Catching by surprise. New Clothes. Your votes changed to cash.

in surprise •  6 years ago 

I did not know this money was from your votes. I was thinking it was a gift but then I saw how much Steemit is paying me for your support. So much money in only four days.

I needed new pants and shirts that my friend brings today. I will change my clothes and go in the coffee shop to learn Steemit. My tablet is out of battery.

You, the people, are my life as I said in my video.

Thank you. This is unbelievable.

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Buen Dia Juan,

Muy bien......excellente! ^__^


Keep looking up.....

muy bien Excelente Muchas gracias excelente para vos que me votaste Muchas gracias por todo lo que me están aceptando y te agradezco mucho y seguimos votando

Muchas gracias

That is really nice to see how Little John is happy, I believe it is like X-mas for him. I assume you @done still helping to manage John blog, I was just wondering is it possible may be to help him to rend a small room somewhere, having a roof above the head is the most wonderful thing in this world. Every time I go to bed I thank God that we are lucky to be in a good health and to maintain our status as we are now. I believe now when people of course limited to Steemit know that Little John getting some financial support, it may get spread even he himself may mention and it could be heard by someone who would decide to take away something from him. And also due to coming autumn and cold days, it would be the best to have a warm place with own bed. That was just my thought. You are an angel @done!

I film John, he speaks into my phone, turning that into text. His tablet was dead when I went to see him Thursday. He gives it to the superintendent at the building he used to live in. It has been cold and windy the last few days. I also think of him when I go to sleep at night.

I cannot even take Little John to a warm place to talk where they have wireless internet. None of them will allow him to come in. For now he is eating and has money to buy whatever he wants to. I hope he works on a way to get indoors when he is cold.

As for my plan, I want to get him a place to live a soon as possible. He has to want that and he has to choose it. I am showing him that there is a community of people who have a heart for him. He wants to learn but cannot get near a wireless connection, which brings me to the cellular phone issue.

I spent the entire day and missed meeting friends who were in town while trying to get a touch screen replaced on one of my favorite phones, a Samsung A5. The phone is ready to go for the most part, with a 32gb memory card, Steemit, Partiko, and DTube ready to run with his keys memorized. He has his keys now in a file. He also has a hotspot to use internet on his tablet via the phone.

I have one problem, the cellular chip I installed needs his ID number which I have, but the it plays 20 questions with me about who he knows or doesn't, where he was born and dates. I have to go see him to finish the phone line configuration. Then buy an internet package.

I hope he will be responding to you all very soon. I hope to teach him how to upload a video or two since that may be the better option.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Very happy to hear that!!!

Thank to @done for doing a great things, he brought many things for you @lvj appreciate your kindness towards little John. Be bless more.

@done is a good friend of yours, and he always stand by your side, pants and tablet now, I believe soon more to come, your case will be settle, your life will on right track as God destined you to come across @done.

As per steemit, you have a good and kind man besides you, I believe he will always guide you. When i first got here, it's kinda hard to understand how things work or done here, but with a help of my friend, a kind man like @done Snr. @xpilar he guided, advised and put me through my ways tilll I blend up with the system on steemit. Soon you will be get used to steemit I believe as @done beside you to render assistance, guide and tutor you.

Little John, am happy to hear and glad you see how steemit work, steemit not just a platform, but a world that changes lives and world that give hope for hopeless. Soon things will change more for better! This December will be a great year in the history of your life..

Keep the good spirit and more success.



Awesome Little John!!

Steemit dando sus frutos, que buenos que ya vas a comprar ropa nueva, pero sobre todo que bueno que va a sentarte a aprender mas sobre steemit. Aprovecha esta plataforma, que puede ser una fuente de ingresos importante.

Hola juancito ya pronto te veremos en las mejores fiestas disfrutando de buenas comidas. Me alegra sigas de lo mejor. Besos

Congratulations joancito soon we will see you renting your apartment and you will help more people. Give him my memories @done.

