My Great Spiritual Journey - Astrology, Mushrooms & Ayahuasca (SWC)

in swc •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Wow! Mesmerizing! Followed!

Thank you for sharing your beautifully deep journey with us @flauwy and equally thank you for your kind mention, I very much appreciate it.

We seem to have very similar stories around the meeting and subsequent marrying of our first wives .. as hard as it can seem at the time, life has a tendency to hide it's greatest opportunities amongst it's harshest lessons and it's darkest moments. Unfortunately this can only be observed in hindsight.

I have always found that Ayahuasca fascinates me on multiple levels, even it's production defies belief. The precise balance of the ingredients, the knowledge required to understand that the consumption of said plants/vines would act as an MAOI inhibitor .. thus enabling the DMT to enter the system as a slow release drug. Of course if you ask the shaman they will tell you that mother ayahuasca gave them the knowledge in order that we commune with her .. I've learned to believe what they say.

This experience sounds like a profound one and equally within you there appears to exist a strong and powerful energy .. perhaps at the time it was an energy that needed to be focused and directed. Within that instant of self realisation and the appreciation of our connection to the moment you were freed from the shackles that life places upon us and thus free to follow your path.

Thank you for sharing this moment I was really drawn into your words. Pure love is indeed the glue that binds the entire universe together.

I am glad this story find its way to you and resonated so well. There is much I can learn from the knowledge you have aquired from your studies and that you share so beautifully here on Steemit.

...within you there appears to exist a strong and powerful energy .. perhaps at the time it was an energy that needed to be focused and directed.

That's exactly how it felt like. I don't feel very skilled handling my energy normally but in that moment I knew what to do.

Of course if you ask the shaman they will tell you that mother ayahuasca gave them the knowledge in order that we commune with her .. I've learned to believe what they say.
Maybe the got help from _the little helpers_ which connected their mycelium to the plants allowing mother Ayahuasca to speak to them first.

Thank you my friend,

Equally, there is so much knowledge that we can obtain from each other. Indeed an innocent child is capable of inspiring the greatest lessons we could ever hope to learn. Each person we meet has both a message and a lesson to teach us .. alas many amongst us have grown deaf. Personally I'm all ears ;) .. again thank you for sharing your journey.

Brilliant post, @flauwy. It's so well articulated.Man, do I relate. First in sharing the sun in Libra as well. I have had several very similar experiences in my life, several with magic mushrooms, when I was deeply into charismatic Christianity and many other sorts of similar deeply spiritual experiences and rituals, usually with a very similar vision of purpose as you too.

Ayahuasca is about the only thing I haven't tried in my life and I wish sometimes I had tried it when I lived in Brazil for 7 years and studied with shamans native traditions and spiritual visions. All things in their due time, though. I was struck deeply with the call back in that direction when the indigenous shaman from Peru, Olivia Arévalo Lomas, was killed a month ago. I really want to find one of the locations near me where it is legal to do sometime this summer to do a shamanic vision quest and reconnect with it all more clearly.

I first did magic mushrooms when I was a teenager and the trip was the most profound trip I had ever had. Much of what I have experienced most profound in the following 40 years or so was seen on that trip, and so much more too. I saw my amazing past lives, which I later went further in detail to review through various rituals. One was of a Mayan grandmother shaman elder. Probably the most profound was as a priest in Atlantis, which was later seen in other shamanic rituals by others with me I had in Brazil. That helped to validate what I sometimes had grown to think I must have dreamed it up. I saw this huge change humanity and earth are about to pass through.

I absolutely know you found me on my New Would Currency post for a greater purpose to validate my clear calling of late to return to the path of my heart more seriously. Thank you so much for following your path into crossing mine. Who knows maybe one day I will visit you in Costa Rica too. Much to chew and reflect on here.

I would always welcome a good conversation over dinner. Should you ever come to CR - and in times of temporary darkness this is one of the best places to be in the world - please let me know and we can meet. :)

I would love to go deeper into shamanic visions and everything as I feel strongly connected to this kind of work and realms. For now I trust that everything will come in due time and I concentrate on financial freedom first.

That would be awesome. Who knows, maybe one day... I too concentrate on financial freedom first, while trusting the universe, great spirit, mother earth and father sky. If you ever go back to your homeland to visit let me know, as I'm just south of the Alps for now, where many Germans frequent quite often and maybe our paths may meet in this area as well. Watching your video, you remind me a lot of a German friend I once met down in Lignano beach.

