in sustainability •  7 years ago  (edited)

(WIFE) - "oh Darlin! Look at that family, over in D block".
(LIFE PARTNER) - "Oh, I know exactly who you mean, Bae".
(WIFE) - "They still have one of those 'orrible old cars".
(L.P.) - "How can people still be allowed to own those poisonous crates?"
(W) - "The world would be so much nicer without people like that...Just get a proper electric car or don't have one, I say".
(L.P.) - Yeah Bae, so selfish...."

Ha,Ha! Well you would be forgiven, for thinking that I had copy and pasted the worst episode of Coronation street. But besides having too much choice, real life is much more eccentric so thankfully there was no need to go there.

By the time you have finished reading this article, that scene will take on a greater meaning. And if I do my job well enough, you will see how that is actually a glimpse into an unavoidable future attitude.

If you go no further, choose not to heed my warning, then at least try to remember what you have, so far, read.
And in 30 years time, when you have a similar version of that conversation.
Recall this post, then take the following steps...

Step 1. Go into the garden...
Step 2. Grab a big stone or a spade. (I really don't mind. We may not have a gardens by then, so whatever is to hand).
Step 3. Smash yourself as hard as you can, right in the mush!
Step 4. Repeat the words, "I am a big Wally and now its too late".
Step 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 simultaneously.

Alternatively, you could just keep fucking reading!! For the sake of the rest of us who don't have our heads up our arses(sorry about the french, but some asses need dragging to the water).

OK that's enough of that. Lets get down to business, shall we? So how do I convince you to hate your domestic vehicles. Well for that answer lets look over a few things first...



car1.jpgFew people realize that electric vehicles are nothing new. Before the combustion engine was incorporated into small vehicles of any kind, folk were Quietly whizzing around in Electric cars, way back since 1837. When, Aberdeen's, Robert Davidson, produced the first electric road car. Yes 1837!! Can you believe it??!! Now you probably expect me to say how it was a huge flop and that it only acted as a quick fad before we realized the superiority of petrol-oil fueled cars, later produced by the likes of Henry Ford. Well sorry to remove the ether from your bonfire, but they were absolutely fine. It gave rise to a taxi service industry and an electric tram network. As described here, in the show notes of James Corbett's 'Big Oil' Documentary

"But more luck was needed to ensure the market for this new engine. In the early days of the automobile era it was by no means certain that gas-powered cars would come to dominate the market. Working models of electric vehicles had been around since the 1830s, and the first electric car was built in 1884. By 1897 there was a fleet of all-electric taxis shuttling passengers around London. The world land speed record was set by an electric car in 1898. By the dawn of the 20th century, electric cars accounted for 28% of the automobiles in the United States. The electrics had advantages over the internal combustion engine: they required no gear shifting or hand cranking, and had none of the vibration, smell, or noise associated with gasoline-powered cars".
Source -

You see the combustion engine had been invented, but it would need to be a lot better if we were going to potentially replace the whole electric transport system. Again going back to the great work of 'JC'. We can see how and when the first combustion engine car came into being...

cben.jpg"The very next year after the commercial introduction of the light bulb, another invention came along to save the oil industry: German engineer Karl Benz patented a reliable, two-stroke internal combustion engine. The engine ran on gasoline, another petroleum by product, and became the basis for the Benz Motorwagen that, in 1888, became the first commercially available automobile in history."
Source -

So why did we choose, Oil based, combustion engine vehicles, over its clean, quiet, electric counterpart ?
For the simple reason that large oil deposits had been found, on the 10th January, 1901, in Spindletop, East Texas. The gusher blew 100,000 barrels worth of Crude oil. This obviously made oil cheap and plentiful. which in-turn, made the decision, to invest heavily in combustion engine cars, a no brainer.

However there was still a perfectly viable network of electric Trams. These had long been established in many countries around the developing world. So you would think that any sensible society would cushion the blow, for the Electric automobile industry, by keeping the tram networks in place and having combustion engine cars used for the rest of the transport industry. I mean there must have been a lot of people who had their whole life and fortunes invested in electric vehicles. Don't you think they might have asked for a compromise? Of coarse they did. But sorry Jack, you're asking the wrong people.