You are now in good hands @lvj and @done as well as many other community members will help you. Just enjoy life because life without sickness is a gift already and all other things are just a bonus. Your problem is only money and shelter and that will be taken care of as long as there is the steem blockchain and the good people therein which this community will never lack of them.

Thank you so much to give me the name of la vida de Juan

Go ahead @lvj and make more blogs like these and show your life, your world to the community so that they could learn more about your situation, the steemit community will help you with your struggles which will soon go away.

Por fin el cash en tus manos jaja
Me alegra mucho verte feliz, esta es una nueva oportunidad que dios mandó para ti
Felicidades @lvj 😊✋

Hola Juancito me alegra que ya estes cobrando el dinero de tus post, espero que los montos vayan cada vez en aumento y más personas puedan leerte y apoyarte. Te quiero ver con nueva ropa y me gustaria verte con un cambio de look. Vas progresando y espero que sigas así, que cada día encuentres la motivación para que sigas con nosotros en la plataforma. Saludos!

Hello, I was glad that you are already charging money for your publications, I hope that the amounts go each time in an increase and more people can read and support. I want to see you with new clothes and I would like to see you with a change of look. Go progress and I hope they continue like this, that every day find the motivation to continue with us on the platform. Regards

Que bien me alegro mucho lo bien que te ha ido y lo contento que estas con esta maravillosa plataforma.

Lo mejor esta por venir. Un abrazo

We are here for you my friend.
Nothing but success for you sir!

really Thank you very much

This is what is called fun and profitable! By sharing your daily stories and discussing topics together. And here we get #Cryptocurrensy payments. This is the advantage of Steemit social media and there are many more fun on the Steemit platform. Congratulations on the new clothing gift @lvj.

Steemit has given a lot of happiness and I agree with you to learn better.
Happy always @lvj

Que bien amigo que estas con una nueva oportunidad. Dios siempre pone en nuestro camino gente buena, pero mas que eso aprovecha las herramientas que también te coloca para que puedas seguir adelante en tu nuevo proyecto no sera rápido ni fácil la adaptación pero sera muy exitoso, cuando alguien de bien te guíe por el buen camino. saludos desde Venezuela lleno de Venezolanos que luchan como tu.

What a good friend you are with a new opportunity. God always puts in our way good people, but more than that, he takes advantage of the tools that he also places you so that you can move forward in your new project. It will not be quick or easy to adapt but it will be very successful, when someone of good will guides you through the good path. Greetings from Venezuela full of Venezuelans who fight like you.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Your words of encournagement (in both languages) are much needed. Thanks.

The other day Little John told me where he would be and when so I was able to catch him off guard today. I had shopped for the pants he so desperately needs along with a couple shirts too. I stopped the film several times to tell him that the money is not from me. That it is the value of the last three posts. Steemit is not easy for people to understand at first.

For those of you that read my story, you know that Little John has always held up the money when it is handed to him. His size and demeanor was portrayed weeks ago when he was just a memory. Now you see the real man and his gestures.

Side note. The taxi that dropped me off there parked and watched - I guess what I do is quite odd. To me not so much but others who chase the dollar find it strange.

It does not matter, what other people think, people. The important thing is what you feel and think and what your wife and children know about the good you do because they are human values that are learned by the example one gives.
So do not worry about that. and as you well say if we read your story that is now reality. you remember when you commented on the parents of other children they saw you as ugly. like that you do not care because you knew you were making a better world for little Jonh

Congrats @done yours all post are nice ,,i like it ..
Excellent post ,,meaning ful @lvj great sir..

pero muchas gracias por todo lo sacó del afecto y muchas gracias por estar acá y les agradezco muchísimo por haberme contestado y voy a seguir votando todos los días que me sean

Estamos para ayudar amigo, que bien que me escribas en español. Saludos desde Venezuela un pais que lucha por salir adelante.

Que esté bien, felicidades por su nueva ropa.

