I Fell In Love With Swimming - My New Passion💙🏊

in swimming •  4 years ago 

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Fell in love with this amazing sport... The heartbreak is very real...💔 Never thought I'd ever entertain the thought of getting vaccinated but the time has come. My love of swimming exceeds my desire to not encourage the government in this shitshow. This vaccine passport is a trap. A trap aiming to take away many joys of life. Still baffled by it all. Even if I wanted to keep on swimming right away, I couldn't. I'd have to wait at least a month in order to get the 2 shots. Disgusting. But do we even have the choice at this point? When employers have the right to make it mandatory. That's what our world has come up to.
Slavery at its finest. Prove me wrong.

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Facing the same decision, I have to travel for work to Europe and now I have to get the jab or not go.

The one and only @titusfrost!
I'm so sorry to hear that man. That's not an easy one. Have you made up your mind yet? All the best xox


Lulz you actually know who I am?

Yeah I am not taking it, question is, will I still be able to go or not?

Of course I do! How could I forget such an iconic username!
I admire you for not letting them win. I deeply hope that it will not impede on your ability to go.

Well I hope to see you swimming soon again as well.

You da best! Thanks a bunch xox

don't know where you live but where i live it is not required by law, but they are making your life so difficult if you choose to not do it. They can't MAKE you do it, but they can take away stuff that you can do if you don't.... like swimming in your case.

Where do you live?

You summed it up so well. They are doing everything in their power to make it so inconvenient to live and enjoy life if you're not xaved. So utterly disgusting. I live in Canada! What about you?

i actually guessed you lived in Canada because of a pic you posted that had a take out box and everything was in French. I'm in USA, Chicago more specifically. We don't have the government coercion yet, but since this is a very liberal city you can rest assured that such things will come and you can either comply, lie and potentially get in a lot of trouble, or you can move away. I'm not sure which of the last two i am going to do yet

Aw!!! That's so cute!!! Funny thing I'm actually going back to that place tonight to get that same animal nuggets box haha :) #obsessed

I'm so sorry to hear that man... This is awful. So unconstitutional. I want to keep my ground so bad but it's getting harder and harder. Sending prayers your way xox