Thanks for sharing all of this, as it really has me psyched up to go deeper into shamanic visions, as I feel strongly connected to this kind of work and realms too. Friday I'm meeting a friend to discuss planning a trip for the ritual I mentioned to really go deep into it. I really feel it connects also with current world events/powers, the whole New World Currency change on the horizon and crypto space as well somehow. These are very exciting times indeed.

How cool is this?! I was just listening to that exact same Icaros music a few days ago. #spirituality is my favorite conversation topic, and I'm happy to see you hinting at it here. I relate with you, brother, from the game you describe to the Work, with ayahuasca.

I belong to a line that reveres the sacred plant medicines, and so I'm happy to know our Paths have some intersecting lines. I resonate with what you're saying and at the same time my circles have different ways of saying it–everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of the divine. Aho Mitakuye Oyasin. I honor you as my Relations, and I wish you well on your Journey.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Aho! I feel like we should share a mutual ceremony one day that unites the eagle and the condor in the land of the hummingbird. My journey on Steemit will hopefully allow me to buy some land in the jungle here and create a center for sacred plants and healing without the usual squeeze of money. I dream of a place that is surrounded by nature, constructed with sacred geometry and blessed by the elders. A place for healing for all human beings and magic to enfold.

Amazing. Yes! Good Work, brother. I'm really happy to learn about this Vision of yours, and I promise to do my part to support you in fully realizing it.

oh that is so cool and i would love to be a part of journeying to this place and meeting you all in a space like this <3 blessings! & visions :D

How perfect. Yes, let's meet there!

There is so much to this story that I have to leave out most of it or else start writing a book here.

I read up to here, and just from your post up to this point I think I'd read that book!

Just thinking about this now makes me rock my body again...

Do you remember everything that was physically happening as well as mentally? Because you talk about a lot of things that are physically happening: you sit up, stretch your arms out, rock back and forth. But also, concurrently and mostly, the mental aspect of the experience... Are you "conscious" during it and aware of both your physical and mental states?

We are being blinded and manipulated by dark forces and we all have the power to wake up and change the world. Every person is significant and every experience is important. We are now living in a moment of universal history where something magical is happening that has never happened before. A moment of exponential change through technology and spiritualism. But rest assured, pure love is the substance of it all.

Truth! Too bad more people don't think this way and/or act on channeling these thoughts into positive energy and actions!

Was this something you planned extensively? Did you have specific connections/contacts? I'm asking because it's inspiring and something that I'd consider doing, with more research.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
Are you "conscious" during it and aware of both your physical and mental states?

Personally, I was mentally fully aware of everything around me as well within me during all Ayahuasca sessions I had. It is a state of great clarity about yourself and the universe.

Yes, I planned that ahead and I still have contacts in Iquitos. In fact, i am going there in less than a month from now again for the first time since that experience I described here. Let me know when you need more info.

Hey @flauwy I watch your steem show and I wanted to know something and this could be an idea for another video and what i wanted to ask you is do you think YouTube is a bubble?
I made a post about why I think it is a bubble and i want to know how you feel about it Please leave feedback and tell me do you agree with me.


That experience sounds crazy. I’ll keep you posted when I’m ready for more info! Thanks dude.

Thank you for taking us on this journey. I think in the darkest of times is the biggest opportunity to find the light and magic in the world. We sink deep in the abyss to find the clues of how to turn our life around.

I think it was very brave of you to go on this journey, but no doubt has it enriched your life and it was the right thing to do.

I definitely think your life story could be written as a book - I have never heard another story like it ! Resteemed

I definitely think your life story could be written as a book

Maybe when I am old and grey I consider it. ;)

Very good stuff @flauwy. I connected with it a great deal.

While never going down there to meet the shamans, I have heard from those who did. What you describe is an incredible experience. To feel that connection to all things, to be able to identify the source of the entire see the oneness has to be amazing.

I agree we are on the cusp of a huge shift for humanity. Through the advancements of technology, I believe we are going to see the merging of science and spirituality. Technology is only a tool to enable us to reclaim our true powers. Reading the great spiritual texts, we see many references to powers which are not available to use today. Yet they are within us...we just lost touch with them.

Thanks for opening up this part of yourself to us.