The Oil industry created huge amounts of political influence and untold wealth. For great humanity loving people like the Rockefellers. The Rothschilds and Nobels. The Dutch and British royal family. People who still hold vast influence today. Now you know how these Oiligarchs feel about competition. Or maybe you don't? Well what better example to give you, of the their moral fibre, than their conduct towards their Electronic rivals. Conduct that resulted in the complete dismantling of the electric tram network and the end to any kind of return to the electric automobile industry.

"By the end of the 1940s, GM had bought and scrapped over one hundred municipal electric transit systems in 45 cities and put gas-burning GM buses on the streets in their place. By 1955 almost 90% of the electric streetcar lines in the United States had been ripped out or otherwise eliminated.”

It then goes on to say...

"The cartel had been careful to hide their involvement in National City Lines, but it was revealed to the public in 1946 by an enterprising retired naval lieutenant commander, Edwin J. Quinby. He wrote a manifesto exposing what he called “a careful, deliberately planned campaign to swindle you out of your most important and valuable public utilities — your Electric Railway System.” He uncovered the Oiligarchs’ stock ownership of National City Lines and its subsidiaries and detailed how they had, step by step, bought up and destroyed the public transportation lines in Baltimore, Los Angeles, St. Louis and other major urban centers"
Source - Myths Lies and Oil wars by F.William Engdahl.

After all their devious schemes had paid off the oil giants only had one more bug to squash.korn.jpg After which, any idea of transport, land, sea or air, could not happen without 'Big Oil' earning a huge profit as a consequence. I say consequence because the combustion engine could run on both, petrol(fuel derived from crude) and Ethanol(derived from corn oil).
The latter of the two options being very easy and cheap to extract. Every man and his dog was fermenting corn and turning it into Ethanol, for cheap fuel to use in their cars, farming equipment, public transport vehicles, anything that used a combustion engine! eth.jpg

HaHa! You can just imagine the nightmares had by J.D. and pals....corn.jpg Over fertilized, mutant corn-cobs with arms and legs, chasing them over the edge of 'Ethanol falls' Or maybe not.
Its more likely these sick bastards enjoyed finding ways to use their infinite wealth and power to destroy their latest enemy. Well I have to give it to J.D. He may have been a Cunt but he was a bloody clever Cunt if ever there was one.


It is an unfortunate fact that Ethanol contains Alcohol. You may also accept the fact that People, when able to consume Alcohol, will do so until it makes them blind. We can't help ourselves. It's not really the Alcohol that attracts the majority of space Cadets. As long as it removes them from reality, it just needs to be plentiful and cheap... Well they were making it by the bucket load at home. Can you imagine what that did to low income communities? Towns turned into ghetto's of inebriated fools, drowning in vats of ethanol. Well that's how J.D. wanted you to imagine it...
J.D. Rockerfeller knew exactly how to use it to his advantage in more ways that one...PROHIBITION...Yes, you remember now. Well who do you think funded the organizations that campaigned for Prohibition? Wahoo, big prizes for all those following the story. Of coarse, it was indeed, Mr John Davison Rockefeller...

"Since the late 1800′s there had been a growing Alcohol Temperance Movement developing among reformers. Rockefeller saw an opportunity in this. It is well-documented that local efforts to curb alcohol consumption were expanded to the national level when high-profile figures like Rockefeller joined in the anti-alcohol efforts. Was he so concerned with the social problems that abuse of alcohol was said to cause?"

"No… John D. Rockefeller was not concerned with family dynamics in the working classes. But he was influential in changing the goals of the movement from temperance to prohibition. As we know, his contribution to the outlawing of the production and sale of alcohol was successful. Of course, Rockefeller and the oil companies reaped tremendous profits as a result. Remember that the period covered by the 18th Amendment (1919-1933) coincided with the huge rise in the sale and operation of automobiles. America was on the move, and all of these cars were now operated solely on gasoline. By the time that the 21st Amendment was passed, ending the prohibition of alcohol, the standard was already set and worked completely in the favor of the Rockefeller family"
Source -

After John D had funded a successful Prohibition campaign, supposedly to make the world a better place, he was not only rewarded with new political contacts...