Have a good day, be happy

Nobody is missing God, @lvj your blog is an example to not lose faith and keep fighting, life hits you to the point of leaving you on the ground, today here are your angels, disguised as agents of change to help you get up. What a motivating publication, an example to duplicate and provide a new opportunity for people, the best is yet to come


Hola juancito mi recomendacion es que ahorres el dinero y te alquiles un apartamento que quede cerca del parque. Saludos

@lvj little John, keep it up, you are not alone. Steemit is your new home. welcome home buddy.

The money you hold looks new, you always display something different from others.
Besides that you want to share with many people, I feel very happy to see your post.😀🙏

Una encomiable labor la de su amigo, espero que siga bien.

We will continue to support you @lvj and become part of the Steemians community

Best Regards From Acehnese Community

We Bring Good thing to Steemit

Hola @lvj eres de argentina? digo tu acento suena de ese pais, por otra parte me encanta mirar esa sonrisa en tu cara y lo agradecido que te miras, es una segunda oportunidad y espero la puedas aprovechar :). Un saludo

Good job @lvj
touching story.


Yeah learn about Steemit, it can change your life in the long run. @Ivj @done


Posted using Partiko iOS

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

One day I get a chance to meet you in person!

I’m so happy that steem and some STEEMians are taking care of you :)

I’m looking forward to seeing you in your new clothes !

this is amazing, here I found one of the most comments in two days. congratulations to you @lvj

Excelente, disfrute su nueva indumentaria.

hello @lvj, you are really great. You as a beginner on this platform have tasted the results. I myself have been on this platform for 3 months but haven't tasted the results at all. you are truly extraordinary. keep up the spirit and work. I am sure you will be someone extraordinary here.

Tu esfuerzo y dedicación en efectivo, muy bien felicidades
Es momento de un buen cambio de look esperamos ver tu cambio
Saludos amigo Juan ..

Hola Juan realmente Dios te esta bendiciendo te lo mereces te bendigo.

Desde hoy te sigo amigo, eres ejemplo de superación y muestra de que la vida cambia en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, hoy podremos estar mal, pero mañana dios manda a un ángel o a una acción y eso cambiará nuestra vida para siempre saludos

@lvj excelente nosotros te damos nuestro apoyo votando y eso se va a traducir en ayuda para ti, no es que seamos millonarios pero si podemos ayudar lo hacemos, por aqui hay gente excelente si no ve a @done todo lo que ha hecho por ti.

@lvj excellent we give you our support voting and that will translate to help for you, not that we are millionaires but if we can help we do it, here are excellent people if you do not see @done everything he has done for you .

Excellent friend you will see that steemit will change your life I am happy for you. Give my regards to @done ...

touching struggle @lvj.
so get the desired results.
Good job @lvj.

Posted using Partiko Android


Saludos @lvj.. Que bueno que estes viendo el fruto de tus publicaciones, de alguna manera es grato saber que nuestros votos te esten ayudando a mejorar un poco tu vida y poder comprar tus cosas, disfruta mucho esa nueva ropa. Dios te bendiga.

Congratulations your immediate success. I hope you'll earn much in future with staying long term.

Yes, very meaning full thinking. Thanks for sharing with us.

So much money in only four days.

it's hard to find generous whales like you.

Bratz regards to song


Congrats, Littlejohn!

Que bonita forma de incentivar una vida... Juan siento que aprenderé de lo guerrero que hay que ser para poder alcanzar grandes cosas.
Deberías tomar en cuenta que cuando menos pensaste que tu vida no tendría otro sentido, el destino te ha dado un giro de 360 grados.
Yo espero que puedas ver que existen nuevas oportunidades y que ahora es que hay momentos para sonreír.
No temas!
Alcanza tus sueños que se que lo lograrás

La palabra de Dios nos deja el testimonio del Apóstol Pablo que desde la carcel proclamó"Prosigo al blanco". Bendiciones

Hello @lvj how are you.?

Good morning @lvj, I am very happy to have contributed a little to be well organized, look at yourself as a gentleman, now buy a delicious lunch.
Lvj this is just the beginning of your new life, take things slowly and remember that we are always looking for you here in steemit.