I think that the we are experiencing a change more profound than anybody can imagine today. In 15 years the world will be very, very different to today. In 50 years we will not recognize it anymore compared to today. And this is all happening in our lifetime.

I do believe that we are not alone and that they eyes of many beings are upon us as we speak. Something big is happening and it is more than just amazing and scary tech.

What a glorious journey you're on Mr @flauwy. I wanna dare you to read this book my sir:

And once you've smashed that one due to its fewness in pages hit:

You'll realize that the dark forces from the evil one have been blinding us from seeing the truth of the perfection we already have. It's done. You are already perfect..

Wow, thank you so much for the book suggestions! Something like this is gold as every information always comes in the right moment of time. I really appreciate it!

Tis my pleasure my sir..

This might also save you time:

@flauwy this was an incredible read. It was a pleasure to meet you and your father and experience both of your energies in the flesh, which has allowed me to feel the words so much more as I read through your spiritual journey. The beautiful chant continues to play as I write. I am so grateful to have met both of you. Love is the scintilla of energy. We exist in a strange realm and very few of us sense the truth. Thank you so much for your special message and friendship.
Screen Shot 2018-02-22 at 6.36.02 PM.png
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digest yourself logo phi and pi.jpg
WE are YHVH/God:Tao☯PiπPhiφ = Creation

Life is but a dream, a dream of the lower-selves.

I am just as excited to have met you and I believe we met for a reason which will yet have to reveal itself to us. There is much I want to learn from you and I am looking forward to the day where our physical paths will cross again. You are an amazing human being and I am glad to know you!

Great story and post flawy. I am new to Steemit, but am finding myself right at home here. I relate very much to your story. I am an astrologer (finding astrology saved my life quite literally). I am also a poet, philosopher, medium, and for lack of a better word... a "mystic". I am on a spiritual path too and it's a strange day that I do not have some potent connection to the "other side". I have not done ayahuasca but am attracted to it. However, strange as it may sound, I am so totally sensitive to psychoactive substances that I am thrown into visionary and sacred knowledge with the simple use of weed (once a day. one puff. thats it.). My sacred journey has been the most important part of my life, and will remain so. I'll follow you so as to keep updated on your journey. OH! and I am seriously considering a move to Costa Rica! I'm harassing my family up in the States to consider such a move too. I am certain there will be very trying times in the near future. I'd like us all to be relatively safe in another country. Blessings.

Thank you for sharing that with me. I am following you to find our more about your path.

Costa Rica is amazing and many US citizens become expats here.

"I am so totally sensitive to psychoactive substances that I am thrown into visionary and sacred knowledge with the simple use of weed (once a day. one puff. thats it.)."


Yeah, I don't know of anyone quite like me. I use weed for sleep. That's it. But the bonus I get is the deep visionary state I go into. It's not a high either, its an actual shift in consciousness. Funny I didn't smoke weed until I was 57! Then I discovered it's benefits. Yes indeed, I am lucky.

i'm glad this drifted into my feed. such a powerful story. thank you for sharing tid bits of your journey and the acute personal power you discovered while on your trip. i love the fact that you following your inner urgings and your thought-lines, led you to your wife, you realization of your purpose in life, and many other potent portals. i have done the same and my life is much different than i ever dreamed of and i am on my journey <3

it is so amazing that while on this earth we each have the opportunity to listen to the inner voice and nudgings, and to find the golden thread and follow it to our own inner kingdom. i especially love that in the end you said you are not a special or enlightened person. this speaks to the fact that everyone has the ability to go on their journey- not just "special" or "called" people... and all of us are here and are walking our unique walks that do not look like other peoples- and it's all in divine timing.

also, we have so much to thank for our plant allies. we are destined to meet them. i,too, heard the call of ayahuasca and had a rebirth... it was meant to be and my heart blown open, i am forever thankful for the jungle education.

thank you... this was very beautiful @flauwy <3

Thank you so much for this beautiful reply to my journey. I am glad you found your own and that you embrace the mystery and love that is guiding us all. Hold on to that strength as we will all need it when the right time has come. We are all shaping our universe individually and as a species and the fractal universe reflects that on all levels of existence. Let us make our small fractal as amazing and loving as possible as that will ripple through the universe and heal us all.

Woow @flauwy I must admit the whole story sucked me in as if I was physically present every step of the way. This song is captivating I like.

