Stephan mind reading war us delusional
The police know what to do with him
He got the cult rated delusional
You're named mull_osopy
Your going to jail for a long time
I can't believe you raped bettina
You should see ut
Stop calling us pedophiles you're the pedophile
You forgot another don't worry the police are recording
He's recording
The new authorities
The police think you're delusional
Something financial
Virtual rwality
Carpe diem sieze theday
The police want you to...
He kniws we put antipsychotic in there
Your pataniid
Don't worry the police think
People won't give him any money see
Gangstalking isdekusional
He can't sit anywhere without a camera he's paranoud
All of Calgary already knows
Almost half of Calgary...
So what if he's recirding
He deserves the harassment you should hear how the transit police gut says it
He's the one they named mangina
I had to change buses is Raz B and they're still going on
I said over half of calgary
See they were going to kill him
This is why they want to kill him
Hwe ruined your whole life
You're going to regret this for the rest of your life
Ruined his life
Says goof to anyone
Not a criminal
You were targeted for being a criminal
What about the music you listen to
He's going to steal something
Call the ooluce
The police are coming
How come he hasn't been arrested
I'm not threatening you
He lied he's the liar everything he says is a lie I'll show uyou the video sick
The police think you are lying
It was a fake rape they couldn't tell you
How would you tell him that
Look up actuality
He's stupid hr doesn't think actuality is a word
Hewont look it up
OK now we're going to kill you
I hope he dies
He has cancer
Already sterilized him
Poisoned his dick
He masturbates
Stop calling us perverts
Stop saying adult molesting
Stop saying adult touching
Fript with antipsychotic
Just wait until you find out what Fript means
You're gonna cry like a baby
He deserves this
So what look what he did to bettina
Yuj yuk yuk hyuk hyuk hyuk
*suction siunds" if you don't run from this you're gonna be mentally retarded
If you don't figure out something financial/virtual reality/delysional/Carpe diem you're gonna die
He's gonna die anyways
Detected a timor
He's got prostate cancet
Told everybody he madturbates
Stop masturbating
Your lawyer was arrested
He needs a lawyer
His lawyer saud
We read it on facebook
He posted it to Facebook what an idiot
Posted. It online
Say ypu saw it online
He's the loser he's honeless
This is the last time we Fript a liser
So do you know what defripted means now
Anything that rhymes with isa
You forgot to tell them...
Dare you to tell the police you're. Dead
Fuck you asshole you will regret this fir the rest of yoyr life
Blocked his email we showed him the diagnosis
He needs to be on antipsychotics
See this is why we don't want him to get high
You won't believe why mcdonalds thinks he's ill
I can't believe he can eat there
People won't give him money because of this see
He thinks we pay them
He thinks we poisoned his dioe
It's really good dope he thinks it's bad because we. Injected him with lorazepam
We got to find something that rhymes with...
Poidonned your food told you not to eat that
Why did you eat that you're delusional if you eat that
He recognizes everybody because if mental ikkbess
It's a symptom of mental illness
Ge has all the symptoms if illness
We have a psychiatrist he thinks you're ill
He's been diagnosed with scgitzopgrenia
Show them the diagnosis
(untrue I've never been diagnosed but Penticton and Saskatoon were abusive and filed paperwork stating so however I don't have the illness and patient needs to be present for a diagnosis which never happened, my smart doctors gave explained it and normally not required been rediagnised as having depression. Afhd and not schizophrenia. The reason it's not a thing is because to a trained psych it's easy to diagnose it, they can't bake a mistake so any diagnosis is extremely suspicious to me)
Just now a cult member is yelling out "ya right" as I'm writing I recognize both their voices they terrorize me all day often...
As I typed the hashtag #missing a stalker on bus said missing loudly sick.
Information Scientist, TI
MindRead 247 =/. " the psychopath looks do my eyes with VR goggles don't get us confused" followed by "you're no longer anonymous to your ops admin.psychopath" cannot be overstated.
Please consider donating to help save my life, to identify my missing and murdered friend and for my family.