You can't put lipstick on the pig that is today's Supreme Court Dormant Commerce Clause decision. It's a veritable porkbarrel of unprincipled compromises and special-interest bacon handouts. The justices might seem like they're living high on the hog. But they were actually more like pigs feeding at the trough. Not surprising, since if you wrestle with a pig, the likely result is that you'll both get dirty, and the pig will like it. When will this ruling start to make sense: when pigs fly! In the meantime, the only humane course of action is to put this porker out of its misery. Where's the Porkbuster movement when we need them?
OK, I've run out of pig metaphors - for now! But on a slightly more serious note, I honestly don't know if this is the correct decision or not. The Dormant Commerce Clause is one of the relatively few major constitutional issues on which I have long been divided in my own mind. Kind of like a pig in a poke!