Money is not your problem, it’s your MIND.

in success •  7 years ago 

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Your biggest enemy is not the government, not your neighbor, ISIS, not your mother, father, sister, brother. It’s…. YOUR F$%&*g MIND

Last night me and my mind had a fight. Because you see after being an entrepreneur for 20+ years, being a part of 16+ businesses, creating millions in revenue, my mind tried to tell me that I’m a F$%&*g LOOSER.
And you see, we had a fight, to the point where I had to have a bottle of wine, to shut it the hell up. And to my surprise it WORKED.

I’m not saying get drunk every time you have a problem with your mind, however it sure calmed down my though patterns to the point, where I actually had peace and it was as if my mind had no power to think.

As anytime you start to think, it’s called your EGO, Logic, and if some fucking smart ass tries to reply to this saying something smart like “Dude your brain cells are drunk” go fuck yourself you fucking moron, as it’s my fucking head and my feelings, senses we are talking about, not your small dick. I’m tired of people; media, everything that tries to brain wash our heads with bullshit.

So I sit here this morning with a slight hang over, instead of beating myself up saying things like” Why did you get drunk last night you idiot?” I’m saying, wow did I ever have a shitty week of my MIND attacking me the entire FUCKING week.
And I don’t give a fuck about what you think… I’m only concerned about what you are THINKING, and is it working for you? Are you depressed? It’s most likely due to your MIND FUCKING you over.

And no you don’t need drugs or alcohol to cure you, however if it helps you to become aware like I am today, then go for it. It’s been said that drugs and alcohol was created to help us cope with today’s way of life. And I would have to agree.

So Jeff Berwick said to quit and I say fucking experiment. And you don’t need to look to far for the answers, just look at what you are THINKING about. It’s not out THERE that will fix you but more so what you are thinking about on the INSIDE. I used to hate when people said ”Radek dig deep inside yourself for the answers” and today I understand why.
I bought a book 20 years ago Called ‘”You can Heal your life” by Louise Hay, I must have read it 20 times. And I just picked it up last week and it’s as if I was reading it for the first time?

I guess my mind wasn’t ready to accept the information in the book, as its very powerful. And maybe at the time when I was 20 years old, I thought it was all hokey pokey bullshit. But today being 41 years old, experienced life a little, this book BLEW my fucking MIND. I recommend you pick it up.

Have a great weekend. Observe your thoughts and don’t let your MIND tell you bullshit. And stop giving a FUCK about shit that will never happen to you?? Trust me, I have been on both sides, RICH AND POOR, and both sides fucking blow, if your mind blows. Money is not your problem, it’s your MIND.

Stay awesome.

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nice post