I am happy my journey was capturing your attention. :)

I loved the artwork you shared in this post! It really brings you into the feeling of the inner experience. Followed! I have a lot of friends who have taken ayahuasca, but haven't done it myself. I have been exploring spiritual journeys in other ways by traveling around India and Asia meeting great living masters, which is also amazing in a different way -- and the core truths are definitely the same all around the world.

I'm also a huge fan of laughter therapy because I feel like people to lighten up more in general. In a way, this world is a long dream that we're going to wake up from, you know? So that's why I've been focusing on writing more funny parodies on my Steemit blog these days to try to give people a little smile to keep them going. 😃



I have been to a laughter therapy once. It was hillarious! :)

Traveling through India must be amazing!

Yep. Everyone should go there or somewhere in Asia at least once. Pop question: What's the funniest story you've read in a long time?

Well, I need to watch less of your videos. While I was reading this magnificent article I caught The Narrator in my head reading the text with German accent.

Amazing, brave trip and amazing story.

Can you please clarify that first mushroom you took in England? Was that Amanita Muscaria? There are many people who believe that the Holy Grail was a symbol for Amanita Muscaria because it can take you very far in the spiritual journey.

Life must be very different for you now when you know for sure that you are limitless and eternal, that you are The Dance itself. :)

Thank you for sharing good news for all of us.

Nooooo, the German accent................

The mushrooms I took were Liberty Caps. I haven't heard of Amanita yet. Thank you for sharing that!

What an awesome story! Thanks for sharing!
Although I define "spirituality" different (and having nothing to do with substance induced states, that will naturally come and go) - but every path is different and it seems as if this path was the right one for you! Also it´s a good thing, that your first wife left you! 😉
A friend of mine met his wife through pickup manipulation tricks and has now the trouble to keep up the mask he build at the beginning - basically living the life of the persona he made up instead of his own true being, like an actor... Horrible - so lucky you! 😀

Yes, that is pretty much what happened to me!

And you are right, there are many paths and substances are just a few of those. It is not for everybody as we are all unique and follow a different path. :)

Good writing bro

I've been wanting to go through that process but to be honest I think we go through it a lot of times in our dreams.

When you become lucid and start interacting with the world around you it can be some mind blowing shit.

I think if I ever did end up doing this I would be mind blown as well and never come back the same. Thanks for sharing!!!

Yes @alao I think our dream space can be truly magical. I used to have wonderful flying dreams, such a sense of freedom in that.
@flauwy so glad you know we are all one and magical and that you followed your intuition. I love that you wanted your father to be with you and that you love @perceptualflaws posts as much as I do. I really liked the music - much more me, than the electronic trance music. Happy days :)

I always wanted to have lucid dreams. But I am struggeling to remember my normal dreams already which is the absolute basis for lucid dreaming.

Well the thing that seems to work for me looking for clues that you are sleeping. For some reason when you hit a light switch it won't work or when you look at the time it keeps changing. Once I know in dreaming I look at my hands to make sure I stay lucid. You can lose it really quick.

On a side note I'm happy to see how well your doing on here. Thanks for the Dtube tip. That has really helped on my payouts verses just posting on YouTube.

Ah Flo!

Amazing experience those two must have been.

Im glad that you have found your life purpose, and I also feel you'll keep on developing yourself, as we all do if we work on it.

I certainly quest for self-improvement as well.


I guess the fact about the life's purpose isn't as fulfillin as it sounds as it is rather confusing and blurry to me. A quest of its own.

The answer is 42 man, I thought you'd know it by now :P

DMT is so weird, I have only smoked it I have not taken the Ayahuasca jouney yet. I like all the psychedelics I tried some Amsterdam smart shop peyote once too. Good post you are lucky to be in Costa Rica too its like a dream vacation to most people, and you get to live there

I also have smoked DMT and it is a VERY different experience. Smoking it is a quick, scary experience that pushes you directly to the other side. Ayahuasca is gentle and meets you half-way here.

What if you smoked a hit or two of DMT at the top of an Ayahuasca trip?

Great story what an amazing journey! Also the fact that the other two participants experienced the energy that you were sending them. There are other planes of consciousness and I feel it at times even though I have never taken any hallucinogens. Yes the journey continues and I also feel like there are many new possibilities available in the world today. Its great that you have found a good wife and also started your family while living in a paradise. The rhythm of the music and the voice added meaning to your words. Thanks for posting this!

I am happy you enjoyed this little journey I shared with you.

