The child within us has certain basic needs--- for love, emotional and physical contact, respect, and self-expression.
If these needs weren't fully met in childhood (as they seldom were), we develop certain behaviors to try to nurture our inner child.
Our addictive patterns are actually unconscious and misguided attempts to care for our child. Through overreacting, drinking alcohol, smoking, or taking drugs, we nourish the child, numb its pain, and make it feel better for a little while; or through overworking ourselves or caretaking others we try to gain validation from others and a feeling of security.
Of course, it doesn't work very well because it's not taking care of the child's real need's and it's terribly destructive to our bodies and psyches.
What works is to stop the addictive behavior so we can get in touch with what the child really needs, then take steps to begin providing it.
Am I using any addictive ways to nurture my inner child?
This has been the 15th installment of the The Awakening: A Daily Guide to Conscious Living..
Brought to you by King Anima.
Much love and respect.