Sunrise Surprise is Unbreakfast Eggs - Breakfast with enternamehere

in sunrise-surprise •  6 years ago 

With a little bit of planning and intention, breakfast can be beneficial fuel every morning.


Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast is essential because when trash goes in, trash comes out. Therefore, I like to create mindful plates for myself as a way to say thank you to myself, to my Creator and to the people with whom I interact. When I disregard a thoughtful first meal, I almost always turn into a hangry anti-productivity creature MoNsTeR. Perhaps you have encountered that same creature lurking within you some mornings.

#sunrise-surprise is breakfast made enternamehere style, which means meals that are quick, tasty, and flexible. Enjoy!

Un-breakfast Eggs- What's In It?


A - sliced hard-boiled egg
B - thinly sliced fresh radish
C - sliced fresh jalapeno


Left dish - small handful fresh blueberries
Right dish - small handful raw pecans, with dash of cinnamon
Center plate - the eggs from A-B-C above, topped with fresh parsley, olive oil and cracked black pepper. Served with raw carrot sticks and raw red bell pepper slices.


And PICKLES. Almost forgot the mother-lovin' pickles...


Proof of sunrise surprise un-breakfast eggs

What do you like to eat with your eggs?
What is the most unusual kind of egg you have eaten?

Previous Sunrise Surprise posts by ENH:

Roots and Nuts
Strawberry Kale Salad with Greenbriar Tips
Rice with Carrot and Sweet Potato

Who is enternamehere?
ENH is a steemian exploring artistic expression one day at a time through visual art, poetry and other fun activities. Also known as Seana. Here I am.

^^this sweet voxel art signature by @ fabiyamada^^


enternamehere/SCB is not a doctor, scientist, nutritionist or expert. enternamehere/SCB is a layperson and is by no means qualified to give medical or nutritional advice. Readers are encouraged to do their own research before ingesting unfamiliar foods. enternamehere/SCB content is expressly created for and is intended for entertainment and artistic purposes only. Unless otherwise stated, all images used herein were originally created by enternamehere/SCB or free-to-use.

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Another grand looking breakfast to start the day. I am not a big hard-boiled egg fan, but omletted or scrambled, yup. Usually with kale and saute'd tempe and maybe a shredded golden beet. With kalamata olives or mushrooms, if I have them. Sometimes I really go all out, and put a bit of smoked gouda in for flavor, but usually don't eat much cheese. A bit heavier than your fare, and probably not as healthy. But still good. With almond buttered toast and fruit compote. Now I'm hungry, better go to bed before starting another round of eating. Thanks for sharing another great breakfast.
Oh, and all my eggs are pretty 'usual'.

It sounds like you have your own breakfast tricks up your sleeve. You and HH have impeccable taste in the culinary department. Next time you prepare that little omelette concoction, by all means do share! It sounds right up my alley with the kalamata and golden beet. Trust me, I eat my share of heavy :D

One day I'll get an "unusual" egg on my fork...maybe. Thanks for stopping by! Take care.

I shall try to do that, make a post of a 'heavy' morning repast. And what constitutes and unusual egg? Blue or brown, quail, as in a DDA breakfast, ostrich, emu, old dinosaur. Any I have missed? I do have an old ostrich egg casing, but the innards are gone. And a couple of like emu. So I must look elsewhere for such. I DO think there are emu ranches down in your corner of the world, unless mistaken. Talk about a MONDO omelette. Cheerio(s)

Yes! I'm looking forward to seeing your breakfast. Your food posts are always deliciously quirky.

Ahh, as far as unusual eggs go, sure a different species of bird (do they all taste similar??) or maybe lizard or sea urchin. Those last two might not be ethical, depending on who you ask.

Yes there are plenty of emu around here, some only a few minutes by car. Yet I have never eaten an emu egg, or even a fraction of one. Eggs have always been challenging for me, so I prefer them with a a heaping of accouterments. Cheerios are delicious for breakfast too! :^D

So yah, I’m thinking this looks pretty tasty, and healthy too.

Thank you! It was quite tasty. A bit more involed than regular scrambled eggs, and definitely worth the effort. Have a good one :^)

That looks really tasty! And is a pleasant looking reminder of what a terrible job I've done feeding myself today, fortunately my kids are much better at choosing healthy food (or eating at all which is where my problem was and I had to remedy it right quick before bad things happened).

Now I shall have to go and dig something equally healthy up ;D


Thank you for checking out the breakfast spread. Yes, taking care of ourselves is important! I really don't know how you do it, you are living in high gear :)

This looks really good!

We got to be quite fond of our quail eggs before a fox got to the birds and put a stop to that. A dozen quail eggs dropped to poach in noodle soup at the last minute was a great source of protein.

I really need to work out a better solution to the eating problem. Food for the most part is just so boring.... And with my fast metabolism I feel like I'm through stuff into a black hole again and again.

If it wasn't for Chinese bakeries on the walk to work, I'd be doomed.

Thank you, as usual.

A fox in the hen-house is never good news, unless you are the fox. Egg protein is fantastic nutrition, couldn't agree more with you there. Did you ever make tiny eggs Benedict with the quail eggs? That would be super kawaii!

Yes, eating can become tedious, especially when running through the same meals on repeat. That's why we're supposed to play with our food, right?

Oh, please share more about the Chinese bakeries. What's your favorite bite to grab?