I am very happy because I see you starting to receive your profits from your page and wish you all the best in your life with your wonderful publications my frend @lvj

hope you are successful always yes my best friend ,, i love to see your post, what else video like this very cool, thank you for sharing my best friend @Lvj greetings for dearest friend @done and other friends

People really need more people like @done who guide a person to go on a right path and change their destiny with their hard work :) so happy for you it inspires me and many steemians keep going and keep rocking

Hola Juan.

Estoy muy feliz, que tengas ropa nueva. Sigue esforzandote y haz más video. aprovecha la bendición de tener una tablet y graba videos, escribe lo que quieras.
Puedes hacer video de tu historia de vida, así te podemos conocer más de ti.
Cuentas con nuestro apoyo.
Dios te bendiga y te proteja, amigo.
Un fuerte abrazo

Hello John.

I am very happy, that you have new clothes. Keep trying and make more video. Take advantage of the blessing of having a tablet and record videos, write whatever you want.
You can make video of your life story, so we can know more about you.
You have our support.
God bless you and protect you, friend.
A hug

I have heard your story from @done for 2 days and I am very concerned about your life.
Honestly I am not the person who is.

I salute you that you want to work hard and want to move forward, hopefully by joining @vvj you can be successful and useful for this steemit platform.

don't forget to make a video when your friends teach you steemit I look forward to it: D

and I apologize once again for my broken English

God bless you

Hello John I imagine you feel like when we get paid the first salary in a (happy) job, I think you're going to make a very good investment. enjoy it.

Permiteme decirte que es tan genuino lo que dices y haces que me entusiasma es la primera vez que te leo y te seguiré. Buenisimo

pero muchas gracias y gracias por colaborar gracias

Gracias a Dios que aJuan encontró su angel protector, esta es una oportunidad para seguir adelante. Felicidades y a disfrutar la ropa nueva. Saludos desde Venezuela.

Muy bien ché Juan. Podría irte a conocer y a darte una mano con Steemit, creo que vivimos en la misma ciudad. Abrazo, y que continúen los éxitos..

Excelentes noticvias para ti amigo John, poco a poco irás aumentando tus ganancias, pero debes recordar que el dinero no lo es todo en la vida. piensa y actúa bien para la gracia de Dios

jajajaj que bueno que estés obteniendo rapidamente los frutos de tu trabajo, que sigan los exitos

Well, I'm happy for you, now you should invest well that money, get a good haircut and help others who were in a similar situation to yours.

That's just the result of your effort and the blessings that God has for you, but not everything is money and clothes, it's time to give thanks to those who support you.

Welldone @lvj, very glad to see you in progress. you are happy due to changing this all is done due to your loyal friend @done who introduce you here the beautiful platform Steemit. Here people are very carring and supportive. Wish you best of luck for future.

Hello dear, you have become one of my favorite dtubers. You are all a star here. Sometimes life turns its back on us, but God always puts people in our house to guide us. This is your great opportunity, live and make the most of it, do not let it become just a moment. Keep working and striving for you, for your things, for a better life. Do you have family?

In short, a warm greeting from Venezuela, dear friend <3 You are great.

Thanks @done although I do not know you but thank you, you should come to Venezuela, there are hundreds of people with economic problems. Without homes, without food, many children on the street. I would like to help them much more and all, but I can barely help myself, with this situation.

Oh yeah!you made it Little John. i was amaze that you are doing better now on steemit.

Steemit is the best community that bring you to your future just a blink of an eye..

God Bless you always @lvj little john

Everybody is friends with good ol' Ben. Benjamin Franklin, that is.

Greatest success story on steemit. I hope you can keep it up.

what a fun thing! how internet change things!

que bueno que tambien hable español!

