I'm feeling mighty important today!

in sweetsuccess •  7 years ago 

Its not everyday that one of the largest active whales on the platform takes notice of your content.
One of, if not the, biggest bot operators thought my content worthy of his attention!
That is a red letter day in my book.

I wouldnt have thought me sooo all fired important.
Before stinc took away the view counter i was doing good to get 30 views, a number of which had to be my own.
I havent had a large whale vote but a couple times in the two years I've been here, but today I got 30% whale vote from one of the biggest bots on the chain!

Suck on that, losers!

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Maybe someday I can upvote you with my million Steem Power. My vote Power will probably only be at like 10% though. lol

Its a nice thought, but if you ever threaten their hold on power they will stop you.
Besides, you wont be allowed to earn that much in rewards, only sycophants need apply.
Ive been here two years and have about 2/3 of what ive gotten in this account.
But look at the golden boys and girls, they are set for years, if not life.

You don't really seem to want rewards that bad. I'd estimate you could probably have 10-100 times the rewards you currently have if rewards was your #1 goal.

If i had slobbed whale knob in the beginning im sure id have more, but my soul isnt for sale.

lmao I was thinking more along the lines of bots but big upvotes do always help. lol

There werent any bots when i started, they wouldve been downvoted as bad for the community.
The hardfork that allowed linear rewards caused a bunch of people to rage quit.

yes the golden ones for sure and i know plenty that just came on board within the last few months an they are doing very very well.

Yep, too bad my soul isnt up for sale, i could do well here.

@freebornangel i'm so happy to hear that, you are my angel for sure. scrappy one at that. hehe

Money isnt everything,..

@freebornangel true that but it does help feed us and keep a roof over our head. any news on the motorcycle?

Saving up money for the battery.

no its not, but it can help feed us and keep a roof over our head.

Crapitalism requires that we have some.

shouldnt that be at least $100? hehe
i like the "suck on that part."
also, you should be whaled much more often ... didn't you all kinda start together too?

Yes, he was here the month before me, but he bought his rewards, and his friends.
Its really sad, because somewhere in that black hearted greed is a good person he is doing his best to kill.
Look down my blog, youll see it on day 6.

oh wow, i did see it!
i do not see the $100 upvote though ...:(
i see people getting those upvotes for far less then what you are speaking about.
i have a contest i need to participate in and the subject is "find an issue with steemit and recommend or create a solution." any ideas? if there is one person i know who knows it would be you. i did some research to find complaints about things and people working on things ... i then found issues like whales taking all the monies again and how steemit will fail bc they create the tokens but then take them and that is why steemit will fail. ho hum
then of course after that research i see your post with what happen. :(

Its a sad state of affairs, for sure.
The people that stand the gain the most are not happy with that, they got to take ours,too?
Their stake stands to go from one million to 100 million and they got to take ten bucks from me?
I guess there really is no end to the greed of rich people.

makes me sick to my stomach and want to cry

Empathy is a dangerous fault in a crapitalistic world.

But dont let it get to you, acceptance of being born to lose kinda takes the edge off any disappointments in life.
Its just par for the course.

for sure, i don't have empathy for killahs!!
yeah we gonna WINNNNN in the Enddd WATCH!!

Lol, yep, if wrong triumphed over right the species would have died out.
This isnt the first battle between right and wrong.
It might be the last, though!

That is the only real problem i see with steem, and i dont have a solution that the greedy will allow to happen.

damn ... i feel it too .. and i have no solution either. thats the most harmful that ive seen since being on here ...

The truth always comes out.
It helps to stay on the right side of it.

yes it does, only thing is how can we better steemit?

There isnt alot we can do, the greedy have a lock on it with their massive stakes.
They arent going to stop selling their votes until a code change forces them to do so, and the code isnt changing because they have a lock on witness votes with their excessive stakes.

Pick something benign like adding gif functionality to the banners.
Maybe a more functional editor that lets you crop and resize them.
Instead of just being stuck as is with a pic.

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got it and replenished! thank you so much DS!! :)

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Congrats ..I think your hard work is finally paying off as your quality content has been rewarded ...

It's really good to get noticed by those you least expect and such moment really feels awesome because one wasn't expecting it. Enjoy the moment while it lasts.