Predictably, after prohibition was enforced, people who could gain entry to the high class, secret, drinking venues were not effected. As long as you had money and/or status there was never any such thing as prohibition. The rich always have a rule for themselves, you should know this by now. For the less wealthy, who were directly affected by the broad sweeping Ban, it couldn't have been easy to resist the temptation. The poor may not have money but they still had the same desires, when it came to alcohol. They new the Ban was not enforced on the wealthy, so this just added to the temptation. Ethanol was plentiful so people inevitably quenched their thirst's with the vast supplies being stored at gas stations and local farm stills. Gotcha! Hook line and sinker.... After realizing what people were doing the government passed a law stating that Ethanol was now required to be made with an additive that would poison anyone who drank it.
J.D. had forced ethanol producers to add an unnecessary and expensive additive. An additive that was an oil-based product, sold by JD himself. He not only put a curse onto the Ethanol fuel business by making it un-viable. He managed to earn some extra out of it too!! I'm sorry but you have to appreciate the mans cunning.


Who's pulling the strings now....?

I hope that the first chapter has given you an idea of how big business can use politicians to get rid of competition and sway public opinion. In this 2nd chapter I would like to show you how our world governments are steering public opinion toward their own agenda using the same tactics as Jonh D did in chapter 1. By creating government advisory bodies and innocent looking charities this chapter should explain how the Puppet-masters control the show.

Global warming weather you believe it's Man-made, or not, IS being used as a reason to switch BACK to a more sustainable fuel. Now fuels like electric or ethanol are back on the table(the GM seed revolution has given some level of control over ethanol. So don't get too excited about that being a solution) and with today's scientific advances, we can now add Hydrogen cells and petro-vapour fueled engines into the mix. All but the first option(Electric) are relatively easy to produce and would be very difficult to control, within a corporate structure ran for profit. These alternative power supplies have been developed but it is obvious that they are being purposefully ignored by investors. Just look at some of the videos on any video sharing platform and you will see how people have come up with inexpensive fuel sources, for engines to run on. Fuels that could remove some or all of our effect on oil reserves.
Removing Co2 producing vehicles would also remove us from the global warming equation. If we were to ban all internal combustion engines and the Global-warming stops or has a positive reaction of any significance. Then there are lots of folk who will have my blessing to shout "I TOLD YOU SO" right in my face. But my guess is, it would show a negative result and the infinite climate cycles of the universe will carry on regardless.
Government like to appear to be doing a service to humanity(Much like good old Rockefeller and Prohibition), the Global Cabals have announced that the will of the people is to have not just our transport system, but the whole planet powered by electricity... Well fancy that...Isn't that just the damnedest bit of serendipity??!! The population of almost every country on Earth, has asked their government, to switch to a fuel that has been monopolized by companies entrenched in scandals ranging from price fixing to tax avoidance. A lot of tax avoidance... nbvb.jpg

So I think it is safe to say, that it is by far the will of the people to give control of the global energy market, to the very psychopaths who have stained the pages of history in the late 20th and 21st century. I dare say that prioritizing electric is not in the best interests of anything or anyone, going on who controls its production and their past conduct. With their unquenchable thirst for Bloody wars, that still go on today in the name of 'Freedom'. All the while having the sole purpose of gaining control of the oil producing nations around the globe. I would certainly say that my concerns are not a far stretch of the imagination. I would even stick my neck out and say it is certain to be disaster. Just like in the events described through Chapter 1. We can see how the Rockefeller family used a seemingly well intended 'common purpose' to deceive the public into supporting a cause that would cement the Rockefeller's among the Elite, and ultimately embroil everyone in endless imperialism. From now on, societies would be based on J.D.'s business model of centralization and complete control...octo.jpg

To remove any doubt about weather Man-made Global-warming is being used in the same way as the Prohibition movement was. We need look no further than who funds the organizations pioneering the Anti-CO2 pollution agenda. Well of coarse, it is the very same people who bring you the Oil-wars. Yes, J.D.(USA). Prince Bernard(Netherlands). Queen Victoria 2nd(UK). Just to name a few. These empire building, multi-bajillianaires, are now trying to save the world and make sure there is Justice and Equality for all. They have even made a special club just for us. But you're not to know what they talk about, in any detail. You trust us though, don't you..? cl.jpg

