SureMARKETS powered by SUREBANQA coming soon...

in surebanqa •  6 years ago 

#SureMARKETS will blow your mind, it's just amazing what is coming there Soon.


#SureMARKETS will bring Decentralized e-Marketplace to all corners of Africa and developing countries. We want to eliminate middlemen and open Africa and developing countries untapped markets to buyers and sellers from all over the world in a Seamless, Secure, Fast, 24/7, P2P and Futureproof manner.
WhatsApp Image 2019-04-05 at 11.54.40 AM.jpeg

#SUREBANQA #BIVEXCHAIN #ZEPASS #FEX #BNQA #SyncGold #SyncBank #Dapp #SureSWAP #FEX #FinTech #Tokenization #Tokenomic #PaymentGateway #paimemtcard #entrepreneur #cryptopreneur #Token #KYC #ST20 #RegTech #SurePAY #SureJiffy #FinancialInclusion #SureSWAPWhatsApp Image 2019-04-05 at 11.54.40 AM(1).jpegWhatsApp Image 2019-04-05 at 11.54.40 AM(2).jpeg

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Will have de facto access on #SureMARKETS, only those who are registered, verify #KYC and updated their Billing Setting on #SurePAY ( and/or #SureSWAP ( )