Vegan Graffiti!

in surrey •  5 years ago 


Things have gotten hot in Guildford because some Vegan(s) (who knows how many of them there are!) have started writing "Go Vegan" on walls and phoneboxes around town. The local press is in uproar of course. The organiser of a new Vegan market that was apparently held the other week is quoted as saying it "could do more harm than good". And that's a pretty strong take from the sorts of people who really try to do no harm at all.

The local super-activist is a woman who walks around with placards saying "Animals are our friends" and "Butter is congealed breastmilk" and tries very hard to engage everyone in the High Street in conversation about it. I doubt it's her behind the graffiti, she's more into this kind of direct action than scrawling on walls.

Country life!

PS Just in case you're tempted to point me to some mind-changing information about veganism, please note I'm fifty-four years old and I take an interest in the world, I really really have heard all of the arguments for more plant-based products and you're right, we doubtless should all be eating less or even no animal produce at all, but I haven't done it yet.

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I gave up meat many years ago, but never went fully vegan. I have cut down on cheese recently and our eggs are from our own chickens who are well cared for. It's all a personal choice. My reasons may differ from those of others, but some treat it more like a religion.

Nothing like a good uproar over do-gooders. Personally I have my own ideas about what I wan't to eat and I am only forcing my children and wife to do the same as I am (mainly because none of them cook).

wait till they find out the patriarchy's over! :)

I am keeping them in the dark! All three, crazy, dominating females.