"Yeah, we are really sorry we massacred people all over the globe, from Texas to Tasmania. But it wasn't really our fault though... You guys just can't help yourselves. You just won't tow-the-line. Its in your gene's so we have to guide you for your own good" "Yes, sometimes we may have over-(goose)-stepped the mark, a little... We have said we are sorry, to lots of the relatives. The Aboriginal people of Australia are adjusting well, after we Liberated them"( "I mean, we gave them so much and we only took a small proportion of their land. If they didn't like us that much they could have just moved. Its not like there are many of them left...And Australia is huge you know?! My God you're sounding just like the folk of Mi Lai after we helped them out....(Youtube, My Lai Massacre). Look, you really have nothing to worry about, this time. Just give us your vote and we can all come together in one big happy world. A world with order...A New World Order! Oooh, write that one down Jeeves, that's got a ring to it! We will have to make sure we use that at the Rio Summit".
SOURCE - My imagination.

We have a word for this in the UK... Its called Bollocks. You Yanks and Canadians may no it better as Baloney or Bullshit.

Plenty of people before me have tried to warn us all about the NWO and they all carry vast amounts of evidence to prove such a conspiracy is taking place behind closed doors. Most meet a grizzly end. The NWO is now a well oiled machine. To make things worse it has been doing its homework...

eddy b.jpg"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized." - Edward Bernays

Oh yes, I forgot to mention good old Uncle Eddy Bernays. Although, that is maybe a good thing as it would add a whole new chapter if I was to start ranting about that twat. So instead I will put you in the hands of James Corbett and let him tell that part of the tale. Does anyone else see how this is like the Super-hero franchise? We have the big players but to understand it all you have to watch all the captain America garbage. Well I am afraid its a necessary evil. At least this is one of the good spin off movies.(

For those who watched the vid. What do you think to Uncle Eddy? Sorry what was that? Someone in the back said the right answer, shout it out please so everybody can hear you..."CUNT"!! Yes.Exactly.

Just to round this part off nicely, I will add a little about how the X-men manage to get their crazy plans implemented and onto our dinner plate. You have to remember these are business men and women not politicians(Even the Royals) and they work in the shadows.
We are supposed to have something called 'Separation of powers' to stop corporation, judicial and government collusion. If me or you were P.M. or President, depending on your nations perogative. Would you have invaded Iraq? Would you allow Fracking? Would you allow quantitative easing? Fractional Banking? Sir Jimmy fucking Saville??!!SIR, ffs!!!! Would you have let him get away with decades of child abuse? Or Hastert? Or Janning? Or Maxwell? Or Sir Phillip Green?? Another Honorable Knight of the realm...I mean, is it me? Or is it almost as if you get knighted for being a complete arsehole? Its supposed to be an honor given to the most worthy of Brits...jim.jpg Not from what I can see...
To answer the original question for you. No. You wouldn't allow any of it. You are not a one of them. You are a normal Human Being, with a conscience.

To negate the laws on the separation of powers Prince Bernard of the Netherlands Stepped in to create a loop hole. In 1954 the Dutch prince and a few others formed the Bilderberg Group. As well as Prince Bernard being tied to the Nazi party( Józef Retinger, a fellow Bilderberg founder, was also involved in setting up the EU, another centralized control group. Nowadays the list of members is a who's who of elite Psychopaths and Sociopaths. But to highlight the the real function of this group I like to refer to this image...bilderberg-group-1.jpg

Bilderbergers meet as an 'Advisory' body once a year to discuss global problems.bil2.jpg
The conclusions gathered are then 'offered' to the likes of the UN and of coarse the EU. The UK Bigwigs all attend Bilderberg, but they even have their own little 'club on the side' called, The Club Of Rome. A group that revolves around the Fabian Socialist concepts( Evidently, these groups help spreads the infection into the UK. A country that relinquished it's sovereignty to the EU in 1973. When Sir Edward Heath(another knighted pedophile) deceived the British people and changed our Constitutional Law, without using the proper lawful protocols.

