Did you know Every family has its own unique coat of conduct
For instance, families that come from location, a generally tend to do these sorts of businesses And deal with these sorts of people
Did you know, depending on what laws and mandates they have passed in the past? They’ll have a tool set that enables them to do certain criteria activities
For instance, that’s been dealing with the sports that has a tendency to kneecap people and break their knees with baseball bats
Has a unique way of dealing with conflict
Did you know that family was also rich had $14 million Because they could also sell all their cousins into slavery and force them to work for nothing eternally
Some sort of computer and connect millions of servers around the world in all the buildings that they live in
And they have their whole family
Did you know they could use gadget to lace it with their nervous systems
Keeping 100% of the people in their clan and control them like a swarm of buzzing bees