which means "asparagus tarzan" translated. I think british people call it shottenherring or something like that... You can imagine: Long, thin, kinda unattractive. But: nevertheless a little belly, due to my crush on beer and bacon.


With the help of a little feedback I received by some close friends, I worked on my topics a bit. Theres no big change in what I want to talk about, but about how I want to call these topics.

A) Physical Success - Whenever you read an article with this line in the header, you know this one is (mainly) about my goals in gym training or/and running
B) Successful Mind - This headline will tell you, that you will find something about my steps in studying as well as anything about education in general, including motivation and hapiness topics
C) Succeeding in Wealth - My ideas, my plans, my failures and my successes in earning some money, including me referring to books of famous and wealthy people will be shown in articles that begin with those letters

To all of you, who made it to the end of this article - thanks for reading. And if you are still going on reading, please help me out: Comment! Vote! Tell me what you think about anything regarding my blog - my topics, my style of writing, my english skills if you like to. Please just don't let me down with not giving me any feedback :-)
Because as I said: Next to my (hopefully infinite) creativity, YOUR feedback is the most important ressource for keeping this blog alive. YOU are the fuel to my engine, I hope you know that!


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