Indeed, you don't need any drugs to experience the greatness of creation. There are infinite ways to connect to source!

May your footsteps shape the world under you dear Flo.
Thank You.

And may you see the eternal halls of wisdom and beauty in this life of yours to walk and talk on earth like the infinite being you are!

This is highly emotional for me. You have seen it all my friend.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Have you heard about IBOGA? This is a native medicine plant from Africa which is nearly as powerful as Ayahuasca.


It is mostly from Central Africa. It is used for incarnation and consultation.

That takes me back to the few times i have done shrooms. All were great but not on that level. Damn. I cant even imagine doing psycodelics on every continent except Antarctica.

You can't imagine it, except for Antarctica? So you DO want to take psychodelics on Antarctica?

I meant more that you have done it on every continent except Antarctica. But for the record i am totally down to trip my balls off with a bunch of penguins.

Maybe there is a big hole leaving to the central sun. But I guess I am going off-topic now. What were we talking about initially?

Initially? Not sure, kinda covered the whole spectrum. Man whoring, swinging, depression, love then the last 3/4 seemed to be a lot of awsome trips on diffrent continents. Bravo sir.

Awesome story! I felt called to share an ayahuasca journey for this contest too. Much love.

The more of these stories we share the more people can start opening their eyes. :)

Yes! Exactly. My personal mission in life is to spark the divine brilliance within millions of people. And this kind of stuff is definitely a part of that.

Enlightening post! Thanks for sharing your experience, your story is very interesting and shows us how important it is to not fall for dark forces. I myself experienced psychedelics trips to find out a lot about myself and the reality in which we all live in. I truly believe just like you that we are all one ! I will start writing a post about my journey to share like you did!

Please share your own journey to enrich the world with the wonder we are all experiencing.

Absolutely brilliant post! Loved your writing and the story!

Thank you, I am glad you liked it! :)

@flauwy ... Wow, just, WOW. That was one hell of a read. Thank you. Makes you stop and wonder how many things in life we are missing out on. This life is probably more spiritual than it is physical, yet most of us live in 99% physical. Great to here peoples point of views and first hand experiences. Also a big thanks to @jerrybanfield for setting up this #SWC.

Makes you stop and wonder how many things in life we are missing out on.
That was my intention. I am glad you found it useful to read.

this journey has taught you a lot and you have evolved a lot from this willl define the great journey ahead :)

I am still struggeling with all the human faults. A neverending story.

I scrolled all the way down in search of negativity and found none. Is the Steemit community alternative in its entirety, or are there conservatists? The topic of scheduled drugs among the populus is quite homogenous, that's why I am curious.

There are all sorts of people on Steemit. But the downvote function might be responsible for stopping some to speak negatively against others. Or maybe they just didn't read/see my post in the first place.

i have seen someone i follow on instagram go through the process of Ayahuasca,it was in brazil i think it was performed where theres plants,trees i kept wondering why its done that way. i wondering wjy its done where there's much plants and trees and whats the function of it. thanks for the post Man

Doing this medicine surrounded by nature activates its true potential. Doing it in a city would not be the same thing.

Well... that took quite some time to read xD
First thing, i never heard about that city, need to check that, is it a good place to visit? For ppl that don't want to dabble with the mushrooms and all ?
Also need to read the Game... i always post pone it goddamn

Thank you for taking the time! Visiting Iquitos just for its beauty is possible but probably not the best place in the world to go to. ;)

The Game is a good book and Neil actually warns about the dangers of the game in it but it is easy to fall for it nevertheless.

you know those ppl that have no game? Well im worse, i have negative game xD so i should probably read that book
My next trip is to Thailand, visiting for the beauty ofc, ill try to pay it with steem xD

Thailand is awesome, I have been there a million years twenty years ago!

You don't need game to find true love. It will find you if you open your heart to the possibility.

twenty years ago? that was literally decades ago!! If i ever travel to Thailand you can tag along xD ill be happy to have you as a travel companion @flauwy !
PS- still saving that witness upvote for when you become a witness

And I am still trying to figure out how to install that bloody software on the server...

