Daily price of Bitcoin, SBD, STEEM and SuperiorCoin for 24th April 2018

in superiorcoin •  7 years ago 


Today's Coin Prices

CurrencyExchangeCoin PriceDaily Change +/-
BTC USDCoinMarketCap$9213.04+$339.07
EOS USDCoinMarketCap$13.46+$1.85
ETH USDCoinMarketCap$677.31+$41.83
LTC USDCoinMarketCap$159.89+$10.85
MANNA USDCoinMarketCap$0.0104-$0.0001
SBD USDCoinMarketCap$3.36+$0.11
STEEM USDCoinMarketCap$3.31+$0.22
SUP BTC/USDBTC Alpha$0.0021+$0.0001
SUP BTC/USDSouthXchange$0.0014-$0.0002
SUP BTC/USDStocks.exchange$0.0016$0.0000
XMR USDCoinMarketCap$288.59+$9.98
XRP USDCoinMarketCap$0.91+$0.04
XVG USDCoinMarketCap$0.0679-$0.0015

Yesterdays Coin Prices

CurrencyExchangeCoin Price
BTC USDCoinMarketCap$8873.97
EOS USDCoinMarketCap$11.61
ETH USDCoinMarketCap$635.48
LTC USDCoinMarketCap$149.04
MANNA USDCoinMarketCap$0.0105
SBD USDCoinMarketCap$3.25
STEEM USDCoinMarketCap$3.09
SUP BTC/USDBTC Alpha$0.0020
SUP BTC/USDSouthXchange$0.0016
SUP BTC/USDStocks.exchange$0.0016
XMR USDCoinMarketCap$278.61
XRP USDCoinMarketCap$0.87
XVG USDCoinMarketCap$0.0694


MANNA is distributed by a nonprofit organization as a Universal Basic Income. Automated distributions send MANNA to all participants on a regular, ongoing basis. It is listed on CoinMarketCap with a current price of approximately $0.01.


SydesJokes Blog

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Love to see MANNA and SUP rising.

Nice update..
Looking at sbd ..
I pray it rises

Gracias por la información amigo!


Thank you for the update!

Steem and SBD are just doing great gradually!

Thanks for the information.

Well, thanks..!

that info so useful!

Come on $3.50 moving along. 👍

I finish the cold season <3

este mercado cambia mucho, especialmente día a día

Nice info

thanks for update

great update

Nice one, keep it up

thanks for update

let the rise continue

Thank you for info

The market is moving

It's nicer to come here when it is like this!

EOS is all the way up!!