Wow that's awesome a post

Man that’s awesome! I’m yet to ever actually buy something in the real world. Must be a great feeling 😀😀😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hola amigo juancito luces de lo mejor al lado del Sol y con tu Tablet se ve que ahora eres todo tecnológico. Besos

In so little what you have achieved, so put your batteries and win this to grow in Steemit and have for much more and achieve independence. A greeting and a hug.

Es emocionante!!! ¿Que tal la ropa nueva? Te depara un buen futuro en la plataforma! Un abrazo

Hi @lvj, Great to know about your progress. Make some photos when you go for coffee shop. As you head towards your success, it pumps us more. So, going with your head high and don't forget to share.

Good luck!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Many good people for helping, you good man Mr. @Ivj thanks for sharing

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @lvj you do not know how happy I am that your situation has changed and now you are resuming your life little by little. In truth, the lesson of @done on teaching you is giving good results. I really hope you can move forward. Keep in mind that despite the adversities the sun always comes out.

Estimado @lvj no sabes cuánto me alegro de que tu situación haya cambiado y ahora estés retomando tu vida poco a poco. En verdad que la lección de @done sobre enseñarte está dando buenos resultados. De verdad espero que puedas seguir adelante. Ten presente que a pesar de las adversidades el sol siempre sale.

good tablet @lvj.
hope to share a good story.
I am waiting for the story of your next life journey. Good luck @lvj.

Very amazing clothes @lvj sir... best of luck... #upvoted..

ufff que bendiciones viene a tu vida amigo juan, Dios tiene un propósito en tu vida, lo mejor esta por venir.

God bless you and one day I get an chance to meet you in person :)

Que regalo te ha dado Dios Juan te lo mereces una nueva vida te bendigo

Si estoy re feliz

2018-10-21 17.57.04.jpg

Asi como la foto

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Excuse me

Esta es mi foto

Qué es lo que dije primeramente es una cosa equivocada que vi de la foto y que diga lo último que estoy muy feliz lo que está arriba escrito en inglés no es válido gracias

You have extraordinary talent mr. @lvj
I am sure, you will become a successful person later on ...
The spirit continues mr. @lvj ,,
Have a nice day,,,

Amigo eso es grandioso! La próxima compra los zapatos. Que continue el apoyo para ti juancito.

Congratulations little John, have got the first results from steemit. I'm happy if you are happy. I will always support you.

Hi Mr. @Ivj How are you today.. Be success always

Hello dear friend, it's nice to hear you want to replace the clothes, hopefully you are cool and handsome, my greetings for my dearest lover @done and you @lvj

Very good news, my best friend, I love listening to it ,,

great post my frend @lvj
And wonderful writing

good luck my dear, I hope your day is more fun than yesterday's days, greetings success for you and @done

good luck and happy using new clothes yeah my dear, hopefully you look cool

Hello my best friend, I am very happy to listen you want to beautify clothes, I hope you are better than before, greetings also for my best friend, @done ,, (is she okay)

Good job @done.
touching story.

i like listening you want to replace clothes ,, is that the @done carrying, i hope you never forget your friend @done, and also your other friends ,, someday if you are successful yes

Senang mendengar kan kamu ingin menggantikan pakai nya ,semoga saja kamu lebih keren dan ganteng ,setelah menggantikan pakai nya ,

Very good, I'm glad to see you want to change,

Hello, my best friend, how are you, glad to hear that you will replace the clothes, hopefully you will always be successful

Hopefully, you are normal fast like ordinary people again, I am happy if you see you, like a friend, whether the clothes are taken by @done

cool, my friend is @lvj. I hope you always succeed.

very great, when I listened to my heart I was very moved, you want to replace your clothes, are the clothes brought by @done

We will always support you mr @lvj, even though our support is not as great as the support from Mr. @one, because everyone is amazed by the nature of Mr. @done is so moving ...
Have a nice day mr. @lvj and good luck ...

a very pleasant story, I really want to see your new look, how, is it really cool ,,

hello my good friend ,, the feeling is very happy to hear you want to replace the clothes, and want to sit in a coffee shop ,, hopefully your life is more fun than your life in the beginning, thank you for sharing my love