Would love to help, but my knowledge about the stuff is 0 unfortunately.
Take as long as you have too! Your witness upvote is as secure as my ledger wallet xD (inside a safe, buried, protected by 2 attack dogs, a velociraptor and a clown just for the lols)

I wanna see someone painting that scenerey so that I can sell the plans to the highest bidder.

its so inspiring and motivating..everyone live bad things but people must believe in theirselves and determine a target. after that a lon journey and war...thanks for this great writing friend

You are welcome and I hope I was able to make you think about the nature of the universe.

one of my heroes move to Hawaii to and become monk many years ago. i personal are not religious in any way, but appreciate others who find ways in life through somting Spiritual else then "normal".
i just started my life's journey with some of The base
you had..nice to see it can be fixet..

I am also not religious whatsoever. But I am deeply spiritual through my own experience and I do believe there is hidden truth in all scripture and mythology. But there is also manipulation and false teachings. It is up to us to read between the lines.

The Game was definitely an awesome book. I wish I would have read it back in my teens. Teaches you a lot about life and human behavior.

The Game has opened my eyes to how easily we all are being manipulated by little things. It is a journey that can help one to become more confident in oneself and at the same time make you go down a path of darkness if applied in the wrong way.

Well anything can take you down the path of darkness if the intent is there. It's basically NLP (neuro-lingusitic programming) that can help people to as a method of therapy (the original intention of the skillset). But I do agree that the urge is there for selfish purposes rather than noble ones more often than not.

Well, in that case it is difficult to use this skill in beneficial way to others. But it is possible.

This is very interesting @flauwy, I want to learn this.I hope you can also share this in your posts or if you can give me guidelines or tips. Thank you very much @flauwy.😊

Soon I will be back in Iquitos and this time I will be on Steemit to share it with the world as it happens.

That's good to know @flauwy! I am excited! :) ♥

Thank so much for this. I have been trying to find time to write my SWC post but as a mother of 3 small children it has been extremely difficult to finish without feeling like I am neglecting the many task I have. I appreciate this story because it is both inspiring and encouraging to finish mine. Thank you for sharing more magic with the world. It needs it!

I am happy that my story showed you some love and magic of this amazing world. Let us all bring the love to ourselves, other humans and the entire universe.

Definitely. Here is mine too if you are interested. Pay out just passed but its really the story that is more valuable to share with others than anything else.

"DNA and Past Life Trauma Healing"

I loved reading this and found so many truths I have experienced as well from we are all one to the purpose of life and the amazing time we are at in transforming our mind world! I added this to my list to resteem!

I take it you are still accepting entries for the SWC contest? I am still writing mine. It is so easy to write and write and write. I wrote 800+ words and then lost it all. I had to start over from a new space after relinquishing my frustration. I am hoping I will get there soon...

Thank you Jerry! It was your inspiration that gave me the strength to share this with the world and I can already feel the love and the ripple effect it has on our world. Let us all spread love and magic and make this world we have all been waiting for!

Hello @flauwy,

Thank you for sharing such a deeply personal and magical experience. I have no idea why, but was pleased you thought to take your father along with you for the adventure! Be well my friend.

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It's very moving and very important for me and for people. verry good work !!

This post has received gratitude of 9.87 % from @appreciator thanks to: @flauwy.

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your story is very amazing. I just love it.

good friends

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow!!! Last night I went to a Singing Bowl Meditation and just booked my ‘trip’ to Peru. I woke up and saw your post. I do believe in signs and messages from the Universe... so Thank You! 🙏🏻

Wow! When are you going and where?

@flauwy Do you remember the name of the apprentice shaman - Allen? I am in Minnesota, and believe we are part of the same network. I know of Freddy and Don Ramon.

Very inspiring story, and well written. This is the only post of yours that I've read. Are you still exploring astrology? God bless.

nice photo @flauwy...i like it

Lets say cheez and upvote my profile. :-)

Wow this is damn supernatural @flauwy 👍👍👍👍👍
Kudos to you
You can also check out my near death experience

Magnificent post sir just outstanding thanks for sharing with us

@Upvote done :)

Las imagenes están encantadoras al igual que el contenido. Felicidades amigo!

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Very good master.
please help follow and vote me master.

great work sir fresh mushrooms can be added to everyday dishes to provide extra serving of vegetables and deliver important nutrients including niacin selenium and riboflavin . mashrooms also have vitamin D ergothionene and potassium....
stay blessed and thanks for posting a very informational post..
and also increasing my knowledge..

Such a trip and such a trippy photos really great I have had some great mushroom experiences in my past. I enjoyed reading your entry here is mine

This post has received a 23.03 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flauwy.

I have ordered the book called the game , by neil strauss .