How do you avoid sugar, and what happens to your body?

in sugar •  3 years ago 

Everyone knows how unhealthy sugar is: not only does it damage our teeth with a heavy sugar addiction, it also provides extra calories, disrupts metabolism and can lead to diseases like diabetes and even cancer. So avoiding sugar makes sense. But this is not easy at all, sugar is hidden in many foods that you don't even think about, for example in sauces and hot seasonings.
Sugar increases blood pressure and fuels inflammation in the body. But the most difficult is to get rid of the sweet poison.
Radical abandonment is the most effective
There is no alternative to cold withdrawal, that is, complete abandonment. Minimizing it doesn't help, or it doesn't work anyway. Any form of artificial sugar, including sweeteners, should be avoided. Sugar substitutes are also harmful and can sabotage your sugar cessation and even increase your cravings.

But on the other hand, fruits with their natural sugar are allowed. Try to eat only food cooked by you so you can control the ingredients.

A recommended 21 day sugar detox program is not easy, but after a few days it brings with it noticeable changes that will motivate you to keep going. But you will not be relieved of withdrawal symptoms.

Detoxing sugar: these are the symptoms
The first three to five days are the hardest because the body is removing toxins. Headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, and sweet cravings occur in most people, and dizziness, insomnia and tremors can also be felt.

It is important to eat healthy food all the time: eat whole grain products and fresh vegetables and eat some fruits and almonds too when you feel cravings for sugar. Your blood sugar should remain as stable as possible, because if it's not, you'll have an appetite for sweets.

Giving up sugar in the first place is a matter of mind
If the idea of ​​sugar grabs you and doesn't let go, ask yourself if it's really drunk or if there's something else behind it - boredom, anger, excitement or sadness, for example. Sugar addiction is often closely related to our feelings, and we need to find out.
If the craving for something sweet is hard to suppress, consider drinking a glass of water, going for a walk, meditating, or doing fitness.

Detoxing sugar: the first week is the hardest
Once the bad first days are over, after about a week you will feel better and, for example, be able to focus better.

After ten days of constantly avoiding sugar, your taste experience will change. After you pull out the sugar, your sweets and sodas will taste so sweet!

After 15 days, you will have reached your peak performance and will be fully aware of the digestive process again. You will find it easier to distinguish between real hunger and appetite. You can feel when your body needs food and what food is good for you.

After 21 days, you can eat out again and if there is a little sugar in the meal, it won't put you back in your pre-sugar quit mode. Make sure you continue to eat consciously and never fall into the sugar trap again.

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