Step 1: Admit we were powerless over our addiction to fossil fuels – that our carbon footprints have become unmanageable.
Step 2: Come to believe a Power greater than ourselves could restore our sustainable selves.
Step 3: Make a decision to turn our car keys and gas cards over to the care of Al Gore, as we see him.
Step 4: Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of our consumer selves
Step 5: Admit to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our addiction to destructive hydro-carbon chains.
Step 6: Are entirely ready to ask God to remove all our polluting character traits.
Step 7: Humbly ask Him to remove our NY Thruway E-ZPass.
Step 8: Make a list of all people we have harmed with our noxious gaseous behaviors.
Step 9: Make direct amends to such people wherever possible by personally recanting such gaseous behaviors to them except when to do so would injure them or others.
Step 10: Continue to take inventory of our personal Global Warming thoughts and actions and when wrong, promptly admit it.
Step 11: Seek through an open mind and learning to improve our conscious contact with and knowledge of the principles of sustainable living and near poverty existence and show a willingness to carry them out.
Step 12: Have a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, carry this message to other Global Warming Denier addicts and practice these principles in all our affairs.
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