in sunset •  6 years ago 

This was intense, but obstructed...

While returning from St. Louis the other day, we were met with an incredible, intense sunset. We enjoyed it for quite some time, and eventually pulled into a gas station. I tried to get some good photographs, but the view was rather obstructed.

While I am glad that our family was able to enjoy the scene and watch is grow in intensity before eventually fading away, I do wish that I had some more stunning photos to share. I think these will still give you the general idea. Enjoy them for what they are worth.


As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai

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Very nice.

Thanks, how's the weather up there?

Days getting above freezing. The little snow we got is gone.

That is one magnificent sunset..

Posted using Partiko Android

Great looking colours. Thanks

Wow those were gorgeous! We had a very purple sunset one evening that I was fortunate to capture... it ended up the background for the logo for our farm biz. Purple is my favorite color so it had a double use :D

Very cool!

Love the colors!

Good shots anyway!....:)...

God speaks to us through the heavens. His sunsets are reflection of his love that he pours out to us. They will sure us that he is with us in this darkened world. Wonderful photos capturing his love. Thanks for sharing @papa-pepper

That always happens. My friend Duncan (https://twitter.com/duncan) would say make those obstructions part of the photo. :)