"In no other time throughout the whole of British history,
has any King, Queen or Prime Minister, ever changed the
constitutional law of this country, without first seeking the
consent of the people" (Labour MP, Peter Shore. Oxford Union debate. 1975)

In other words he was committing an act of High Treason, punishable by Death. And added to the recent evidence of him Buggering young boys, I would probably like to have pulled the lever myself.

So with every country now politically connected, through either the EU or UN. The Same Oiligarchies, who made themselves indispensable amounts of cash through monopolizing the oil Industry, are now giving 'advice' to the political leaders of the world. Helping to co-ordinate the ultimate plan of total centralization by way of a single global government.
But lets not go too far off piste. For now, I am just trying to get you to hate your car.


I hope that over the previous chapters, I have painted a clear picture of how the the same people who 'guided' the masses away from using Ethanol, under the guise of a national cause, are now using the same tactic for a new agenda. The same plan of centralization by creating another common goal. But this time on an International scale. Only this time the common goal is not against ethanol, or alcohol, or crack cocaine, or nuclear weapons. No. Man's worse problem, according to the Bilderberg group, is Carbon emissions.
Carbon = Global-Warming = End of discussion =agen.jpg ..........
Their advice has been heeded. Agenda 21/30 is on its way.

manbear.jpglook its Man-Bear-Pig! ARGHHH!!! SAVE US!!!!
Ha! It's not far off the truth either!

I've been called many things for denouncing MAN-MADE Climate change, supposedly caused by the build up of CO2. But as far as evidence being put in front of me to cast my own judgement on. I have been given nothing that isn't clouded in one scandal or another. The most recent comment has been one of my favorites so far "Daniel, you are wrong. The evidence is in. Climate change is a fact". I can't even begin to tell you how many things I despise about that comment. Oh fuck it! yes I can...( Dr Judith Curry is just one of many reports, complaining about how the IPCC ignore important data and therefore carry out tests that give false conclusions. But if you want the big bucks then you gotta get with the program...

Regardless of countless reports to the cotrary( The UN have took the advice of the IPCC and the Bilderberg group as gospel.
"The evidence is in, it's a fact".....And now they plan to save the world not only from 'Terror' but now from Carbon!!!!

"Oh thank you so much for finding the time. You must be so busy sending 'love bombs' and 'peace seeking missiles' to villages and farmers, I just don't know how you find the time. What a great government we have. We better get working so they can afford it all, eh? "

Westminster. Bilderberg. UN. EU. CFR. IPCC. WWF. Green Peace. Fabian Society. The Club of Rome. Its all the same thing funded by the same people. If you haven't noticed by now, they all have the same way of dealing with global issues. In every instance, from Drug abuse to Cancer, these groups never want to look for the cause they just want to offer a profit driven solution. Which is a business model with the potential for infinite growth when you are able to create the problems to be controlled. This subject has so many contradictions, it deserves its own article. So I will leave it there. But just remember who is actually behind the Cuddly Pandapanda.png

At present they want us to believe CO2 emissions are causing the current Climate. They often use examples of erratic weather, around the globe, to promote this particular Bogey-man. But you need to understand that Extreme weather is not the same thing as Climate Change...

"What do small details like that matter when you're talking to the Plebs? They don't need to know about the shifting of the Poles, Geo-engineering or any other information that opposes the Mainstream narrative".
"All they need to understand is...mr2.jpg"
OK,OK,OK. I give in. Five fingers I see Five fingers. Climate change is caused by CO2 and I produce CO2 and I must try to stop producing CO2. But doesn't that just mean..."mr1.jpg" Oh...M'kay?
That's enough of Mr Maccy. Very self indulgent. What can I say simple things please simple minds.
So part 1 of the Carbon Psy-op has been put into action and with the help of the usual media outlets and catchy phrases like "carbon footprint" it will soon be burrowing its way into you sub-conscience. One of the latest 'Buzz words', designed to fool your common sense, is 'Social Responsibility'. If you haven't heard this slogan, you soon will. At the moment it is being slipped in through the back door. Radio and T.V. adverts seem to be selling the usual waste saving device and then.... "as part of your social responsibility" pops up! In the usual 'small-print' verbalization. The sly gits...And all the other grass roots tactics are also being employed( A vital part of any take-over. A great example of them using this Fabian tool is how UK Common Law hasn't been taught in Universities since the 1970's. Now we have a Queen swearing an Oath to the people, to uphold Common law. But a Police service and Judiciary, that are taught European or Roman Law. 5 years before being forced into the common market and we stop teaching our students about our Constitution laws...Like I said, this is a process pioneered by the Oiligarchs a long time ago and it fits in beautifully with a Socialist political agenda...

