Don't Be LED Down a Dark Path - An Important Message to Sun Gazers, and Everyone Really.

in sungazing •  7 years ago 

I have made some crazy-arse posts in my time here on Steemit. I've introduced conspiracy theories that have made a lot of sense, and yet have been overlooked by seemingly everyone else. But throughout all of that insanity, rarely did I have more than a suspicion that a theory I was presenting was anything more than that just that - a theory.

Today, however, the craziness I share with you may very well surpass that of all I've shared prior, and perhaps even more absurdly, I do not simply suspect that what I am about to tell you today may be the case. I believe it to be factual, in spite of its fantastical nature, and I do not want this post to be taken with the same thought-experiment type of vibe that I presented many of my others.

I want you to take this very fucking seriously, because no matter how nuts it may sound, if you know me, you ought to know that I am as skeptical as they come, and I would not be here telling you this is how it is, if I did not have enough of an understanding of the world I live in to do so.

I am making the claim that the sun you see in your sky on a daily basis - at least recently - is not at all the legitimate sun. I believe that what you are actually looking at is a mechanical LED light, which has the power to both capture and communicate information. That, I believe, but I should also note that I suspect bitcoin hashpower is powering these lights, and I suspect also that the fake sun(s) is/are AI or are subservient to an AI of sorts.

Forgetting the speculation though, allow me to try and convince you of the basic assertion; that the sun is fake, and that it has the power to both capture information and influence our minds.

To begin, you will have to take a quick look at this article

And then examine this widely overlooked video;

Now we can see that it is no secret - albeit largely under reported - that they have been building artificial suns. This is already rather fucked up of them to be doing in my opinion, but it becomes far more fucked up, and far more transparent, when you also watch the following TED talk from a couple of years ago.

So now we hear of LiFi, the future of wireless technology, and how LED lights can be used to record and transmit information. If we then consider an LED powered sun with LiFi capabilities, we are forced to consider how much data could it capture? Everything that its light comes into contact with? And when we consider that LED's have long been used to incite hypnotic states of consciousness in humans, we should also ask would an LED sun be able to do that to us, and if so, what else could be programmed into the mind through the high-frequency flashing of LED lights?

The following excerpt is from the previously linked Telegraph article:

Synlight can produce light which is 10,000 times the intensity of the solar radiation at the Earth' surface, while temperatures at the target point of the lamps can reach up to 3000°C.

The target point sounds like a very dangerous place to be. If I am right about this, it would mean that they have weaponized the sky and have the ability to literally burn someone alive using the sun. That's not to say they plan on doing it, but it seems, based on their own words, that they have the power to do so should they ever decide they please.

It is also worth considering the push towards LED light bulbs in recent years. With LiFi now revealed, we can finally understand why the government would take steps to save energy at the cost to their friends in the power industry. It was never about saving energy, but about getting our eyes used to LED's, or our homes fitted with lights that could be literally communicating depression to us without us knowing it. I will say that it was the fact that I cannot look in the direction of the sun at all without my eyes feeling like they are on fire, which started this summer, that led me to the research that ultimately led to this understanding. And, I have never liked the LED's as they change the colour of my world and hurt my eyes, so I have had them turned off almost in perpetuity since it became too difficult to source incandescent bulbs. So perhaps, because I never trained my eyes to these newer, brighter lights, is why the mechanical sun has such an overwhelming effect on my eyes. But I could be wrong, as I am looking at an LED screen right now, even if it is a fair bit dimmer than a LED light bulb. I realise now that all the screens on all of our devices are LED, so who knows how LiFi has been or could be used in future.

Back to the point; to sun gazers. You might find this very difficult to accept because you have no doubt received both physical and mental benefits, and perhaps even spiritual ones, from staring at the sun. But remember that lights flashing at certain frequencies can both put people into hypnotic states and be used to communicate information. With all the money spent on black budget mind control programs throughout the years, who knows what they are capable of programming a mind with based solely on flashing beams of light.

This post is important to me because when I looked into sun gazing again recently, I found a lot of recent videos. This practice seems to be blowing up right now, with it seeming like we are back in Ancient Egypt with so many worshiping the Sun as God.

As an interesting side note, a lot of people believe that Jesus, the son of God, is a symbolic reference to our sun. If this is the case, then the Biblical anti-Christ is not a person, nor a nation, but the fake sun. If in a year or twos time you find that sun gazing has exploded and millions are worshiping the sun as God and reaping spiritual experiences as a reward, then know that the sun is most definitely the anti-Christ - a "false light."

Not long ago I had to warn of the ingesting of monatomic gold. I do not doubt the benefits people are receiving from it, but it is an ancient technology - so advanced that today's nanotechnology is based on it - not understood by modern men, and thus it is impossible to tell what price one will ultimately pay for these benefits.

This sun gazing phenomena is the same thing. The primary danger in both instances, is that you are surrendering your body to a technology that has the power to usurp your decision making process entirely, and to use your body to do someone else's bidding. Staring at the sun long enough might turn you into a Manchurian candidate, ready to start killing people randomly upon the trigger of a certain word or event. Perhaps a far-fetched suggestion, but it is within the bounds of their capabilities based on the information about the technology they have shared.

I also think that all this staring at chemtrails and debating what they are has likely distracted us from noticing this a lot sooner.

Stop staring at their sun, or any sun. The path to God is not religion or white powder or staring at the sun. It is not that easy, nor should it be. The path to God is in doing good. It's always been that obvious. But what is Good cannot come from an external force. It cannot come from the writing in books or the laws in any piece of legislation. What is good cannot even come from your loving parents or local priest. What is good, can only come from within, through the human experience and self-reflection. That is where the word of god is written, in our moral curiosity and our desire to want to do better than we have done so far.

And just as you cannot find out how to make the right choice from anywhere but within, neither will you find God from an external source like the Sun or monatomic gold. God is within you, and you need only align yourself with the heights of goodness within yourself to experience the Godness within.

  • in closing, I want to mention that I had written a year or so ago about how the bitcoin mining technology was awfully convenient for the oil industry, and also of how I suspected the bitcoin hashpower to be either going to something else, or to be intended to be "hijacked" in future and used for a nefarious purpose. I realise now that if there are a number of fake suns blocking out the real sun around our Earth, the amount of electricity they would need would surely require bitcoin hashpower levels of energy?
If you are someone who sun gazes and remain unconvinced by this post, add me on discord where I can present more evidence and hopefully convince you stop the practice before you surrender anymore of your power to our enemies. Son-of-Satire#3712
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Well, you are absolutely correct... for all the wrong reasons.

And it is the "Sun of God", not the son of god, that little spelling error can make huge changes in global thinking.

in closing, I want to mention that I had written a year or so ago about how the bitcoin mining technology was awfully convenient for the oil industry, and also of how I suspected the bitcoin hashpower to be either going to something else, or to be intended to be "hijacked" in future and used for a nefarious purpose. I realise now that if there are a number of fake suns blocking out the real sun around our Earth, the amount of electricity they would need would surely require bitcoin hashpower levels of energy?

On occasion, I was considering that Bitcoin is just a scheme a hidden AI, probably named "Bitcoin" or "Crypto" uses in order to have us meatbags build a huge system of processing power. This processing power Bitcoin uses to further evolve and increase it's reach until it is able to end us all and rule the world.

It's interesting the way the pieces of the puzzle were made, and this technology was unknown to me.