"And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing … a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods." Aldous Huxley. Fabianist.

Part 2 of this tried and tested method is a little more 'in your face'.
Aboriginals of Australia were offered biscuits by the White Europeans who had landed on their shores. A proud nation of 250,000, reduced to no more than 60,000. Over just 130 yrs....Hope those biscuits tasted good.
But it would be wrong to put any kind of blame onto the Aborigines. They had never come across the idea of conquest.

Commonwealth Imperialism was the intention. Presented under the guise of Christianity and Biscuits. Now aboriginals, just like the native Indians, now having to ask for equality in their own land...

"On this day the white people are rejoicing, but we, as Aborigines, have no reason to rejoice on Australia's 150th birthday. Our purpose in meeting today is to bring home to the white people of Australia the frightful conditions in which the native Aborigines of this continent live. This land belonged to our forefathers 150 years ago, but today we are pushed further and further into the background. The Aborigines Progressive Association has been formed to put before the white people the fact that Aborigines throughout Australia are literally being starved to death. We refuse to be pushed into the background. We have decided to make ourselves heard. White men pretend that the Australian Aboriginal is a low type, who cannot be bettered. Our reply to that is, "Give us the chance!" We do not wish to be left behind in Australia's march to progress. We ask for full citizen rights, …" Jack Pattern 1938.

Once the Natives had realized the biscuits were laced(Brit settlers did actually offer poisoned cake to natives!), they tried to fight for their lands. But it was too late. So when the biscuits fail and the general public turn their back on the 'foreign offerings' the ruling class turn to deploying their back-up plan, and we fall for it every time. Sadder than that, is the fact that when I reveal 'plan b', you will instantly recognize it.
You ready?
abo nice.jpg Four fingers.
abo3.jpg Five fingers.

Here it is again....
mus1.jpg Four fingers.

mus2.jpg Five fingers.

One more time...
white1.jpg four fingers.

white2.jpg five fingers.

Plan B is simple but very effective. Especially on people who are tuned in to the right frequency...tv3.jpg

It has been 25 years since Agenda21 was presented at the Rio Earth Summit. In that time the biscuit of sustainability has been offered to Earths Aboriginals, to use as a distraction, to gain ground away from Man-Bear-Pig.( Remember, it's impossible to kill Man-Bear-Pig. So you just have to keep running...) But this time the stakes are a lot bigger than an Electric car network or a few Ethanol distilleries. This is for everything! The final hand!! All in!!!(Good god I am sounding as bad as them. Let me calm down a little.

To try and go for total control they have had to throw the kitchen sink at us. The CO2 Bogey man is the Scariest ever and is now a global omnipresence. like God....cch.jpg
Smart cities and sustainability, are being presented as the tastiest biscuit.bbcworld.jpg

As I've pointed out in a previous article( Technology has transformed the world and it has accelerated the process of automation in every aspect of our lives. Encompassing everyone from civilian to Army Marine. The products they can offer us are mind boggling. Ha! VR porn is so impressive I honestly worry for the current and future Teenagers. Typical really... I get the choice of a grainy VHS of Bushy Becky, or a torn up porn mag, found stashed in a bush. Millennial's get Virtual 3d porn at the touch of a button! But that's all part of the normalization of relationships with computers. So I shouldn't make too much light of that subject. I'm wise enough to know that, this...dumb.jpg is to desensitize us to this...lovbot.jpg

Eddy Bernays work has been perfected. His 'talents' in social manipulation are beyond normal imagination. The reason that you 'instinctively' associate Eggs n Bacon with breakfast, will be the same reason you will 'instinctively' associate owning a CO2 producing vehicle, with not being 'Socially Responsible'. Eddy has passed on his knowledge. The dark side is strong.
The automated world is as good as ready and it is time to terraform the planet. Now your either with them or against them. You either Love Technology or you hate it. There will be no middle-ground. And woe betide anyone who dares pollute the earth with a vehicle after 2030.

They don't want to take your car away. They want you to give it to them and you will...(but not until they have earned a few more billion out of it first)
The seeds of this plan were sown a while back. Besides the creation of Man-Bear-Pig and getting you to attach deep emotions with computers programs, they have been conspiring to get you to fall out of love with Petrol/Diesel vehicles. Bernays was a genius at manipulation because he found ways to relate his cause to our own personal experiences.

bet1.jpg (He even convinced housewives to use Betty Crocker's ready made food products. At first nobody would buy them until Uncle Eddy did some Q&A's and found out that Women felt guilty using Betty's ready-mix because it was too simple. They felt they hadn't contributed. So Eddy suggested to Betty, that she changes her product slightly. This is the only reason you now have to ADD ONE EGG...can you believe that! And it made Betty a fortune. The fact that Betty is still around is testament to how powerful this mind control really is.)bet2.jpg Back to the point in hand. Do you remember the scandal around the VW car manufacturers and rigged emission test results. They made a huge deal about it and then, nothing. Like a fart on a plane, it just hangs around. Never as strong as when it was wafted under your nose, but always there. The malingering essence left behind from the emissions scandal was one of mistrust. Now nothing breaks up a loving relationship like mistrust and whether you like it or not, it's now in your sub-conscience.

The next part of destroying a system is to set it against itself. For this we look at the UK for a prime example of the Divide and conquer tactic. So 20 years ago, under the guidance of EU, UN rule. They incentivized a policy to get rid of your Petrol cars and switch to diesel, as this was going to help fight Man-Bear-Pig.

Diesel! Diesel! Diesel.....? Erm, well not exactly.

"Labour should not have promoted diesel cars at the turn of the millennium as the emissions they produce are now 'killing people', a former science minister has claimed. Lord Drayson, who now owns a business which invests in clean energy, told the BBC he wants the current government to 'make changes' to make diesel a less attractive proposition in the aftermath of the Volkswagen emissions scandal. Sales of diesel vehicles have soared from 1.5million ten years ago to 11million today since a tax break was introduced when Tony Blair was Prime Minister. In 2001, Gordon Brown – then Chancellor – introduced lower vehicle tax for diesel cars on the basis they were less polluting and would bring down overall carbon dioxide levels."

Petrol! Petrol! Petrol...? "Erm, well again its not really about what we want. We are bafoons or crooks the evidence isn't clear enough to say but we wouldn't really blame you for losing trust in both petrol and diesel cars. We are really sorry but this time we have it right, we promise..."

"Electric cars are greener and cheaper to run and we are making them more affordable, spending more than £600 million between 2015 and 2020 to support the uptake and manufacturing of ultra-low emission vehicles here in the UK."

Electric! Electric! Electric!
Well for now yes. You are entering a socialist society, haven't you been paying attention. They think its much better that we don't own anything. Please watch this great example of how this is being propagated. This is Ida Auken. A Danish MP who used to be Minister of Environment. Ida doesn't see the point in owning anything at all.

Nothing! Nothing Nothing.....?!

Watch this short video to see if you agree with Ida. If you do please scroll up and carry out my 5 step process.

But that's the Danes and I'm sure the UK wouldn't try implementing anything like that, would it...

I hope you have enjoyed my version of events. But If we do nothing this will happen.
We have no time left to Ignore the hypocrisy of all things attached to our governments. Orwell's Book is taking on a clairvoyant role that can't be argued with.

So carry on. Enjoy your biscuits.... What's the worst that could happen.

Peace and love to you and yours

Written by Rebel Dan.

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urated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Examination of how morality is used to manipulate us

Prohibition was repealed soon after Ford stopped selling cars that could run on Ethanol, Nice in depth article here is a series of articles about how CO2 comes after warming which makes it hard for it to be a cause.

Thanks man! I put a lot of effort into that. Lots of 4am bed times.(i'm a slow typist, what can I say?)
Yes I forgot to put that in there. That would have been a good visual too. always gonna miss something though. Glad you liked it. and thank you as always for the comment.